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Everything posted by Moaz

  1. My dear friend, I advise you not to enter such sites, as these sites are full of illegal measures such as arms and drugs trade that are punishable by law, and most of its members deal with Bitcoin
  2. Frankly, if you used a browser brave more than a month ago, but I didn't know how to profit from it, I think you should have full knowledge about this browser and the way to profit from it.
  3. I have no information if this man is still alive, but he is definitely a great person and future generations must remember " satoshi nakamoto " because he has revolutionized the world of economics.
  4. I do not agree, I think that all months of the year are important for cryptocurrencies, but this year 2020 may be the fifth month is the most important month and that is because of the change that Bitcoin will witness
  5. I agree with you, I thought I would earn a lot of money from encryption, but over time the opposite happened completely, it takes more effort, I wish I entered this field early
  6. If you have 200 dollars, you must buy the lecticon currency, as it is a stable currency, and its price is now low and it is very expected that the price will increase dramatically within a month or two.
  7. Before investing in digital currencies, you must have knowledge of digital currencies and the skill in trading. For me, I am satisfied with investing 100 is a small amount, but it achieves acceptable profits.
  8. My friend, through my experience working on the Internet, I have not found a sincere website and it will give you your profits like CryptoTalk , So do not waste your effort in other sites and work in CryptoTalk
  9. I advise you, my friend, to buy digital currencies that have a price and are traded on well-known platforms then you can earn your profits securely through trading
  10. Moaz

    ATM for bitcoins

    I heard a lot about the existence of a bitcoin ATM in Japan, but I do not know how true this news is. In any case, I hope that is true. That would be great.
  11. I believe that the number of registered members of the forum is now more than 2000 members, and the topics published in the forum are diverse and comprehensive in all fields
  12. Yes my friend, it is the best website for profit from the internet, you can earn 80 dollars per month, but you must read the forum rules and conditions before starting work
  13. I think Dubai is one of the most ideal cities in Asia for it to be the largest market for cryptocurrency, due to its great openness to the world and the free economy.
  14. There is no cryptocurrency that can replace bitcoin. Half of the exchange size in the cryptocurrency market is for bitcoin only
  15. I think Russia is one of the countries most prepared to be friendly to bitcoin due to the presence of very large bitcoin mining farms
  16. According to Yes, the ethereum currency will witness an unprecedented rise in the digital currency market this year 2020 due to the major changes that will occur in this currency.
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