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About cryptolover12

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  1. I don't think that if you get free bitcoins than they will help a lot in revenue but it's good if ypu get some free butcoins but a lot of these sites which provide free bitcoins are fake just becaue when you trying to withdraw they limit that you need to verify yourself or purchase something this to eithdraw that btc. I just say invest ylir money not oo much just according yo to your pocket on trusted sites.
  2. Hi dear. This is very useful post and I like ypur content about how brief your your topic, i appreciate. One thing I say is that if you like to invest in crypto currency and you've plan to be the part of crypto world than you must have sufficient knowledge and knowledge you'll get from these forums where you answer others questions and raise your queries l. The more time you spend I think the more you learn.
  3. Hi brother thanks for sharing such an informative post for all newbies who know nothing regarding crypto currency or know a little bit. I appreciate your post. The more time you spend on this forum the more you learn in this way. But make shre that you do posts within the guidelines and limits provided by cryptotalk. I just say to freshers keep getting knowledge and keep doing work in which they feel interested.
  4. Hi dear. I think this is a good platform for knowledge purpose and obviously for a good earning but i don't think this will be a full time job in future. If you're a student and want to earn some amount than cryptotalk is best platform for this but considering it for the full time job that's not right. Ypu should consider it as a second job for getting infor3and fun and good amount only if you are interested in crypto currency.
  5. As a begineer you found amny issues and problems whatever thing you started. But if you have good friends and helping people you face every issue easily. Same like on this forum cryptotalk, if you've not knowledge about nothing than start noticong people comments and creat your issue in form of topic. You'll get answer and than you not find any issue but make sure you read all the privacy policy before joining.
  6. Hi dear. My colleagues started this in early 2020 and they said that they found it very informative and they grt a lot of knowledge abput crypto currency. They said why not you started cryptotalk so I just signup and found it very informative and interesting. The interesting thing is that you got a good amount of coins also with knowledge.
  7. There's no particular reason for this that why people earn less here. But according to my thinking the most common reasons and mistakes people do here are that they do comments okn every single post in which they have zero knowledge and they don't know anything about them. In addition to, they just copy someone others comment do spin and write in the comment and mislead others. Violation of terms and conditions. These things make them not just to earn less but also banned from this forum too.
  8. Yes and obviously it's a good source of income if you use it wisely without violating any privacy policy. You can earn here in the form of coins and later ypu coin withdraw that coins using yobit. If you are working constantly withput any mistske you can make up to 90$ here a month.
  9. Hi thanks for discussing this query but I don't satisfy with your thinking that you shouldn't waste your time on Beginner section. Brother if someone is a beginner and he or she don't have sufficient knowledge regarding crypto currency than how he answer other queries like in bounties and crypto portion. Atleast he gets a lot of knowledge here once he gets knowledge than he shouldn't waste time here he should move to other tabs like bounties, exchange and crypto.
  10. I like ypur post because you're saying to work as a team and I totally agree eith your statement. Because the results which comes as a team you can't expect as an individual. In a team everyone have different mind set someone know other th8ng better and if you face any problems youc an discuss as ateam and solve them.
  11. I totally agree with you post. Crypto is a life changing plstform no doubt but if it used wisely and you have maximum knowledge of crypto. But if you're a begineer than i don't recommend to invest in crypto currency until you get some knowledge and experience. Well there a lot of ups and downs possible as it is risk factor also so be aware with all pros and cpns and then invest.
  12. Today's world is technology based and everything happens online and everyone using email and website on daily basis. Scammers access you through emails and messages where they will say that how tou get maximum profit eith minimum investment and showing you fake results and you invest in that company and got loss
  13. There are a lot of benifits which newbies get here like here you not just get free satoshi but here you get in touch with professionals and ypu learn a lot of knowledge here. Moreover it helps you to improve your English skill and writings skill too. So just help others and also share knowledge with everyone
  14. Well for right now there are advance security system which every website use to protect from scams and hackers like using advance protection and ssl protection. But sometimes what hackers do they send you emails and links of websites which looks exactly the original one where you provide your details and result you loose your btc.
  15. I think as such there's no suitable time for withdrawing but you can withdraw only once you have high amount because there's a lot of fees of withdraw so if you have high amount than you don't feel any discomfort in transaction. So i recommend to withdraw high amount not low amount.
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