Top 6 Cryptocurrencies to Invest in 2020 - Page 13 - Coins / Tokens Talk - CryptoTalk.Org Jump to content

Top 6 Cryptocurrencies to Invest in 2020

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The 6 positions that I think are ideal for 2020 are: CRO (, CHSB (SwissBorg), ENJ (Enjin coin), DATA, SNT and obviously BTC. The highest percentage in BTC and a moderate position in the rest.


In 2nd order I have SOLVE, QTUM, ETH, TRX. 


Remember that this is not a purchase suggestion, it is only an opinion.

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Good information, although it is already a publication of 2019, I would like you to update and give other suggestions of the top cryptos for this 2021, I want to invest, and I am a little undecided. thanks.

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It would include tron among the 6 main cryptocurrencies, it has been 3 years since its launch in 2017 based on a blockchain with a decentralized and open source rotocol. which allows each user to publish and access different content at no subscription cost

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On 18/12/2019 at 1:48, shalinimittal said:

Las criptomonedas han cambiado la forma en que las personas invierten. En los últimos años, la cantidad de personas que invierten e intercambian dinero digital ha aumentado drásticamente, al igual que el interés de todos en este nuevo tipo de dinero que promete transacciones P2P seguras y transparentes.


Pero, antes de invertir en criptomonedas, debe saber que el mercado de criptomonedas todavía es muy volátil, ya que la escala de oferta y demanda apenas está equilibrada y la mayoría de los gobiernos de todo el mundo todavía parecen reacios a aceptarlas como una forma auténtica de moneda. .


Pero eso no significa que no deba invertir en este mercado. Por el contrario, las inversiones en criptomonedas han arrojado algunos de los mayores retornos en los últimos años, y la tendencia solo mejorará el próximo año, si hay que creer en las estadísticas.


Si planea invertir en criptomonedas este año, aquí están las 6 principales criptomonedas de alto potencial que debe considerar.

Moneda titán

Titan coin es una moneda de pago digital que tiene como objetivo hacer que la transferencia de dinero digital global sea fácil, segura y asequible para todos. Con titan coin, puede realizar pagos digitales instantáneos, sin importar en qué parte del mundo se encuentre.


Titan es una moneda de activo, que puede intercambiar a cambio de otras criptomonedas, así como productos / servicios con ciertos comerciantes. Una de las mejores cosas de Titan Coin es la presencia de amplios casos de uso en forma de una serie de proyectos o aplicaciones de Titan, lo que la convierte en una de las mejores monedas para invertir ahora.


Bitcoin es sin duda una de las mejores monedas en las que puede invertir hoy y siempre. Es el líder del mercado en criptomonedas y también el que tiene la mayor capitalización de mercado. Sin embargo, una cosa que debe saber sobre bitcoin es que el precio de la moneda es muy inestable y puede cambiar abruptamente en cualquier momento, como puede ver los registros de los últimos tres años.

Si invierte en bitcoin, invierta solo lo que pueda permitirse apartar durante un período de tiempo considerable.


Ethereum fue la primera moneda que introdujo la blockchain pública con el concepto de DApp (aplicaciones descentralizadas), es decir, las aplicaciones que se pueden desarrollar en la tecnología blockchain. La principal diferencia entre Bitcoin y ETH es la variedad de aplicaciones o casos de uso. Con una gran cantidad de casos de uso y una demanda cada vez mayor, ETH es sin duda una de las mejores alternativas de BTC para invertir. 


Litecoin, o LTC, es otra criptomoneda popular que se está abriendo camino lenta pero constantemente a la lista de las principales monedas digitales de todos los tiempos. LTC tiene un alto potencial de crecimiento, como hemos visto en los últimos años. También está respaldado por múltiples casos de uso en forma de transferencia de dinero digital de igual a igual. El mejor beneficio de invertir en Litecoin es que es más barato que BTC o ETH, y puedes comprar mucho por un pequeño precio.


Ripple, o XRP, es un "activo digital creado para pagos globales" que, al igual que la mayoría de las otras criptomonedas, opera con tecnologías blockchain. Proporciona un medio para pagos globales rápidos y de bajo costo a través de su blockchain peer-to-peer. Una de las mejores cosas de la moneda Ripple es la capacidad de obtener liquidez instantánea, incluso en mercados de difícil acceso. Ripple es una de las criptomonedas de precio más bajo de nuestra lista y, sin duda, un lugar justo para invertir este año.


Con un precio de $ 1 al momento de escribir este artículo, Tether es una de las criptomonedas de más rápido crecimiento de nuestro tiempo. Lo que hace que Tether sea diferente de otras criptomonedas en esta lista es su concepto único de cerrar la brecha entre las monedas digitales y fiduciarias al proporcionar un medio para convertir efectivo en dinero digital para mantener (atar) su valor.

Invierta en la criptomoneda por el enorme potencial que tiene para seguir creciendo en 2020 y más allá.


Como habrás notado, la mayoría de las criptomonedas que mencionamos aquí son monedas de pago digital, porque dichas monedas tienen una gran demanda y pueden tener excelentes aplicaciones futuras, según las características. 

Thank you for sharing this valuable information. I already know that I can invest in other cryptocurrencies. Because I currently work with BTC and ETH, and yes, everything is a matter of knowing a little more about the cryptocurrencies that are at the top of the list to be able to invest. It is just a matter of dividing the investments to obtain certain profits. I have always said it and I maintain it, cryptocurrencies are going to have a promising future for users who are investing in them.

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A very good question. This year I have invested in some currencies, and I have had good profits with some and with others not the ones that I have are:
Manna :))

Tron :)
Sushi :(

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thank you for the info. Everyone knows that we should invest in bitcoin like hello? who doesnt.
Other cryptos can downfall anytime by their demand so can bitcoin. Just think if the coin will be alive in next 5 years. If you think it will then invest in it and boom you profit

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Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge, especially for talking about Titan coin (the first time I have heard of it), you are right, all those cryptocurrencies have a lot of potential to invest, I would like to add that if you had made a top 10, without a doubt they would be LINK , TRX, DOT, YFI; all have a very relevant role

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My opinion is ⬇️

The top 6 currencies are

1 - BTC

2 - BNB

3 - ETH

4 - LINK

5 - YFI

6 - TRX

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It could be a good upgrade to if you have mentioned tron (TRX) in this list. In this year if you would have bought some trx at the price of 0,0145$ (was at starts of this year) and wait to sell them at the price of 0,041$ you literally would have almost triplicate your capital. In my case I bought 150$ in Trx when the price was small and I get 414$ in back, such a good profit if you ask me, and now it is not too late for buy TRX, in fact the price has just fall a 10%, so you may want to check it out ^^.

Edited by TheRealCryptoDex

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On 12/18/2019 at 1:48 AM, shalinimittal said:

Cryptocurrency has changed the way people make investments. In the past few years, the number of people investing in and trading digital money has drastically increased, and so is everyone’s interest in this new kind of money that promises secure and transparent P2P transactions.


But, before you invest in cryptocurrencies, you should know that the crypto market is still very volatile, as the demand-supply scale is hardly in balance and most of the governments around the world still seem reluctant to accept them as an authentic form of currency.


But, that doesn’t mean that you should not invest in this market. On the contrary, crypto investments have yielded some of the biggest returns in the last few years, and the trend is only going to get better in the coming year, if the statistics are to be believed.


If you are planning to invest in crypto this year, here are the top 6 high-potential cryptocurrencies you should look into.

Titan Coin

Titan coin is a digital payment currency that aims to make global digital money transfer easy, secure and affordable for everyone. With titan coin, you can make instant digital payments, no matter where you’re in the world.


Titan is an asset coin, which you can trade in exchange for other cryptocurrencies as well as products/services with certain merchants. One of the best things about titan coin is the presence of extensive use cases in the form of a number of titan projects or applications, which makes it one of the best coins to invest in now.


Bitcoin is certainly one of the best coins you can invest in today and ever. It’s the market leader in cryptocurrencies and also the one with the highest market cap. However, one thing you should know about bitcoin is that the coin price is very unstable and may change abruptly anytime, as you can see the past three-year records.

If you invest in bitcoin, invest only what you can afford to set aside for a considerable period of time.


Ethereum was the first coin that introduced the public blockchain with the concept of DApp (decentralized applications), i.e. the apps that can be developed on the blockchain technology. The primary difference between Bitcoin and ETH is the variety of applications or use cases. Having a large number of use cases and ever-increasing demand, ETH is certainly one of the best BTC alternatives to invest. 


Litecoin, or LTC, is another popular cryptocurrency that is slowly but steadily making its way to the list of the top digital currencies of all time. LTC has a high potential to grow, as we have seen in recent years. It’s also backed by multiple use cases in the form of digital, peer-to-peer money transfer. The best benefit of investing in Litecoin is that it’s cheaper than BTC or ETH, and you can buy a lot for a little price.


Ripple, or XRP, is a “digital asset built for global payments,” which, same as most other cryptocurrencies, operate on the blockchain technologies. It provides a means for fast, low-cost global payments via its peer-to-peer blockchain. One of the best things about the Ripple coin is the ability to source instant liquidity, even in hard-to-reach markets. Ripple is one of the lowest price cryptocurrencies in our list and certainly a fair place to put your investments this year


Priced at $1 at the time of writing this article, Tether is one of the fastest growing cryptocurrencies of our time. The thing that makes Tether different from other cryptocurrencies in this list is its unique concept of bridging the gap between digital and fiat currencies by providing a means for converting cash into digital money for holding (tethering) its value.

Invest in the cryptocurrency for the huge potential it holds to continue to grow in 2020 and beyond.


As you may have noticed, most of the cryptocurrencies we mentioned here are digital payment currencies, because such currencies are high in demand and may have great future applications, depending on features. 

Hola estoy leyendo tu post y veo que es del 2019, creo que en la gran mayoria de tus predicciones acertaste , sin embargo nose cual es ese token titan coin, de resto creo que son muy buenas opciones para poder invertir y ver como el dinero se multiplica de forma pasiva, aunque el usdt es algo riesgo pero eso ya es tema de otro costal

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Para mí las mejores criptomonedas para invertir en este 2020 son bitcoin, ethereum, tron, dogecoin ya que estás subiendo rápido de precio y es una muy buena inversión porque suben rápidamente de valor y son muy conocidas en todo el mundo.

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The best 6 best crypto to contribute this 2020 will be rely upon your audit about it. 

Since nearly lion's share of the altcoins in the market can possibly offer benefit to us 

later on. Furthermore, for me these are obviously Bitcoin, Ethereum, Eos, Vetchain, Pundix, and 


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Btc, ETH, trx, twt, xrp and waves. these are my favorite coins to invest.

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Here is my first 6 coins/tokens to invest 2020
1. ICX (Icon) It's a korean ethereum
2. AVAX (Avalanche) They have great tech.
3. BTC
4. ETH
5. NEO
6. ZIL

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Thank you for the brief description of these tokens. Ripple, ETH and Litecoin look the most interesting. Let's see how they perform by the end of 2020.

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On 9/21/2020 at 7:12 PM, yellowxmr said:

XRP,monero, Litecoin,Nano ,IOTA ,Eos, stellar and tron are best coins to invest in this year. These coins has  huge potential and huge trading volume.I hope these coins future will be bright and will give more profit to investors.

if you are trading with a small capital i wouldnt recommend you to trade in big cap coins as they move slow, rather invest in small cap coins that have upcoming updates and when that happens the price tend to go up massively.

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The currencies that I see with the most growth potential not only in 2020 but in the following years are:

1. ppt
2. neo
3. fun
4. dnt
5. ada
6. omg

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I laready have invests in 5 cryptocurrency from your list. I am hearing about Titan coin for a first time. You also should add XLM and BNB coins. These to coins can pump in any time.  BNB already rised from 13 to 27 usd.

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In my opinion one of the most important currencies with great potential is TRX. That is because ETH showed that it is currently not prepared to handle defi volumes and so TRX has a potential to fill this gap and gain some success! 

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I read your topic. I want to write my list of the best coins for invest in 2020.

6. XLM


4. XRP

3. BTC

2. BNB

1. LTC

I already bought these tokens and I am waiting for pump now.



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That was an awesome information.

I would like to go with xrp for upcoming top cryptocurrency.

I think no cryptocurrency can surpass the bitcoin but XRP may gonna get a lot of valut in future. Its trasncation and features are of unique type .Their supply is decreasing day by and and obviously their demand will increase and that may raise their price in future.

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    • Высокий суд индийского штата Одиша: «Инвестиции в криптовалюты не являются противозаконными» Высокий суд индийского штата Одиша постановил, что операции с криптовалютами не нарушают законов страны. Суд отказался идентифицировать криптовалюту как деньги. Коллегия под руководством судьи Сасиканты Мишры (Sasikanta Mishra) освободила под залог двух лиц, обвиняемых в организации криптовалютной пирамиды Yes World Token. Полиция утверждает, что подсудимые создавали трастовые кошельки, обещая инвесторам высокую прибыль от инвестиций в токен Yes World. Схема предполагала привлечение новых участников, за которых доплачивались бонусы или проценты. Однако судья постановила, что простые операции с криптовалютами не являются незаконной деятельностью, как и поощрение людей инвестировать в цифровые активы. Глава коллегии посчитала, что обвиняемые не нарушили Уголовный кодекс Индии и Закон штата Одиша о защите интересов вкладчиков (OPID). Суд не выявил подделки документов и рыночных манипуляций. К тому же, вложенные клиентские средства находятся в безопасности в трастовых кошельках, подчеркнула Сасиканта Мишра. Недавно управляющий Резервного банка Индии (RBI) Шактиканта Дас (Shaktikanta Das) призвал розничных инвесторов не вкладывать деньги в криптоактивы. По мнению главы ЦБ, цифровые активы слишком волатильны, и в случае денежных потерь инвесторы не смогут рассчитывать на правовую защиту.   Подробнее на Crypto News:
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