Lodhi - CryptoTalk.Org Jump to content


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  1. Can anyone also help me I make a youbit account after my completed 100 post but there are some errors occurred the site not accepted my email address there are some message this email already use by the member please help if you can. I also want to know about difference between login and registration Thank you for your attention
  2. Yes dear mate I am totally agree with you the process of learning at the crypto forum is a very good idea. It's better for us to learn the right way of trading instead choice the shortcut way of trading
  3. The most important things we gain from cryptoforum is knowledge, experience, money and communication skills. It offers us to learn the all things with the passage of time
  4. It is very easy to follow the rules and regulations of the forum when you complete your hundred post and after it make 20 post everyday you make a youbit account then crypto forum paid against your work
  5. Yes dear friend first of all I want to say you welCome here and good luck for your work. It is good to take the start from this section because it is easy to understand about cryptoforum and its rules. For beginners here are some good suggestions by the senior members
  6. I have some suggestion for for you First of all before you start working here read the all rules and regulations of the forum. Secondly, your post must be easy to understand as well as meaningful and last to avoid negative reputation otherwise you will be banned by the moderators.
  7. To all new members of the cryptoforum I just want to give you some tips make sure your post is not a meaningful less try to post a good topic don't try to copy and paste follow the rules of the forum it will help you in your success Thank you
  8. This forum have many importance for new users as well as old users if you use crypto forum you can gain the knowledge about cryptocurrencies money trade. You can also earn money by this forum without any investment just make your post it will pay against your work
  9. There are many source to earn income through different online forum like cryptoforum is the best way to earn money online. The more you time to give the more you gain the money as well as knowledge about trading
  10. Everyone know that money is very important in every field of life if you set a target to achieve in success in life you should work hard but there must be a platform for earning. Here cryptoworld is the best plate forum for all of us to learn and earn is the main goal for me
  11. Thank you dear for your tips information about cryptocurrencies rules and regulations of the forum it play important role for the beginners to post a valuable comment or topic as well as informative
  12. I am agree with you there are many reasons for deletion the post as we know simple is that post useful topics follow the rules and regulations of the forum keep courtesy in your message to avoid deletion the post
  13. Dear mate simple is that if you will take a break you will not take a bitcoin you can start your work again when you want to do. This forum give us money for our work when you not work no you gain the money as well
  14. Yes dear mate i agree with you because of knowledge we can face all difficulties with solid mind. Knowledge is a main part of life and play an important role in the world. The more you gain the knowledge the more you have experience in trading
  15. I recently started working here after my completing study it is my first experience to work online in the crypto forum. I really like this forum feel more comfortable as a part of it before joining of this forum I haven't a idea about cryptocurrencies
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