Read also other's replies as well. - Page 12 - For Beginners - CryptoTalk.Org Jump to content
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Read also other's replies as well.

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Better believe it, unquestionably it encourages me a ton. There are not many themes come before me and I have no information about it. So at whatever point this sort of circumstance happens, I read different answers, It will assist me with making a rundown to give an answer. It additionally gives me information

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Along with sharing posts and your personal views it will be great if you take time to read others posts and comments as well. This is a place where you have come to learn also. So reading others views can add up to your knowledge and can benefit you. 

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Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like Al that sounds crap to me, Looks like Al that sounds crap to me, Looks like Al that sounds crap to me, Looks like Al that sounds crap to me

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It is very important to read because you can learn a lot, it is something I do every day and it is helping me to acquire knowledge! In the forum there are many users with great knowledge and we can learn a lot by reading their posts.

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Yes different  people nhave different  opinion  on same topics so that means if we see nore than one reply that means we are learning an other aspect of the same thing which is sometimes good.

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Yes reading others reply on this forum will develop your skill in term of creating your own post,so as well reading others reply will increase your experience from the others. So reading others massages is very important.

Edited by gbest2020

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Yes you are absolutely right my friend. We should the topics as well as others replies too. It will helps to make our content good and better. In some case we didn't understand the content of the topic also we can read the replies given by others inorder to know it. So reading others replies helps a lot. 

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After reading the forum rules and regulations, the next most important thing in this platform is to read people, that is where you can aquire much of the knowledge

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It is vital to read other people's reply as well so as to gain more idea on how better to answer questions. Sometimes some topics can be confusing and it is only through other people's replies that you would have an idea of what it is all about as it is advisable not to reply to posts you have no idea about. Moreover, no man is an island and it is good to cross knowledge and learn from other people too.

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Yes, it is very important to raed the other comments of the topic you are going to comment. By reading other comments on the topic we can get a better view about the topic discussed, and thus it helps us to comment our view about the topic. 

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Exactly right bro. I do this already i am not just relying on topic i also read other people replies in case sometimes they give more freat and valuable information. In order to gain knowledge we must do work hard with determination and give time to this forum.

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as i think it is necessary for new one's, who dont know about this platfrom more.  I also tried to read other replies and also give them a good reputation.  Because whoever do a usefull and relevant posts they deserve it.         

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Yes, it is very important to read the comments, especially the comments of the experts, because they have answers to the questions raised in the topics or enrich the idea published in the topic, and this leads to an increase in our information in both cases, and reading the comments makes us give good reputation to the useful comments.
We must always look to the ideas of the participants either by posting or commenting to increase our experience, and we also like that others read our comments in order to feel that we are effective members here.

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I have totally agree with you, before making any replies you need to pay more attention and read it very attentively so that you will make a good reputation.

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You don't just make comments. It is also possible to read what others have written and make comments to what they have written or answer it is a question.

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I think you are right. Without reading the responses of the posts you will not learn knowledge and not gain experience quickly. I read the topic and also I read the some comments because this is the best way  to get a lot of knowledge.

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Yes i agree because some members are just commenting in a topic without reading other members comments. Reading others comment will help you more and you can gain more knowledge from it and give you more idea.


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Yeah thats good thing to read all the comments and get knowledge from it.and Share your opinion to this topic and don't copy paste because we don't get useful information about the topic.

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It is important to read through different views by other users so that you can also learn various things from them your knowledge would become diverse and you would know what to expect.

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Yes dear you,are great because you tells people about their benefits.

When anyone read other posts he get knowledge and learn more from other posts.

Anyone learn many thing from other posts.

Cryptoworld is a plate form at which we can learn and earn at same time.

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Yeah if you ask for suggestion it means that you are looking for ideas and opinions . And then you also have to read and appreciate them. And the way if appreciating is answering to them. To reply the best opinion. Not to make them feel that they are beating head to wall. 

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On 4/29/2020 at 4:41 PM, rianpedia said:

Agree with you, I'm also not too focused on the main topic but I see other responses from some users on that topic. from the beginning I did not understand the topic and I read other users' replies and just got to understand what topics were discussed and what comments like.

Try to read the topic then next is the content of it. Once you already done with it you can finally leave your comment because you fully understand it and you can give a proper feedback on what you have read. 

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Hello fellow mate , i do agree with you that reading others reply is also neccessary and it is valuable for us too. As we learn more and more from others also. I do read the replies of other member to get more info. About the particular topic

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