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"Working in a group spirit"

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17 minutes ago, Corybarlog said:

 I guess your and your friends idea is perfect because if you guys collect Bitcoin from different different websites than you guys will collect good amount of Crypto. After that you guys will use that for trading and investment and also you will get profit.

@Corybarlog You are right, it is a great idea, especially if currencies are traded, which increases profit, but the problem here is that the same effort must be exerted among the members of the group so that there is equality in everything.

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The idea is very good, in the field of organizational administration and work psychology there is a lot of talk about teamwork and motivations, for example in the theories of the author Schein.
Although I am a newbie and I am just learning about this world, I always talk with some other friend about how to get more revenue from cryptocurrencies and that it serves the entire organization behind it and us. sharing this type of information and statistics is supportive.
When working as a team, it is essential that we take into account what is the function of each one and assume the commitment to carry out this task. That there is a certain trust between the team members is also very important and knowing that they like each one the most and that each one develops this activity, that will be a motivation so that the final result is positive for the whole group.



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Cooperation is an extraordinary thought, and working separately. However, it's an online stage and we don't know anyone here. On the off chance that we discover people groups with trustful we can begin bunch work else we need to proceed with our works separately.

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I and three other colleagues work in the group where we all have a very strong union since we have known each other for many years and we are all passionate about Cryptocurrencies because together we obtain information to obtain profits
A big greeting to the whole community and good luck to everyone

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Yes you can do it your work no doubt. But simple group is full with members and every members doing work hard and earn money with zeal and zest simply.

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Yes you are right your post is very informative i personally impressed by your post as you ask about group work yes ofcours this is very beneficial team work makes a project strong and valuable but in team you all make sure that everyone is doing their work no one is doing any type of cheating 

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Doing work in groups are the best. You can always set targets and work accordingly. It helps to gain more coins in a small period of time.

I am not a person who works well in groups. So I am not the best person to comment on this topic!

Just make sure you make enough points and that you work well in groups. This is a very good idea, and this will help you to grow fast in this crypto world.

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A wonderful and very important idea. There must be trust between people, where we must deal with people we know. As for the matter through the Internet and communication through the Internet, it seems difficult as there is no link between the person. I wish you good luck dear

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A good idea, but the most important thing is the credibility of the people you deal with and trust them because many frauds have occurred to many people due to someone stealing money 

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I agree with you.it is a good idea.to do work in a group is benifited for us.because we can increase our knowledge to doing work in group.like,some time one of you find something difficul, then others will help him to solve the problem.                  

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Yes of course I think it is a good idea to work as a team so that the work is more effective but the acceptance depends on you and the confidence you have while working with these people.  Since when money is involved, I think it’s hard to give our trust to others

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In fact, I'm thinking a lot about this.  Because I want to know a lot about it and if we can discuss this we can come up with a lot of ideas.  Hopefully one day we will know a lot about what exactly is going on because we still don't have such a good experience with this subject and hopefully from now on we can do a lot of good things and discuss the matter if we need a lot then we will know a lot

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Look, my friend, it's an idea
It is good and makes a big profit for all participants, but you have to choose reliable people for this work and be active and work well and professionally in order to collect the largest amount of coins

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That's a good idea.If we work together in groups, it benefits others because some people are not very good, their company is not good for us, so it is important for us to work alone.Because some people use us to make sense of themselves, they take advantage of us and never think well of us.Therefore, such people should be avoided and work alone.

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Working in good spirit it only when  the topic is understanded by the readers and give there feedback based on the topic of discussion, every one chip in there views about the topic. 

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Team work makes the dream work! One great thing about working as a team is that you can help push each other to keep going. Ever noticed how more motivated you are when working with your friends because they are there to cheer you up whenever you feel like giving up. That goes back and forth between the members of the group.

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I think it is a good idea if even if the one of the member accumulate more cryptocurrency than the other, that one member still want to distribute the earning that the team evenly, but I think that thing is hard to achieve since for sure those who have accumulate more cryptocurrency would suggest that he/she should have the more income than the rest of the member of the team. So I think working alone is still the best in the cryptospace.

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Hello dear friend.I think this is the best thing so far because I think the importance of work will increase if we all work together.People are lazy and others will probably blame your teammates for not doing it there as they will only create conflict in your team.

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Yeah we can actually achieve great profits by working collectively but we must work with people we know and are reliable for us so that the work is safe and we can divide the profits among the members of the group.

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Group works usualy became more profitable. In crypto world me and my couple friends have a analysis group so we can share our ideas. It's great to have group like that because we can't make wrong decision sometimes but if we're in a group we can't share our thoughs and we can get reaction, but it doesn't meand being alone can't be profitable because if you don't have a friend with knowledge, you can make wrong decisions with their orientation.

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Every successful trader is involved in a group. That is because knowledge is more beneficial as long as it is shared and passed among each other. We have that kind of a small group with my friends too, in which we share daily coin analysis or news. What some of us discovered might be missed by others so this closes the information gap. cheers !  

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Greetings regarding this topic, I think that teamwork is a good way to earn and benefit together, currently for me I do not work with anyone, I am a new member here, but I like to work this way. Currently, I deal with my boss and take full instructions from him.

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Dear friend as you know " Union is strength".  Working in a group mean getting more and more ideas. But sometime people work in a group for relaxation. They think their colleagues are working so I will do nothing and earn my profit this is a bad thing. Try to make sure that every member in group working on his own place or not.

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