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Make money with cryptocurrency: Don't just sit at home quarantined

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Correct words, money must always be earned, even if you are in quarantine. You need to adapt to everything. During the quarantine, I learned a lot of new things and for me the quarantine is only beneficial.

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We are in the best time to make money from home, we cannot lose the quarantine, at least get a monetary benefit and your post is very good and beneficial to start earning cryptocurrencies, the ideal and what I always hear is investing in yobit

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I agree completely with you, you have to start with an amount of money that you dont depend on it. Then thing of your style, your psychology regarding risk taking and the feeling of loosing. As an example, in the gambling world you have to be really a risk taker to endure dice gruesome sessions, the advantage is that gambling crypto is like mining, you win/lose your crypto and at the same time you mine tokens, which generate dividends, but it is really difficult in the mind to endure loss streaks. The other options are more safe but demand more attention and study, trading is easy but it takes some time to digest info and start seeing price patterns, also you can lose if the markets moves the other way, you either wait for correction or you take the loss and move on. Ultimately the greater experience would be to try all of them and see for yourself what works better for you, whatch in youtube, there are people sharing all kinds of strategies, dont mirror them, but analize them.

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Making money online is a billion dollar industry, and there is definitely room for you and a surefire way to do it.  Keep in mind that this is regardless of whether you are looking to supplement your income, diversify your online services portfolio, or get bored with making it your ultimate source of income.

 You can make money in many different ways

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Your information is very helpful.

Thank you very much for sharing this information with us.


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16 hours ago, meiitarestu said:

maybe I can add an airdrop hunter or a bounty hunter, it is a job that can be done at home when a project wants to launch, it wants to get public votes, so the project makes an airdrop or a bounty, how to work is quite easy, usually you only need a telegram, blog, youtube, as well as twitter, then you just have to follow the rules and conditions and the required classification.

Yeah categorised as earning passive income in cryptocurrency most of the times. IEOs, ICOs, Airdrops and Bounties are always categorised under this. I think it is an important addition, large amount of Crypto enthusiast considers this method of earning too. Thank you.

My Altcointalks username —° Raqeebzy


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yes, I totally agree. I've been doing this too until recently. I only make trades which I think are minimal risk.

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Attaining the skills to become a great trader is a lifelong journey. To be successful requires you to make changes in your life.

Attaining the skills to become a great trader is a lifelong journey. To be successful requires you to make changes in your life.

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Cryptocurrency is a alternative way to earn money, in this pandemic situation for sure, because we all know that bussiness is not good because people dont spend money or dont have income or another factor that make bussiness did not good as early this year, thats why crypto very help me in this period to earn money in this difficult situation, especially for Minex, its very profitable.

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I fully share your opinion of what I said that the Corona virus has forced many people to stay at home and you do not find the best opportunity to profit from the Internet, especially digital currencies. I prefer sitting without any work.

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Thank you my friend for this great topic. I think that the best thing you can gain from cryptocurrencies is trading cryptocurrencies and digital currencies because you will get big profits if you are an expert and know when and what currency you invest in. Gambling is profitable and depends on luck a lot, but I think you are in the end  You will be addicted to gambling and lose all your money.

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I would say that a lot of people confuse gambling and trading, be careful not to do that. Trading involves a lot of studying and hard work on your emotions, skills and personality, while gambling is just hoping for the best.

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Thank you for writing and sharing this post. In this tough times it's better to do online job and trading, investing on Yobit and mine some coins, participate in the bounties and airdrops.

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Making money with cryptocurrency is always ideal for all people, not only in a pandemic, but it is difficult for a beginner without knowledge and initial capital to immediately start earning on cryptocurrency as much as he used to earn offline. Thus it is necessary to prepare in advance, to learn about making money with cryptocurrency, or to already have money, since investing, trading and gambling require initial investments. Also gambling is not a way to profit at all, but rather a way to lose one's own money.

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It was a good decision I've made, earning some crypto this quarantine. I have regret not doing it early since I've knew this forum but I'm so lazy to start, good thing I've decided to try and now I have some earnings. Not so high but I think it is okay since I'm just a beginner. I hope it would increase in the future.

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On 4/15/2020 at 6:43 AM, Raqeebzy said:
  1. WayPs of earning with cryptocurrency. 

For the benefit of you, I will advice you to read till the end.

The current world health emergency situations due to global pandemic ravaging every nook and cranny of the world has made almost everything closed down, thereby making people broke and pennyless. So, what's the next way to make money by just sitting at home. Relax, take a sip of water (well, after washing your hands)  and read this carefully. 

  • Investing
  • Trading : Surest but you need customers 
  • Gambling(which I do not advice though) 

Now, let's discuss them one after the other. 

  1. Investing: We all know what investment means. To a layman, investment means buying a commodity, keeping it for sometime for the sake of making profit off it later. There are several cryptocurrency out there, about 2900 of 'em, choosing for the one to invest on might be an headache, that's why there are several sites that offers different types of investment plans for different coin, and the rewards stated, whether daily or monthly. Take Yobit for example, in the Yobit investbox, you see different coins, many of them new and the developers want to make them develop by people buying them and selling them. Go to Yobit, look for a good investment plan for you and invest. 
  2. Trading: In this time that we found ourselves in the situation of this fast spreading pandemic, choosing and trading in cryptocurrency to buy essential stuffs: Food, drinks and groceries is the best option. So buying and selling of bitcoins especially might be very profitable, buy bitcoin online, sell it for individuals for fiats to be received in your bank account plus your charges. You don't need a high entrepreneur skills to deal with this. 
  3. Gambling : I won't talk much about this, just like normal gambling, it depends wholy on your luck and 70% percent of time, you won't be lucky. The amount of gain is dependent on the amount staked, there are several legit gambling sites..



If you do have any addition to make to the post, feel free, every idea is welcomed and please note that.

This is what I have told most of my friends, don't just sit back, make money! that when this is over they will have a much better life and will be successful.

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On 4/16/2020 at 3:40 AM, kizz said:

Yes I really agree with you, it is better to make money while we are on quarantine, there are many ways to earn money because of crypto. Thanks for sharing this and keep safe everyone.

Goodnight. In my case, as a result of the pandemic, I was able to discover the crypto world, in which I try to read, inform myself and learn something new every day. Cryptotalk is a great way to generate some Bitcoin, by sharing the knowledge with other users.

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That is a good topic, I am doing that right now, making money with cryptocurrencies while we are in quarantine, that is a better way to take advantage of the time, also there are people who do not have a fixed income or job, therefore cryptocurrencies them can come in handy

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True talk brothely! This dreadly pandemic called COVID-19 should not be an excuse to anyone who wish to reach his/her financial El Dorado. There are a lot of ways to relief oneself of untold boredomness effect of the lock down by keeping oneself busy making money online. We are in the era when if your business is not online, you will soon be out of business.

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In the world of cryptocurrencies, you can make money by trading or investing in projects.
  passive income: It is a form of income in which an investor receives an amount of money for the shares or a number of cryptocurrencies invested
Staking: This allows you to generate a passive income regardless of the volatility of the cryptocurrency market.
DeFi: DeFi or decentralized finance is the way Ethereum calls its smart financial contracts and DApps.

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i really appreciate your hard work , during this pandemic most people are worried about the future of their life and most are stayed at home i am too joined crypto talk to earn some extra for live my life and if there are more opportunities people will enjoy sitting home and keep working 

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