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Following is more important than getting follower

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Thank you for this information
It is a good idea to follow old members of the forum to obtain reliable and useful information
We still have to find these members to follow

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Hello my dear friend.yes we don't focus on getting followers but be have to follow that users which make good posts because their posts helps us to learn a lot of things about cryptocurrencies and also helps us to improve our mistakes and earn a hendsome amount of money for living at the same time.

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Dear @Jami273 I think we should concentrate on following people instead of increasing followers because if we follow senior members if this forum we can get lot of information and knowledge from them . This will help us to improve our writings and posts . When our work is up to the mark then other people will definitely follow us to.

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My friend, I think that the elderly are basically our teachers, and they are also very experienced, and no one can teach you like them, if you do this, your culture in the field of cryptocurrency will remain linked to the topics and comments posted by the members you follow. I advise you to follow the members you consider experienced, so by following them we can learn a lot of information

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I think my friend, instead of following you to get more followers, you should read the informative topics of the elderly and have a value that makes you gain more knowledge to earn money through it.

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Actually following members and members following you back are both important to learn and earn profit in this forum. Following members will make someone to learn from useful topics and getting more followers will make your post to be noticed to earn lots of reputation. Also, Following senior members in the forum is very good to learn more.

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On 5/17/2020 at 3:28 AM, Jami273 said:

Hello everyone❤

I think all of us like to get more follower on everywhere.I have seen couple of topics about how to get more follower in this forum.And really those post was so good for everyone.But i think we should give more concentration on following other people (experienced and best members) than thinking about getting more followers.Because the members who always post important and useful post,if we follow them and turn on notification for "Someone I follow post a status" from the notification setting,we will get nofitication for their every new topics.And then we can easily read their post and learn so many important things.So in this way we can make our learning more easier and faster in this forum.So i can say that following the good members are more important that getting follower.


So what do you think about this?


My dear friend yes you are absolutely right we should be conscious more about following rather than getting followers beacuse seniors are always right and whatever they say is fruitful for us so we should follow them to get benefits and more information about this forum

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You are right if we like the content of some person and if he is writing in the field we want to know about we should follow that person and to read all the topics he created next time

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The way we treat other members on this forum depends on our followers for our profile. They also follow us when we track the other members on this forum. I think we will automatically have a lot of followers on that forum when we create the constructive posts. @shakeelsherpao

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Indeed, my friend, following up with experienced and knowledgeable complainants will speed up the way for us to understand the topics being shared and thus gain more information in less time.

Indeed, my friend, following up with experienced and knowledgeable complainants will speed up the way for us to understand the topics being shared and thus gain more information in less time.

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Yes, you should always follow up on everything. Yes . Patience is the only key to a person reaching his dreams and ambition . We must be patient in order to achieve what we want patience as a door of man, so it is necessary to follow up even if there is no follower

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I m a new member here . I agree with u to some extent but not thoroughly . Because according to me at this forum , we should not think about following or followers . Instead we should thibk about new topics which are in dire need.

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Welcome my friend gaining follow-up or positive reputation is not a really difficult thing from my point of view all we have to do is persevere reading and gain experience about encryption and put up useful topics that attract members to interact with them good luck 

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My friend, I agree with you, but I have to clarify a point here, there are two types of members.
The first type is the one whose priority is gaining experience.
The second type is one whose priority is earning money.
Your post is useful and applies to the first type, that is, to gain experience we have to follow old members and experts to see what they post.
As for making money, we need to get followers, which helps in getting more reviews and reputation for our posts

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Excellent explanation the orientation of Jami273, this type of publications allows new members of the forum to learn more every day, I am pleased every day to belong to it and especially find people like Jami273 who help us to grow in knowledge. 

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Hi dear friend,

If your are following someone than you definitely learn from him. But if others following you than you should be active in this forum because they will see your post and learn from it. So try to be unique.

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My dear friend, yes, your words are correct. We must always learn from the elderly, read their topics, benefit from them and their experiences, and monitor their posts permanently. But I would like to give a little advice and please accept it. The novice must also spare himself ten minutes a day to read about the forum and also go to Google and browse through it. Thank you.

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I can say that following old members and hands is more important than getting followers..because the older and more knowledgeable members always spread useful and important topics, they are our teachers basically and have great experience .. This does not deny that the second option is also necessary. It is necessary to have followers to feel I love people to keep up with the latest developments in your topics

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I agree with you, following up with expert members who publish useful topics constantly will increase the benefit we gain by reading every new topic they write and respond to, and this is better than getting follow-ups from others.

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Yes, following is very beneficial. Experienced members of this forum who publish good content can gain experience by following them. So we should follow each other.

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Yes I certainly agree with this idea , following somebody will make you learn too much and make you appreciate the idea of others and this will make you leave the arrogance that you won't need it in the forum

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I agree with you my friend, we are in this forum learning from each other, we need to follow other members in order to learn from their experiences, for me I follow people who share useful topics I need to gain more experience.

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I agree with you, my friend, and your advice is 100/100 correct. The beginner or member should follow up on those who publish useful and unique posts whose thoughts and words are simple because the follow-up brings knowledge through useful posts and helps you progress step by step towards success when you learn correctly and gain valuable information.

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Bro it's not a good for making only a followers . Following and followed two different things and having a different benefits .Followers read your contents and learn. But you learn from your followings senior member .

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I agree with you, when you follow people who provide high quality content, this will benefit you greatly and increase your experience, and thus you will develop your content and help in the development of the forum.

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