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About Hasan386

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  1. Well my dear friend, there are many good wallets that I have tried and you can use like trust wallet, Blockchain and Coinbase but I prefer to use the Binance wallet because it is a global and reliable platform
  2. Well, my dear friend, it is a really great feature and pushes members to work harder because it gives them the incentive to get free coins and collect them.I don't think this feature is on other platforms
  3. You are definitely right, it is a really great feature and helps in developing the forum and providing reputation for publications as they deserve without fear or hesitation because this keeps us away from being retaliated and will push members to write better posts
  4. Well my dear friend, maybe this problem is due to the poor communication network or it is a temporary problem and it will be solved after a short period.I have never had this problem and transfer profits daily
  5. The payment system at the forum offers for every comment that gets a positive reputation of 200 Satoshi and therefore you will get 4000 Satoshi per day for 20 comments but you will not get payments for comments that do not get a positive reputation
  6. Well my dear friend, you are right it takes several hours to work on the forum today, but I don't think this is a problem because I enjoy my time here and try to gain as much information as possible
  7. Well, my dear friend, scammers have spread a lot on the internet and have become a real threat to our money and accounts. The problem is that they are always developing their methods to outperform our plans to avoid them
  8. Thank you very much for this valuable sharing, my dear friend. They are really good advice and important information and we must follow in order to obtain experience because experience is definitely necessary to obtain profits and develop work
  9. Welcome my dear friend, most members are looking for safe wallets to withdraw their encrypted currencies and collect their profits. According to my experience, there are many reliable wallets such as Coinbase, Blockchain and faucetpay, but I think the best wallet is Binance
  10. Well my dear friend, the bitcoin coin is a high-priced currency and it is the most expensive among all currencies, so it is natural that collecting it is difficult and it is also natural that there are many fraud sites and taps that offer very little profit. So we must be careful at work
  11. Well my dear friend, you are definitely right, our participation must be more effective and not limited to responses or evaluation, but we must give each publication its right, whether by responding or by giving reputation so that members feel motivated and supported
  12. Well my dear friend, that encrypted currencies are a new field and difficult to understand quickly and need deep study and research in order to become an expert in them so I advise you to conduct your research and follow up on expert members who provide useful publications and information so that you can develop yourself and your knowledge
  13. Thank you very much for this valuable participation, my dear friend, it is very important and useful information for all members and I advise everyone to read it because it gives us a good idea of encrypted currencies, ways to earn them and develop our profits
  14. Thank you very much for this valuable participation, my dear friend, you are right, we must provide advice and support to new members so that they can participate effectively and well and benefit from the forum and can develop themselves and their information
  15. Thank you for this valuable sharing, my dear friend, it is really great and important information that we should benefit from. I joined this forum with the aim of learning and collecting information and this has been what I have done since I joined
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