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Jouly Montana

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About Jouly Montana

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  1. To ensure the safety of the wallet that you want to use, you have to browse about it well and there are many famous wallets I recommend to you, such as Ubiquit and Blockchain
  2. In the beginning you will be a beginner and in the second place you will get the rank of a member, and if you work hard and publish twenty articles daily, you will get the rank of a full member
  3. Thank you very much for sharing this topic, as it is very important for every beginner who does not have experience, as there are a lot of counterfeit currencies that lead to a great loss, so you should pay attention carefully and ask experts before buying any new and unknown currency
  4. A wonderful post, I thank you for it. Exactly, as I said, a work plan must be drawn up, a specific time organized for the forum, and more knowledge gained to write useful topics. The more a person works and learns, the more he earns.
  5. To ensure the safety of the wallet that you want to use, you have to browse about it well and there are many famous wallets I recommend to you, such as Ubiquit and Blockchain
  6. You are right about that. Investing in oneself is one of the biggest and best investments, through which knowledge is generated and we have the experience to collect profits
  7. A person should always strive to gain knowledge, for the more a person becomes more educated, the more he is able to overcome difficulties and thus gain experience and skill to advance towards the imam, for knowledge is the key to success and his secret
  8. You are right. We have to follow these steps. Reading expands the mind and opens the door to knowledge and knowledge. In order for us to succeed in coding, we must first gain experience.
  9. I heard about cryptocurrencies about a year ago, and my brother told me about this forum, and I joined it and became aware of more through comments and topics, and my experience increases every day more than before
  10. Hello my friend. You made a good choice by joining this forum. You can now gain information about encryption and thus earn money. I have invited my family and friends to register here and benefit as well.
  11. I use my mobile phone to work with encryption, but I think computers and laptops are more comfortable to work with and easier to post and comment.
  12. A very useful topic, everyone must pay attention to this matter. Fraudsters are many and they deceive the person and tell him that they will double the currency for him and increase his profits, but in the end they breach his account and lose all his money
  13. Fraudsters and deceivers are everywhere and they watch us silently and we have to beware of them, but I did not know before this type of fraudster. I thank you for sharing this topic.
  14. You are right about that. Beginners must pay attention to this matter and write a useful topic of at least a hundred characters to be counted in Yopet, there are many deleting many of their posts and they do not know the reason
  15. Yes, exactly. The usefulness of the publication depends on reading the topic and understanding it well in order to comment on it with important and informative content and that it is not less than a hundred characters in order to accept
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