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About sp19a1ma034

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  1. The new members will come on this plate form read the instructions follow the rules and regulations.also understand the old member topic and then give his suggestion.
  2. All the members wants to grow up in crypto talk plate form.they give good suggestions about post use strong language.crypto is best plate form where all members discuss on a topic together.
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  4. Crypto talk is helpful for us because we do comments on different posts and earn money easily at home.crypto is best for us because we are students after free from school wo do work on it and learn about different statgies . crypto can help us in financial problems.
  5. Yes we support new members.we should want to support new user on this plate form.because the new user don't know about the method of do posts.we aware him for the rules and regulations of this plate form.
  6. Yes we can criticise any topic.if you know about some posts wrong then you will give the right answer of this posts.rhe answer will not match the questions then you will give right answer with out any hazitation.
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  9. The biggener can follow the instructions of this plate form.they understand the topic and give his related posts.do not copy paste.use legal wordings.
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  15. I advise the new user never post with out prepare knowledge.because without knowledge they lose their character.the biggener should do hard work and make sure reputation and earn money easily.
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