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You should think of yourself as smart

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You should always make sure that what you post stands out so that you will appear smart. The only way that you can achieve that is through research and reading. If you get yourself informed before making any post then you will become a good content creator.


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yes, this is a scientifical process in which you can correlate yourself as better or dull.

If your consider good you will find yourself as good.

And if you consider dull or bad you will find uourself as bad or dull.

So, dear use crypto talk as your binary building process.

Just have faith.

Work consistently.

complete your daiky tasks not only for crypto talk but for your daily routines work.
Set your daily goals to achieve maximum in the end.

And stay positive.

you have the energy to do anything what you have desired.


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If you are thinking stupid this will not help you and any targets you have will be lower. If you are giving smart and asnwers that are your own thinking and pushing it a little further it will help others, but it will also help you more. Smart or stupid means that it will be about you, but the problem with smart is that others will try to steal your ideas and words and try to make them their own.

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Yes dear our succees is depend own us. If we have think smart and try to for something in good manners then we can succefull in our life. And if we work smart then our time will not waste.

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Well said, My Friend, We must believe in ourselves that we are better so that we are never let down and we trust ourselves that we are smarter than we think so that over time we can aspire to be better .

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You have to think smartly to present all that is smart so that it dazzles everyone to gain a reputation despite their noses Work hard and never give up Submit everything that benefits the forum and the members here will rise more and more

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Of course, you should consider yourself smart.  You have to try to do your best.  Take the necessary steps to survive in a competitive market.  Conquer everything through your own talent.  There must be more pursuit and interest for him.  It is necessary to set goals and implement them through hard work.

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As members of this great forum we shouldn't downgrade and underestimate ourselves thinking we can't be of any use to this forum and it members we have to always consider our selves as smart members  self trust will make you always come up with great and unique topics all time

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Yeah mate you are right. We should need to think ourself smart to improve ourself. This thing is very important to make us perfect. Every time we need to self motivate us then we can so many good things and we can also easily avoid every negative thing.

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Thank you for this valuable participation, my dear friend. I definitely agree with you, self-confidence is a real treasure, a pillar of success, and a way to achieve goals. No one can believe in you unless you believe in yourself. Therefore, you must convince yourself that you are smart and trust yourself so that others can trust you

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Hello my friend, this is true. First, we must think smartly in order to give good and useful ideas to new members. I wish you success in your work and thank you.

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You must always trust yourself, because the psychological state plays an important role in many matters, this makes you treat people in a better way and also makes you enter areas with strength and risk

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Yes, my friend, we must believe in ourselves and rely on the information we have and present it to the members here because it will help them to work within the forum and we must work on developing this information in order to obtain the full experiences that will help us to work within the world of encryption and thank you

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Yes, my friend, if you want to succeed and reach an advanced stage, you have to think that you are a smart person and able to succeed, the matter needs to be followed up and work hard, a person is not born stupid, but a person has to work hard

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Hello my friend, I agree with you, so we should not underestimate ourselves and learn more and more in order to develop ourselves and get positive evaluations, and that is only by working hard and trusting our abilities.

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Yes we need to be optimistic all the time when it comes to crypto because we always need to take a risk and learn new experiences and knowledge in order for us to grow in crypto community.

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You're absolutely right mate, if we conduct as smart people, this means that we have confidence, at the same time, when people receive the sense of confidence that you have, they will rely on what you have of information, they will trust you. Thus, we have to be smart people and build confidence of what we have of abilities.

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If you wouldn't trust in yourself, how else do you think anyone can believe in you? The first step for that is to hope in himself that he will still win and thrive, and that he can achieve his objectives one day but just never give up.

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We are always what we think about ourselves,so if we think that we are nit good enough or not smart enough we will be that surley so we have to train oue mind to think positively of ourselves to producte more. 

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Thank you. Welcome to this forum. Basically, you need to follow some techniques to work in the forum. Basically, we work for a long time. But, the result comes to zero. Because, we often make a lot of mistakes. As such, we should make ourselves smartly. Because, if we can work smartly through thinking, our success will come soon. So, we have to work with the basic things in mind.

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Yes you are right I agree with you because before thinking about yourself as smart you just have to think positive about yourself and don't think negative because positive thinking can give you everything and can you as smart you are. Through positive mind you can get anything.

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We always have to start from ourselves to get to what we wanted and hope to get it
And fighting ourselves to develop it and urge it to change is the beginning that will lead us to success
If we do not view ourselves with great confidence and that we are better and can always provide the best, we will remain in a specific place stuck and we will look to others how to progress and lose confidence in ourselves even if we have better capabilities than them.

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On 3/31/2021 at 3:40 AM, Mohmad6335 said:

One of the most important rules for the success of any work is not to say that we do not know and believe that we are incapable of accomplishing it, so we must move away from the idea that we are stupid and incapable of understanding or comprehension, but rather we have to try again and again until we succeed because a person is not born and is aware of everything, but rather learns Of experiences.

@Mohmad6335 A person who thinks he is stupid should not love himself, why am I going to think that I am stupid? That is illogical, if one has confidence in oneself and knows the capacities that he possesses to do anything he cannot think that he is stupid, on the contrary,
people always feel that they are intelligent and that they can achieve what they are looking for, if there are people who think they are stupid I imagine they may have a mental illness that makes them look like they should be treated with a psychologist to stop thinking about it .

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Self-confidence is the most important reason for success, I will not start any work unless I am confident in my ability to complete it, and intelligence is to successfully manage this work and overcome all the obstacles in front of you until you reach your goal

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The best and most valuable currency in the world today is BTC, LTC, ETH and so on. I was able to earn a total of $ 300 BTC online. I earn crypto currency by investing through Telegram. I love working here. Millions of people are working here and making a living. General Chat Chat LoungCrypto currencies are touching people's minds so it can be said that they will improve further in the future

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