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Best 2 Factor Authenticators

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The 2 factor authentication is very good and useful for protecting our account in the internet. Most of us are using the Google 2 factor authentication to protect our accounts and it provides good security.

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Thank you, dear, for this post, of course, two-factor authentication is more secure and this helps you maintain your account as there are many ways to hack accounts and this method cannot be hacked by anyone because it contains two-factor authentication

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If we pass few years lower back whilst there is no alt coin to be had, exchanges also are now not available at that point and handiest fiat to bitcoin exchanges are available. It means exchanges are created due to alt cash and if alt cash completed then exchanges might also be finished.

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I use authentic Google 2fa, currently using 2fa glasses is quite safe. I have not encountered any problems in using this type of security, maybe I will try other security if the 2fa goggle is not safe, as long as it is still safe I will use it. The key is to always keep the wallet you use and don't go to any unknown or suspicious sites.

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Two-factor authentication is a good thing to confirm the security status that must be on the site, thus we relax psychologically and increase our confidence in the site

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My friend, there are two years of credibility for anything that exists about cryptocurrencies, whether they are platforms, new cryptocurrencies, wallets, and others. The first factor of credibility is Google. Google allows a special trend to search for a specific field and allows its credibility. The second factor is Telegram. The same thing Telegram does not allow anything for it to  He was not trusted and he was sincere thanks

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I think google-authenticator all is one of the best 2step apps. This is too much secured and very easy to use. No one can transfer your keys very easily if you use this app. However, there are some other apps available in the market you can try them also.

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Many exchanges support only the goggle's authenticator so I only use goggle authenticator as two factors authentication security measure. I heard it is quite secure. However, be very cautious that if you lose your access to the device you are using your authenticator application, the access to your accounts will be in jeopardy,too. So I advise you to register the 2fa in two different devices just in case. 

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On 12/3/2019 at 5:03 PM, Sedendum said:

Google authenticator is exetremely safe. But i suppose everyone 2 factor authenticators is totally secure.

Of course, I also think that they are both safe and secure.always used google 2fa we have no problems when not encounted dont forget to backup your personal code for each account.

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According to my own opinion and experience the best 2 factor authenticator is google 2 factor authenticator because it's is save and it has a lot of security values that will make your account and any other private information safe and secured 

Edited by MK AHMAD
Because i mistakenly posted double

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The best 2FA I have ever used is the Google 2FA it's safe, secured and bug free, even on the Google Play store I believe it is the most rated

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I think both methods are reliable and reliable, but I prefer to work with Google because all of my accounts are linked to Google and I always put a word of two-factor authentication that protects my personal accounts from hackers who try to hack the accounts

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The two-factor authenticator is very useful to protect our accounts, although the Google authenticator can only be used on a single device and you should not lose your phone, personally I use multi-device authenticators such as Authy.



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Google two factor authentication and Microsoft two factor authentication are both very secure. But I think Google two factor authentication is more user friendly.  We use Google services the most, so we are familiar with Google. On the other hand, Microsoft is a little complicated. 

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Yes you said absolutely right I am angry with you these two factors are very attentive and one more I want to tell you that the Google chrome is much more authentic then other any e so you should to try it

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Factor Authenticator are very good and important to secure our crypto account. But I mostly use the Google authenticator in making transactions. 

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While two-factor authentication is not a foolproof method, it is an excellent barrier to preventing unwanted intrusion into online accounts.
In addition to Google's 2-factor authenticator and Microsoft's 2-factor authenticator, there are tools such as RSA's SecureID, which is a chained code generator and is commonly used in the corporate sector. This, along with the previous ones, are the most used.

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Gentleman I want to tell you that about that two factors of this forum if you knew on this poem first of all you should to keep patience and follow the rules of this forum and then you should to learn the others comments to get the knowledge about this forum that is very beneficial for you

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On 12/3/2019 at 7:21 AM, Digicoin said:

There are many 2 factor authenticators online. Which one is the safest?


1. Google 2 factor authenticator

2. Microsoft 2 factor authenticator

3. And many others (you can tell us if you consider any as the best)



Dude I think Google two-factor Authenticator is the best one in this way you can access your information and it is much more safe and you can back up your account details also from it.

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Thanks for sharing such a important information among us you are absolutely right my friend these two factor is very authenticatted and sequire but i can tell you my friend google chrome is more authentive then other

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I take advantage of google authenticator and not had issues. in between the admiring skilled to change language unit as well as fix to come back google authenticator within the wet behind the ears one. very easy with sensational buttons plus no toughie for the general new place setting. excellent.

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I use goggle authenticator as protection for my accounts. Most exchanges only support that option, anyways. According to my experience, they are quite secure since I have never had any issue using the goggle's authenticator. 

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I always use Google 2FA authenticator its good and easy to use but you need to keep the key word for every  account you are enabling it for because if you don't then it will be difficult for you to recover your accounts if you lose your phone or the app,take my word.

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I use both the authentication method and both are good and increase our security. Google authentication is the commonly used authenticator. Most of the crypto exchange are using Google authenticator. Everyone should on their 2 step verification because it is safe.

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I have not tried the microsoft one, it seems to me something that is very little used so many other pages and platforms choose the google authentication factor, whatever your choice you should take good care of your phone, because if you lose your phone, there is a long procedure to be able to recover your accounts that have the authentication factor.

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