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New University of Malta Masters Blockchain Degree Now Available for Students

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This is good news! I believe that this contributes to active development and promotion to a new future! The blockchain system does not stand still, and every year it begins to be used more actively, in different industries and specialties )

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This is a very good step by university of Malta. If students learns about blockchain technology in a professional way then they will surely become masters of this technology and then they can helps to improve and upgrade this technology.

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I think The University of Malta has done the right thing because the number of people who care about cryptocurrencies is increasing every day and they should be cared for and educated.

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It is a great news. Are they teaching to trade or what? And who are the professors? I would visit it, it is so interesting.

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Malta has its own laws regarding cryptocurrencies, it is perhaps the most open country in the European Union to crypto and blockchain technology, and perhaps for this reason, Binance has chosen its center in that country.

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On 10/24/2019 at 3:40 AM, dhemasm said:

IMHO, because the blockchain is based on cryptography I think they can add it to courses in Computer Ccience Degree but so far it's very good news that the blockchain has been accepted by many people.

Anyway looking forward to another great news like this!

This is a good thing if the universities are now adding the course of the Blockchain and students must have knowledge because Blockchain is future technology.

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It is a really good news. If small countries like Malta can introduce Block chain degree study for students, big countries can do better. This is a boost for the Crypto world as a whole.

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Blockchain engineering is not just for ICO, these are the blockchain startups that ask for funding from the crypto community and any investor interested. Blockchain engineering skills are required by many companies out of the crypto scope and can be very lucrative for the person that proceeds with these studies.

Malta has changed from Muscat as there were many irregularities and concers from the EU that their banking laundering scheme was about to be exposed. There were events and some people gain a lot of power in Europe, having some plans that are not very clear right now.

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I think it is very good news for users because the University of Malta has a very easy degree for beginners and after attaining this degree, we can keep information about one thing of cryptocurrency and we can have more experience which will make us able to earn more profit.

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29 minutes ago, Naseer Ahmad78 said:

I think it is very good news for users because the University of Malta has a very easy degree for beginners and after attaining this degree, we can keep information about one thing of cryptocurrency and we can have more experience which will make us able to earn more profit.

I don't think you understood. This is not about you making profit from trading cryptocurrencies. This is about acquiring a skillset that will help you find a job as a developer. It is programming knowledge and database structure for blockchain systems. There is no easy degree either, how do you know if this is easy or not? It needs to study a lot and it is easier only if you already are a programmer in C++, Java, Python and understand blocckhain systems as well. 

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Malta isn't big country but taken the initiative of adoption of crypto currency. Their steps will open new path for professional degree, which would open a path for new jobs in blockchain. People will start taking crypto as serious carrier and more universities will take interest in crypto studies. Because now the world have enough engineer and doctors. But this field is new to world and have many opportunities. Their for it will relief the unemployment ratio. 

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My friend, it is very good that the blockchain platform provides such a thing and provides a master's degree at the University of Malta. I really hope to study in it, and if it is possible for me, I will not shorten and I will go to study a major in cryptocurrencies Thank you friend

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Universities should understand that blockchain technology is required by industries and offer more and better courses as too many developers and bachelor holders would want to have this degree but will have to move to another country to earn it, something that makes many governments look follish not to be adaptive to the new trends and technologies.

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Thanks for the information, I wouldn't move to Malta of course, not even consider it for vacations but anyway it is good to know, however, there are many universities all over the world offering blockchain degree and not just this country, which while it poses to be crypto-friendly it is also bank-friendly and for many wrong reasons.

Edited by yonkii

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 there are are many universities who are offering short courses in blockchain technology for students. But first time some universities are creating masters degree for blockchain students. But they have to create employment opportunities in blockchain technology first so that students will be attracted towards this degree.

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Wow this is very interesting course, if we master block chain this means we are moving to the area where we all ought to have greater things in life. Because this will help in making sure all block chains are safe and reliable, and this will be a good development for all the crypto users as they might also wish to learn more about it.

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Blockchain courses are trending again, but this is usually about engineers that plan to work in companies like IBM or Amazon and get a job in the field as programmers of blockchain systems, but this is usually not going to be something that will make any difference for Bitcoin or any other crypto. Why should it do a difference, Bitcoin has its programmers and community and these studies are about IBM and some Chinese cargo companies, along with any other big company that wants to have a blockchain system.

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This is really promising , and it means general tendency towards crypto recognition, the whole world is affected by the power of cryptocurrencies and starting to consider it a science that deserves a college section is admission of its importance , I hope I can study this wide world of crypto in a college ad be able to learn all about its secrets.

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This is great, my friend, for the new blockchain culture to be spread and developed continuously in order to obtain the best technologies for cryptocurrencies and achieve good profits.

We are searching for knowledge through experience and personal skills, and I hope this new culture will spread

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On 10/24/2019 at 3:12 AM, XiongMengLee said:

Malta, the Blockchain Island of the Mediterranean, has one of the most pro-blockchain systems ever created. They certify distributed ledger platforms; they regulate smart contracts and have frameworks for launching ICOs.


The most logical next step would be to have a master’s program in there as well.


The University of Malta is beginning its inaugural semester of their Masters Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology. This course starts this October, with around 35 students that have enrolled. This marks the only DLT-specific master’s program in the entire island nation, and one of a handful of programs around the world.


This is the latest step in an all-out charge Malta has been doing for the past two years to embrace anything and everything Blockchain.


Back in April 2017, Joseph Muscat, Malta’s Prime Minister, unveiled the plan for Malta to become a heavyweight in the Blockchain. The exact words of the Prime minister were “global trailblazer.” This is the unpopular choice nowadays with DLT, with most of the world governments lagging behind, or outright going against DLT as a whole.


The Maltese were quick to jump on the DLT train, with their Lawmakers quickly passing blockchain-friendly laws. Naturally, this caught the industry heavyweights’ gaze. Binance, the world’s largest per-volume crypto exchange, and OKEx both announced they would relocate to Malta.


Under a year of Malta making this move, and it’s already giving them a lot of profit. Crypto firms across the globe were packing up and coming to Malta, with more business on the way.


Joshua Ellul, Masters Program Direct and head of Malta’s Digital Innovation Authority, talked to the press about the matter. He stated that there was a high demand for his DLT students. Ellul elaborated that 15 companies have already contacted them, with high demand in the government-backed blockchain contracts, projects, and initiatives as well

it's good news that people are now more motivated towards cryptocurrencies and countries are started their digital study in the form of degree in universities and if these initiatives are being taken on a scale then no doubt the world progress very much.

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It is nice to have blockchain education being increasingly offered by universities around the world. Malta had this idea of becoming a blockchain country however I never understood what they tried to do probably they didn't either, anyway Malta is not a golden opportunity for anyone, there are Universities in most countries that offer this education and this is not something important even for last year, as most courses are given for more than four years.

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This will help the crypto market to be more valued, and there will be more investors trooping in to join the cryptosystem train and many peoples will now become experts and acquire a degree.

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Encryption is a broad science and it contains a lot of information and experiences. Whatever you learn about coding, new news and information you learn appear every day.
Therefore, it is a good step for the University of Malta to teach coding and grant a master's degree in this discipline. This experiment should be circulated to universities around the world.
I am excited to study this major.

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It is good to belong to a government that accepts cryptocurrencies, it is a great support and even better that universities teach and show the true potential that there is on them, so what happens in Malta when they fully accept cryptocurrencies is something great.

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What it promotes is the use of cryptocurrencies and this is very good for governments and entities such as universities to promote or teach the use of cryptocurrencies because this is very good for the future of our economy.

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