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Public key vs Private Key

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There are many different between public key and private key.private key is only used for you and some one else.but public key is used in all the member of the related site.

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53 minutes ago, Maham ali said:

I don't know much about private keys and public key I heard about the keys that public key is for data encryption and private keys encrypt that data.

The difference is not that hard, private key is to be kept and never revealed to anyone, if revealed to anyone, the person will be able to have access to your coins. Public keys are just keys that you can be able to use to know the history of your transaction on blockchain, you can input the public key on blockchain explorer to see what I am saying. 

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7 hours ago, DreamStage said:

Public key is something that allows you to share your data with someone else as basically a cryptocurrency address that you give as withdrawal or deposit to some exchange.


Private key is the credential you use to acquire your private wallet data as all public keys stores in it (addresses), your investments and funds as well as transactional historical data that is not shared to anyone else except the owner of that private key = yourself.

Private key is for wallet back up and for unlocking coins from blockchain. Public keys gives rise to addresses. 


I am tired of this thread and I wish @epidemiato delete this thread if possible because most people commented rubbish. 

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11 hours ago, Umar Farooq 9010 said:

The private keys are the privacy of your wallet you can't share these to anyone public keys are the keys that can be used during sharing of crypto and you can share these keys with your friends

Yes exactly, public key can be shared to people to make transaction into your wallet, but it is good to use addresses instead, and do not make use of one address, be using new address for each transaction. The reason is that if you use the public key, your whole coins history will be seen. 

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Private keys are used for signing in the transaction while receiving or sending funds if we say in easy way. Also it acts as digital signature to provide the Blockchain confirmation that the funds in Public adress is ours. So that miners could confirm it while doing transaction.

While public address is like receiving adress and it can be used for receiving funds.

Edited by Ridam
Information added


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Public keys and private keys are two different things. You can share Public key with other person for exchanging. It is like as crypto address and in case of private keys, you can't share it with anyone because it is a key(password) of your wallet. 

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Very well for doing such clear explanation as I was confused and didn't get the idea yet so thanks for that. Public key is like a encrypted address which is common but no one can decrypt it untill some know the private key that's all

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Oh, it is new information and it has been explained in an excellent way. It explained well .. but can I ask you please?
In a realistic sense, what does the public proposition and the private key mean? Is it the password and the mail? Or what ?
Thank you. For the answer.

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The public key works like the number of a bank account, anyone can have this information because to enter it you need the corresponding private key 

The private key is the access password of an account and only the owner must have it, that is to say, it must not be shared with anyone 

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Private key is faster then public key.In this secret key is used to encrypt and decrypt the message while in public key two keys are used for this process.private key is symmetrical while public is asymmeyrical.Sender and receiver need to share the same key in private key but in public this condition is not needed

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 The public key has the sole function of encrypting a file or document, while the private key can both encrypt and decrypt

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Basically public key and private key having some basic difference. Public key having letters and words while the private key having the secret password. People always choose such wallets which provides the private key. Private key is the important feature in any wallet. 

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The most important difference between public key and private key is that public key People can easily do this, while private key cannot be hacked by easily , that is why the private key is better  then public key 

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The public and private key can not be looked in the string you clarify the definition in the title the situation of Versus resemble  contrasting .

Youth classification Great sir public key and regular taken call crypto address where we need a public key for coin exchange .


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In this topic we have to differentiate between public key and private key.A person cannot guess the private keys based on knowing the public keys ,because of this a public key can be freely shared.The private key however belong to one person.There are several algorithms that are used to produce private and public keys.

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First of all we discuss that what is Public Key?

Public Key:it is a Key for encryption of data.we use this key for receiving address it is available for everyone.


Now we discuss what is private key?

Private key: it is the key which we use for decrypt the data for the public Key..Private key is secret to the public key holder only.


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Public key has two keys,one is used for encryption and second for decryption.while private key has only one key.Private key is very sensitive for a trader to choose wallet.

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If you post here you need to post carefully. Remember, if you come here to work, to get money, then you have to work here with attention. If you do not make any mistake. Everyone uses cryptocurrency wallets for personal protection.

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On 10/29/2019 at 9:48 PM, xBDT Script said:

We are very well known with all these words if we are a little knowledgeable on how cryptocurrency wallet works.

let me share the basic difference between this two concept.

What we generally understand-

Public Key- Our address

Private key- Key to unlock the address

Although the meaning are close to the actual concept but it's not exact meaning.

Public Key

Public Key is a key for encryption of data. Although we used it as our receiving address, it's in reality encrypt the data from blockchain for us. It is available to everyone

Private Key

Private key help us to decrypt the data for the Public Key. It helps decryption of data which has been encrypted to the Public key. Private key is secret to the Public key holder only.

Yeah you've said absolutely right about the public key and private. Public key is available for everyone. We use this key as our receiving address to receive the money. We can give anyone this key to receive our money. On the other hand private keys isn't available for everyone because it's a secret key for us. We shouldn't give our private key to anyone. 

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The public key is the address that we share with anyone to receive a crypto transaction and the private key is the one that only we can have access to to keep our assets safe, we should never share the private key or we could lose our cryptocurrency balance

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The private keys are those which can't be shared with anyone. And public keys are those which you provide others to communicate or do trading with you. It is same like your Facebook I'd the name of I'd is like public key and the pasward of that I'd is like private key. 

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Your topic is very informative but I want to say that if we compare our private key and public keys then my statement regarding this is that private keys are very secure and secure while public keys are open.i prefer private keys.

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Public key is only used for ecncryt that data that it is not share with sender or reveiver. But the private key is used for encrypt and descryt the data which is also shared with sender and receiver. We use public key is freely but the private key is secret in which we store only our private data.

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Both the keys the private key and public keys are the types of the passward which is used for security.the main difference between both of these private key and public key.public key is the figure which is used to describe the wallet adress.while the private key is used for opening of wallet.

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