We don't see them, but the moderators does! - Page 10 - For Beginners - CryptoTalk.Org Jump to content

We don't see them, but the moderators does!

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Indeed you are correct. Just like a novice, I am likewise confronting this issue to such an extent. My numerous remarks are dismissed and recieved negative reaction. Be that as it may, we ought not lose trust. There are arbitrators to help us. We can report the posts decisively.

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As much as I'm familiar to the forum. I still didn't get any negative reputation point. But you have raised a wonderful idea it's our right to report any violation we counter in the forum. It will not only save us from scammers but wil ensure the standard of the forum. Thank you.

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Yes my dear friend you are absolutely right, and thanks for sharing this piece of information with cryptotalk family members. Hopefully it will be helpful for cryptotalk members. it was a huge I was really tall and I got some experience from Europe post I will apply these information in my own working method and will avoid to other things as you explaining your post. Wish you best my friend. 

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Yes dear i agree with you.I have seen so many posts which are not useful but people gave it react.And the useful posts doesn't get react.From this we are doing fair with unuseful posts and doing unfair with useful posts.There should be a feature in this forum or a rule who solve this problem.This is a very good post dear.Thankuuu.

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Actually this will cause me to feel terrible on the off chance that I find in a decent post of mine somebody offering negative standing and your guidance is acceptable one that we can report these posts. It has not occurred to me from what I know yet I don't check every one of my posts however maybe I will do since you state this occurs. I trust that noon does that intentionally and I generally offer standing to posts that are acceptable.

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On 9/18/2020 at 3:32 AM, Calvinpriva said:

Some members have been facing a hard time because of receiving unfair reactions to their posts (regularly) even if they are useful. That’s why I like to say… “Doesn’t matter how many good people will be in one place, but a bad person is a must”. I wrote this topic to advice you one thing who you’re still facing this problem, there are moderators who can help us to solve our problems so stop complaining and just take the right action! 


You can report those posts to the moderators (your posts) which are useful but has received negative reputations. Why reporting them? We don’t know who gave us any reputations but the moderators knows! A member who gives random negative reputations even to a useful post is a scammer! So by reporting them you will not only solve your problem, but you will help/ support the moderators to catch a scammer after they investigate him/her and find the evidence. 


So don’t complain anymore about that problem, it’s already solved. Also don’t fear to report that issue to moderators because it’s your right to report anything that is against the forum rules, and the moderators are very fair to their members unless you violate the rules several times. 


Good luck.

Yes mate this is a fact that moderator notice this thing and takes action about this. We should not be worried or tensed about this because moderators are doing their work very efficiently.

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Thank you so much for the information if we are receiving some bad things or some members are teasing us. May be we are having some problem with this forum we should talk to the modrators and tell them that they are having this problem and they will surely take the notice.

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It is very rare that your good posts get bed reputations.So we sometimes become such that the post on our good and useful content also gets negative reactions.For this, first of all, we should give a thought to our post that there is no such mistake in this, which forced him to give a negative reaction. After that if you feel that there was no mistake in your post and it was given a bad reaction then you should contact the moderator and inform him of this situation. 

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Hi friends I'm new here enlight me more on this question because I don't want to commit or violent any law in this platform because may be having knowledge on this question, I don't want to make any mistake which will lead to ban, because I don't know who would give reputation to my post that is why I'm very about if

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It's actually a good thing that the moderators monitor the activities of this platform in order to address issues like this and to punish the offenders.

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One of my frind was facing this, most of his useful comments was getting negative ratings, may be one of his follower was doing this, so he contacts with moderotor and now the issue has been resolved.

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If we are able to report these cases, they will reduce their presence in the forum and the fraudsters will be at risk that having a negative reputation on a good post is illogical and leads to a negative psychological state.

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Your are right most of our member who are violating the rules we don't see them but moderators see and some who are actually reputation cheater Reporting is also leading moderators to verify the account. 

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Yes dear i am agree with you. On every platform there are some good people and also bad peoples. Bad people alwaya want that no one get high rank except them. So because of this many people of this platform give negative reputation on those topic or comments which have a good content,usefu and informative information. Because they do not want that topic of those people get positive reputation. So always we report those members which do this. Moderator clearify the isse and solve the problem and get banned accont of those people. We should always give positive reputation on those topic which have good content and the choice of words simple. 

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Yes of course ,moderators have the website link and profit details ,ciber crime detector and a kind of updated equipment , techniques apply for it but your a lacking such skill and equipment

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Yes of course those people there statement sounds negatively reputation they don't know howto form there own personal statement unless copying orders which is not accepted

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I've seen some really useless posts that have gotten a positive reputation and probably given to other members as their posts which have a line that helps me how to earn money from this place in this way and have pages of such answers but I'm negative  Remember to read a good post to have a reputation. In fact, first of all, I never see good posts get a bad reputation, and if anyone sees it, they should dedicate the same amount of reputation or more positively. Thank you.

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Thanks mate for calling our attention to this. It is really unfair to have a negative reaction after taking your time to make a good post. It will serve as a form of discouragement to the member that makes the post and this will make him/her not to put more effort into creating a post because he will see it as a waste of time. If there is something you think you are not comfortable with within the content of the post, you can quote the member and explain to him/her your own opinion on the matter. Lets try and be friends with each other

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That is very useful suggestions my friend and thank you for arising this issue. I also have faced same problem and got worried about the bad reputation on my posts. I have been trying my best to do my work very hard and honest. I am also sharing, posting useful posts that meet the criteria of the posts here. But sometimes I faced the negative reputation on my useful post. It is good suggestion to report our own post to the moderators with telling them about bad reputation on our useful content


"You must have to take decision on Merit.💯"

"If you find my post useful, then give positive reputation.❤️"

"If you find my post useless, then give me negative reputation.🙂"

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It is good that we have strict rules at this forum and there are moderators on this forum to keep everything under control or else some bad members as you have mentioned can sabotage the good reputation of really good members. It is too as to get a negative reputation and the situation is even worse if you do not deserve it. 

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Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT aint for me either.  From what I know it didn’t happen to me but I don’t check all my posts but probably now I will say that you say it happened.  I hope no one does it on purpose.

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But if we can not see them is only moderator that will see them we appreciate them for their ability to discharge their function diligently and we want them to also give us chance if any thing goes wrong from our part and warn us so that we can learn more in this grate forum thanks.

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Some of the members are facing hard reaction of the forum some are because of bad comment while some are not but we really enjoy this forum and it make all of us here happy

Some ambers are facing alot of hard reaction just because of their post even though it is usefull to us and other members go the forum 

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REPORTING is that great element a member reserve to appeal for justice from moderators when rated inappropriately, misunderstanding occurred or supporting moderators to delete spam, paraphrase and low quality posts.

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