If real currencies can be used as digital currencies. - Page 24 - For Beginners - CryptoTalk.Org Jump to content
Ch Ayyan

If real currencies can be used as digital currencies.

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What are telling to us i think you are calling the national currency to real currency am i right  then i guess yes they can be used as digital currencies and we can also convert it into other digital currency that is very eassy what do you think.

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Yes, many people nowadays prefer digital money because handling money has become much easier. To begin with, replacing real currency with cryptocurrency is impossible since many citizens in many countries are uneducated and unable to use it effectively.

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I think that this will happen in the future .. but for some countries .. because others prefer paper currencies, I don’t know why .. But we hope that digital currencies will be circulating all over the world .. Good luck to all.

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I don't agree with you because in my opinion it is not possible because everybody in the whole world not educated and they all are not have experience on mobile phones like trading and exchanging currencies on cellphones so in my opinion it is not possible that all real currencies will changed in digital currencies

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Can you think all real currencies can be used like digital currencies  in future. I think  it will be good  If happened. I think  every   one can used their country's currency  every where in the world. If  happened  in future. Do you agree?

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No, because every nation has its own currency, and the value of that currency is determined by how much technology is produced and how developed the country is. Because well-developed countries' currencies have always dominated their currencies, such as the USD strong currency and the weak currency of India, how do you use India currency in the United States at equal prices?

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I agree with you, my friend, that it would be fantastic if real currencies resembled cryptocurrencies, allowing people all over the world to use the currencies they like, whenever and wherever they like. It's a positive thing, but I don't think it'll happen anytime soon, because political regimes frequently stifle global financial independence. I believe that using Bitcoin as a global currency will be a great idea in the future, and that it will expand the horizons for digital currencies.

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I don't think it's possible. Those currencies you are talking about are backed by countries, and they are often tangible. They cannot be converted simply into virtual currencies as you're thinking.

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Many major financial institutions have gradually begun to realize the benefits inherent in trading digital currencies and encourage their use in various sectors, due to the low cost of production compared to fiat currencies, and the reduction of some foreign exchange risks or manipulation of banking markets. My friend, the reality of electronic currencies is coming inevitably, and I hope that will happen so that we can exchange digital currencies under legal and safe cover.

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Thank you, my dear friend, for this beautiful question, I think it is not unlikely that banknotes and paper currencies will be used online as digital currencies, in my opinion there is no objection to that, in fact this issue is partially worked out in developed countries of the world.

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Yes some currencies are used as real currencies. But I don't have sufficient knowledge about this. But I read about this. Some countries allowed digital currency to use it as a real currency.

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Thank you my dear friend this is a very important question.. Me and all users.  I think from my humble point of view that you can actually use real currencies as digital currencies .. From my point of view is a kind of investment... For example, you put a particular currency and then wait until the digital currency rises and then re-withdraw it..

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I agree, but I believe that both are beneficial. If our country's currencies are converted to digital currencies, we will reap more benefits, so I like your idea and hope that it will be implemented in the future. 

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I agree, my friend, it will be soon. Perhaps you will need a lot of time to be able to use your currency anywhere in the world.  Thanks for your kind post

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You are welcome, my dear friend, in this forum, my dear friend. I strongly agree with you and I believe that with the passage of time the fiat currencies will vanish and be replaced by cryptocurrencies, but it needs a little time. 

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I think that this is very likely to happen if digital currencies continue to advance at this pace and I think that it is good for all countries to replace their paper currencies with digital currencies because of their ease in circulation and use and ease of preservation, which will eliminate the control of banks over currencies. I really think that it is good for everyone for this to happen.

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According to my view that for cryptocurrencies
A wonderful future will replace paper money
And developing the idea of having your currency wherever you want is exciting
Interesting in the current economic situation

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Hello dear, there is no doubt that this step we will work with in the near future and it is not impossible, but it requires some necessary procedures and the creation of treaties between countries to accept the work in cryptocurrencies

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If this happens, everything, including marketing and other aspects of the business, will change. If digital currencies are available as actual currencies, pricing and other aspects of the business will be complicated, and it could be unfair to others. At the very least, this is what I believe will happen.

By the way, you are right behind all of our success. We should be grateful and thank all of them, just as you did.

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Many people have become dealing in digital currencies because they find that working on the Internet is easier, but it contains many risks that we must be wary of, such as fraudsters.

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My friend thought it was a nice idea if it was actually applied as well, but it's a little tricky and needs some effort .
My friends can instead convert real money into digital currencies and use it in other countries I think that's much easier .

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The world is in continuous development and there are great possibilities that cryptocurrencies will become instead of paper currencies, and this is the result of the development that will take place in the future and it will be nice for this thing to happen because the world will be very developed.

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It is really an interesting thing to use regular currencies as digital currencies, but in my opinion, the currency should be unified in all countries so that the currency becomes one in all parts of the world, and this will facilitate the buying and selling process and It rounds distances.

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It is a great idea that this could happen in the future, as cryptocurrency is used like paper currencies in all countries that know the importance and value of Bitcoin in this world.

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My friend, I see that cryptocurrencies will be written on the world, and all countries of the world will deal with them in the future, and real currencies that put some restrictions will be abolished, but if I become like cryptocurrencies, that would be wonderful.

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