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About SoooS555

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  1. Thank you, my friend, for writing this post about this coin chia .. As for me, I did not have interesting information about it, but I will search and learn about it so that I can use it in the future after I study what I can benefit from or not.
  2. It's a great question, my friend. Unfortunately, the Forum has banned linking old accounts, so you will not be able to do it .. All you can do is write and study the forum without getting paid .. good luck my friend.
  3. Yes my friend, do not worry about the ban .. In the forum rules and foundations, the forum does not block you, because each account has its own ip, even if the network is one .. So, continue your work to reach success and I wish you success.
  4. The cryptocurrency is one of the best currencies in the world, and its price has increased during the past ten years, as it was less than a dollar and 20 thousand dollars became a huge price .. So everyone benefits from it and takes it when the prices are low and sell when it is high and they earn.
  5. It's a great post .. I want to tell you not to worry about this topic. They wrote in the forum rules that there should be one ip, one account, and one e-mail. As for wife networks, it is not specified, so continue your work and do not worry.
  6. It's a nice question, my friend .. I do not advise you to save them all in the portfolio, but take a part of it and make the investment process in order to win more, but you have to ask and inquire before you invest and trade in order to lose all of what you got. Good luck to you, my friend.
  7. Thank you, my friend, for this great post. I agree with you. I presented a very wonderful way to write posts, where members should read your post and use it in all their posts .. good luck for everbody ..
  8. Yes, my friend, your post was previously shared and discussed. When a person is exposed to any emergency event in his life, all his work and profit will go because no one knows anything about his private portfolio .. Therefore, I advise you to share your information with someone close to you so that your profits will not be frozen in the event that something happens to you, God forbid.
  9. Hello my friend .. I do not advise you about this thing because the forum does not know that these are multiple accounts .. Rather, it is calculated by multiple accounts for one person, which may lead to your being banned and not benefiting from them. So please pay attention and wish everyone good luck.
  10. My friend, you cannot get back your profits nor get them when you are banned, my friend .. Therefore, you have to do well, my friend, and pay attention to the rules and laws and not violate them in order not to be banned and lose everything.
  11. My friend, I completely agree with you and your post .. You are doing a good job so do not give up, but you have to persevere and continue to the end of the road in order to reach your goals and success that you dream of.
  12. Yes, my friend, we all work with it and tend to it because of its fluctuating price, which rises sometimes and decreases at other times .. If it is fixed and a unified price is set for it, we will not benefit and we will not get any profit. So good luck to all of you in your this work.
  13. Yes, my friend, they can withdraw from one bank .. As there are many people who send their payments to one bank and get paid by all of them, as it requests information about the name, number, and so on. Good luck to all.
  14. Yes, my friend, I agree with you .. Many beginners enter here and do not know much about investment and trading operations to make a lot of money, but rather they participate in sites that give only a little profit .. Therefore, I advise you to learn to participate in trading.
  15. Bitcoin has become a very global currency, and dealing with it has become more common, as it benefits us in our profit and investment .. Therefore, you must learn well before you perform any process in order to obtain Bitcoin .. Good luck to you, my friend.
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