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Everything posted by CryptoMiner228

  1. For example, for me the best cryptocurrency is BTC, because many people think that in 2021 btc will have cost such as 100000$, i think so, that will fall down, for this we need to invest in such currency like BTC. There are also good ZEC, XRP, Ethereum. They are good.
  2. Im not foing to risk with XRP, so if in 2021 will be very good price on it, i think i will buy it, so now i dont such money on it. For example, for me will be more profitable to buy mining on yobit and to make some money on it, because it really progitable.
  3. Hi, if u invest all in 1 coin it is good, if this coin have value, if doesn't have than, it is risky, because u can waste all your money on this coin. If u want to earn some money, on yobit there are vmining, where u can invest something and get profit in first 2 months
  4. Давно слышал про биткоин миксер и вот хочу разобраться, полезно ли это вообще и может ли это приносить прибыль, потому что давно хочу этим заняться и попробовать что то новое, но боюсь, что пойдет что то не так, вот читаю про это все.
  5. Welcome on CryptoTalk, here u can read about how to earn some money on BTC. Of course firstly and very easy u can write some posts or comments and then u will take 1000 satoshi for every post or comment. It is mean that 10000 satoshi = 1$, it is very good/
  6. Thank for this site, if it really works, i think i can make money on it. It will be very good. For example i can invest in such site as Yobit, it is very good. If i will take some money from it, i will respect you, because you helped me to withdraw something.
  7. I think cloud mining it is real, but you dont have a big profit. For example, if you want to win some money, u need to invest in virtual mining for a good result. On virtual mining it is better and every month u get passive profit. I think u need to try it, in 2020 it is very profitable option.
  8. Bro, thank u so much for this post, i think this apps can help me very good to make some BTC value, i think i can make sport at now and to earn some BTC coins. It is very good that creators of this apps make apps such as freebtc. I think they are good people.
  9. Многие говорят, что Яндекс Деньги очень хороши, но я лично не пользуюсь, мне больше по душе QIWI, или криптовалюта. Надеюсь, что в будущем люди пользоваться только криптовалютой, это намного облегчит нам задачу и можно будет неплохо зарабатывать. Всем мира и всех благ.
  10. Hi, if u want to win some money,u can invest in some crypto, because in 2021 it is very profitable, so after 2 months if u will be able to understand the system of this, u can to withdraw some money. But for it u need to invest something.
  11. It is real, but they still your information, do u need this? It is very expensive to mine somethink, because u need more resources. Better to buy virtual mining, in first 2 month u will get ur money, which u spend on it. So it is will be more better, i think.
  12. Зимой была раздача от Blockchain для приватных пользователей от FREE CRYPTO XPA (что то типо этого) Вообще я пропустил ее, может кто то знает, сколько там получали и как проходило это, потому что она была для GOLD пользователей, думаю, бонус там приятный был
  13. Давно, честно говоря читал про эту монету, очень неплохо поднялся курс на нее, так что, если вдруг в нее вложиться, то через пару месяцев можно будет увидеть и результат. Довольно прибыльная крипта на самом деле.
  14. Хочешь зарабатывать на криптовалюте - переходи на
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