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Everything posted by adirembang09

  1. xlm has the potential to be a killer eth. we will see in 2 years it will definitely be able to enter the top 3 Coinmarketcap
  2. I've missed a lot about TWT because I sold TWT for $ .0001 it would be useless regret I hope there will be coins that surprise me like a trust wallet
  3. it depends. if you invest in the top 10 I think it's quite safe because it already has a fairly strong foundation
  4. why invest in coins that each year inflation?
  5. more than 10 coins in the top 1000. I like coins with a low cap because they quickly make a profit
  6. I do not understand because many people say shitcoin when they buy at the highest price. even though it's fine coins
  7. buy any of the top 10 cmc coins except usdt. and leave at least 4 years and open again you will be rich in the future
  8. I think Doge is at the pump every year end. get ready to fly and get more profit
  9. I don't have a favorite coin / token but I have my own way of following the trend. because by following the trend it will be fast to make a profit
  10. only temporary ride. something reasonable because it takes too long sideways not only cardano but also occurs in several other coins only temporary ride. something reasonable because it takes too long sideways not only cardano but also occurs in several other coins
  11. maybe the bullrun occurred in 2021. in 2020 failed bullrun due to covid 19
  12. I think it's quite heavy. 2020 requires hard work from developers. does not rule out the possibility that in the future everything can change and no one knows
  13. 2020 we will probably be in a very boring time. it's like 2016
  14. My favorites are coins with a low market cap but with a strong community. I believe at altseason they have the highest gain
  15. wow this is very extraordinary in the world of mining no one has been able to profit this much.
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