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Everything posted by DrFoLLy

  1. Not the best song. But it will do.
  2. Search for it on Google. Maybe you'll find what you were looking for. I found a 2-year key on Visual Studio.
  3. Search for it on Google. Everything is there. I found a 2-years key on ESET 32..🙂
  4. Most Influential People in my Life is my parents. They never talk nonsense. They have always helped me and will be able to help me, just as I have helped them.
  5. Good post. I agree with you. I have followed you. I also wanna ask you to follow me🙂
  6. 1. Send Messages Of Support 2. Prevent Coronavirus Misinformation 3. Give To A Group That Supports Public Health & Fights Coronavirus 4. Support Food Banks In Areas Affected By Coronavirus 5. Buy Meals For Families In Need & Hospital Staff 6. Donate To Local Charities Dealing With Coronavirus 7. Donate To An Organization Sending Supplies To Coronavirus Victims 8. Help The Animals Being Abandoned Because Of Coronavirus Fears 9. Be Responsible & Help Prevent The Spread Of Coronavirus 10. Give Blood During The Coronavirus Outbreak 11. Support The COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund 12. Help Service Industry Professionals Who Are Losing Their Jobs Because Of Coronavirus 13. Fund Domestic Workers' Paid Leave Amid The COVID-19 Pandemic 14. Support Small Businesses Struggling After Coronavirus Closures
  7. The very first thing you need to look at, is what exactly this product, program, or site is going to give you. Some sites make outlandish claims to draw you in to buy their program. For example, some scams will tell you that if you buy their program, you’ll make millions of dollars without having to break a sweat. If they tell you that, there is a high likelihood that program is a scam. Some programs you can tell right off the bat that they’re scams because of the way their pages are laid out, or because of the many grammatical mistakes that are on their website.
  8. Your computer's password no longer works Your computer's settings have changed drastically without your input File contents have been changed Some of your external devices (such as cameras, microphones, or GPS devices) seem to be powered on even when you are not using it.
  9. It's bad. Don't give up and make more money 🙂
  10. Satoshi Nakamoto is the name used by the presumed pseudonymous person or persons who developed bitcoin, authored the bitcoin white paper, and created and deployed bitcoin's original reference implementation. As part of the implementation, Nakamoto also devised the first blockchain database. In the process, Nakamoto was the first to solve the double-spending problem for digital currency using a peer-to-peer network. Nakamoto was active in the development of bitcoin up until December 2010. Many people have claimed, or have been claimed, to be Satoshi Nakamoto.
  11. Единственный бот, которого почти все использовали, это +left +forward в кончоль в кс го, когда вышел новый кейс.😃
  12. Чтобы создать хороший пароль. Просто попробуйте набрать что-нибудь рандомное, например 3o(t&gSp&3hZ4#t9. Это неплохой пароль – 16 символов, включает в себя сочетание разных типов символов, и его трудно угадать, потому что символы никак не связаны между собой.
  13. Пила не тяжелые фильмы, скорее интересные. Лично как по мне, лучшие это две первый части.
  14. Норм конечно, но если что-то раздают реально годное, то сайт лежит.
  15. The best way to avoid a scammer is not to communicate with unknown people
  16. Обычно, я и мои все друзья относятся нейтрально. Лично я сам отношусь нейтрально. Ну есть люди которые смотрят аниме, тебе не мешают, и в чём проблемы? Именно никаких. Но есть и, так называемые "фанатики" которые постоянно говорят о аниме, живут им, советуют, или что хуже навязывают. Вот как раз таки к ним у меня и у остальных знакомых крайне негативное отношение.
  17. Смотря для каких целей ты собираешься его использовать. В основном советую учить с++(он используется практически везде) и java.
  18. u4fnwia79 - Спасибо бирже Yobit и форуму CryptoTalk за возможность зарабатывать деньги за каждое сообщение!
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