If real currencies can be used as digital currencies. - Page 20 - For Beginners - CryptoTalk.Org Jump to content
Ch Ayyan

If real currencies can be used as digital currencies.

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It may happen, but we will have to wait a while that I think will be long before this happens because some countries still impose strict restrictions on dealing with some banknotes and it will take a long time to get rid of these obstacles.

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I don't have much information about converting coins into digital currencies, but I think that's possible and I know that digital currencies can be converted into coins as the value of bitcoin is $40,000 per unit.

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my friend I want to tell you that at this time this is the era of technology and everyone want to adopt the digital currency because the digital currency has more advantages over the physical currency thank you so much

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I don't think we can use cryptocurrencies to buy like fiat currencies. 

For example, you bought a car through bitcoin when it was  55,000 and the next day it went up to  60,000, so in this case you lost a lot so cryptocurrencies are only good for trading .

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My dear some countries are disheart from the digital currency. If your currency in the digital form so do not consider currency wil change currency so al people  change the currency.

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The problem is with central banks and the recognition of states in them, my dear, but this idea arose and is now taking its way to the actual spread, so I would not be surprised if this happened.

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Well bro. In my opinion it cant. The digital currency can change into the real currency. But real currency cant change in to digital currency.  Hope it that will be postbpined to the future plans. Lets wait for that time. 

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Hello..this matter requires governments to agree to this policy in dealing..I hope that this will happen in the future, and it will give the world flexibility in dealings.

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It would be nice if it did happen in the future.  The main problem is the control of banks on the transfer of real money.  In order for real money to be freed from bank power, countries must take carefully thought out plans.  We are moving steadily towards the world of cryptocurrencies, so it is expected that fiat currencies will disappear.

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Yeah if currency are change into digital then there is a profit. Profit is this robbers are not steal our crypto but there is also loss many people's having android phone and hackers are hack their phone and steal all crypto.

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 I think not because digital currencies at that time will become a global currency and there may be many scams and scams in this case, but digital currencies online can do well and perform their requirements, but as I said it is difficult to apply on the ground

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In my point of view Digital currencies are true and they are recognized as a means of payment by a number of retailers, and many employers welcome payment in Bitcoin and Ethereum as well, considering the reality that the bulk of them operate with cryptocurrencies. Still calling national fiat currency real suggests that cryptocurrencies are most definitely not real for you. I assume you will need to perform analysis and decide.

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Greetings my friend, this does not need to happen in the future,
Because in reality, this is what is happening now, because as you can see, the salaries are transferred to your bank account, and the bills are paid and the widgets and even tickets are purchased via the bank card.
In other words, real currencies are to be dealt with as cryptocurrencies

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My dear friend, in order to deal with encrypted currencies is much better than paper currencies and a very easy way, and I believe that in the future, dealing with encrypted currencies will be in keeping with the development and civilization in the field of technology

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In a sense, as we use online banking and credit cards and debit cards for international currencies, we are basically using our standard currency in the same way that we should all use crypto, and we are subject to transaction fees and other fees. So it seems that this is already the case for internet banking. If you're referring to confidentiality, I doubt we'll be able to achieve it.

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This is something I believe will be possible in the future, but not in the near future. 

This has been halted because if any currency can be used everywhere, it would cause a lot of confusion. 

However, as the world and nations develop, the day will come when all currencies will have the same value and can be used anywhere on the planet.

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Dear friend I think if possible whole world adopt cryptocurrency then real currency use as a digital currency. Now some country say cryptocurrency legal and some country say cryptocurrency illegal. Day by day many country adopt cryptocurrency. I think in future cryptocurrency use real currency.

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Now it is not available. But it may be capable of the future. Digital currency may not be as real currency. If possible, everyone will wake up a digital currency, since it comes with an online currency , it will be very difficult to exchange it for real currency. The price of the online currency is more than the actual currency, so if you do this, the currency in some countries will be very low.

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Modern banks, I assume, are already using this technology. I used to fly to other countries for holidays and would fail to swap my currency for the local currency, which caused me a lot of problems. I hope this solves the problem.

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Yes, my friend, we can use cryptocurrencies


Like fiat currencies, many dealers accept Bitcoin to pay online
Currencies other than Bitcoin are not accepted, and the future may bring with it a big new change
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This may happen in the future, but let us agree that it is a little complicated, but if the real currency of your country has a digital currency similar to it in the world of digital currencies, you will be able to convert to the currency of another country you are visiting it , thus dealing with money will be easier and you will not need to carry cash in your bag.

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I believe this is going to happen really soon as many companies and individuals are in to digital currencies these days people are using it for their day to day transactions soon digital currencies will replace real cureencies.

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Real currencies are being used as digital currency in a way when we use online banking amd transfer our money through online means from one bank to another around the world so it is used like digital currency as well.

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Of course, I believe that in the future all real currencies will become digital currencies like the dollar, I believe that digital currencies are better than real and safer, so I hope that real currencies will become digital currencies.

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