Moniasas121212 - CryptoTalk.Org Jump to content


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About Moniasas121212

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  1. Apply it to crypto field and once we are ready to trade, sell crypto and even invest in long or short term. We can also enhance our communication skills as we need to communicate properly with other people from different countries. And finally, here's a bonus to earn enough talk tokens and Bitcoins.
  2. I don't think they're right because there's really a problem with the rating system in the last 3 days and I'm one of those who have faced it without knowing the reason! But the rating system is working well today and I think the problem is fixed.
  3. This is because you get the reaction back 24 hours after that reaction. For example, if you decide to have three reactions at 3 pm in a day, you can only use those three reactions after 2 hours - after 3 pm the next day. To be honest, sometimes I find it quite uncomfortable.
  4. When I talk to a member in a personal message, I see that we can add more members to a chat which means almost a group. I'm so glad to see that. However, we don't need to see emails for message notifications and everything is live. It's really cool and I thought there were some members and some groups if they got it.
  5. This is a real opportunity for those who have been removed from the campaign and you have already given relevant points.
  6. The most important of these reasons was the ban of a large number of active members within the forums, as well as the ban on many countries and the closure of new members of the forum stake, so supervisors must find a solution.
  7. There are problems account removed from the campaign and you have already given the relevant topics and this is really an opportunity for those who have been removed from the campaign to try once they can maybe restore the ID there to the campaign which will be very helpful for them.
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