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Cryptotalk history..

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Hello dear maid I hope you are doing very well firstly I want to tell you that I am also a beginner on this platform and I am not know about the history of this platform and about the history of platform I think seniors can help you to telling about the history of this platform

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Before 6 to 7 months, there was a lot of chatter about cryptocurrency. 

This is very useful for people who want to earn bitcoins on the Yobit platform, as well as for exchanging bitcoins for local currency wherever and whenever they want.It also promotes the Cryptotalk website very well.

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I don't know the history of this forum. 

But what I do know is that we should use our time at the forum to gather information and learn about cryptocurrencies 

I feel lucky to be here before so many other people .

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I think that this forum started in the tenth month of 2019. The goal of this platform is to teach everything related to the work and encrypted. As well as write useful posts about it and win bitcoins in IoBit, and to promote the cryptoTalk site in the community. Its first launch was to pay for 30 useful posts and  The payment was 1,000 satoshi per post, now the number has decreased to 20, and the payment is now 200 satoshi per comment

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I don't exactly know why and where it was created because I have not yet familiar with the crypto system because I am new still in this forum and that's why I still don't know and I really feel sorry about that.

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I am new, my friend, on this platform, and I do not have sufficient information about cryptocurrencies and their history, but I think you can search on Google and YouTube about the history of these currencies

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Hello mate. Nice curiosity question. First of all very thanks to asking this such type question.  Unfortunately i am helpless. I don't know the whole history of the crypto world. But i think this function will be taken the seniors.

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Hello hello team members and new 20 I hope you are doing well well first of all I want to tell you that take the I cannot hug you about the history of cryptocurrency because I am also a new hair I am a beginner on which platform so I am really sorry for U I cannot help you

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Hey mate,as i only the know the russian forum,and i reffered a freinds who already posts here,i think it is more universal version and that is why the great snow that this forum now has,i hope you successed my mate,thank you.

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I am a beginner here and I will not pretend to know, but what I heard is that the forum is one of the best sites ever, and that it is still developing itself and working on it by people who are dedicated and loyal in their work, and we wish it continuity.

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I am new member in this forum . So I can't help you dear . But your question is so interesting . I also want to know about history of cryptotalk and why this forum start this journey. 

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I wish you good and success, my friend, that this field is wide and is constantly developing. In my opinion, it will have a prosperous future. Everyone should consult the elderly members in order to get important answers.

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There is not clear information regarding history's of crypto talk forum but if we talked about i checked it from about forum sections of crypto talk forum and i find that paybyposts campaign started in the month of September 2019. So enjoyed this offer from this forum.

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I'm a newcomer to this culture. I've only been here for two weeks. But, based on what I've read on the forum, it seems to have started at the end of last year, and the earnings have since begun. In any case, I'm thankful to have found this forum, and I hope to spend many more days, weeks, and months earning with them.

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In fact, my friend, he created the CryptoTalk Forum in 2019 and it has provided many people with a wonderful opportunity in this field that brought them back with profits and experiences in the world of cryptography, and these currencies still today are widely known for their spread among their users as they use it in many things, and it may change Laws in this forum, but it still provides a wonderful opportunity for those interested in the world of cryptocurrencies. We only have to work hard and support each other to advance and continue this forum.

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I heared from many old friends that this forum was created in the beginning of September 2019 or something like that and they used to give out 1 BTC for top users and then they also used to pay 30k satoshi per day but now they have reduced the payments to five times because of the high price of BTC.

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My friend, I am a beginner in this field, a question that always plagues me and what is the purpose of creating it. I hope to find a convincing answer.

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Friend I would not know how to tell you how the history of cryptotalk began, what I would advise is that you inform yourself or search in different sites or pages that you think that there you will be able to find an answer to your question or information about how all this began, what I would tell you is that you hope that surely someone will help you and give you information in a comment about how all this began and so you can know that it is already in you, sorry for not being helpful.

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Sorry, i don't know. But what I'll do right after im done with my work here, is google the history of cryptotalk. One thing im sure about is that its a recent creation and the intentions behind its creation were excellent. 

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Hello friend, thank you for your helpful post. Sorry that I cannot give you any information on this topic. I don’t know when the encryption was done because I joined here last month.

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Dear friend ,I can't Know about the crypto talk history .I am newbie at this forum ,and I don't know about the crypto talk history .but I only know that it's not an old forum and they pay us our hard works to post useful information and topics or comments .

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Thus forum was developed as a result of a collaboration between cryptotalk admins and yobit, and the first launch was in September of last year, so it is just about 11 months old, but it is nearly the second bitcointalk platform.

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Thus forum was developed as a result of a collaboration between cryptotalk admins and yobit, and the first launch was in September of last year, so it is just about 6 months old, but it is nearly the second bitcointalk platform.

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I don't know much about the history of this forum because I have recently joined this forum and never read about this kind of content, so far. It will always be interesting to know that what is the history of crypto talk forum and how it was started? So, knowing this , is good in that forum's perspective.

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His modern encrypted campaign started two years ago, and from the beginning until now he has done a lot for all of us, we have learned here the basics of encryption and the basics of trading and we have earned a lot of great profits. 

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