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What is a UTXO in bitcoin

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A UTXO stands for unspent transaction output. A transaction is represented with inputs and outputs.  UTXOs represent the amount of bitcoin that is sent to a bitcoin address. It also has a signature made by the sender proving that the validity of the transaction. When a transaction is made the bitcoins might be collected from other UTXOs, in other words, a 1 btc transaction might take half from one UTXO and the other half from another UTXO. There might be change left over because most UTXOs contain more bitcoin than needed for the transaction. If that is the case then another UTXO is created with the btc change.


Inside a chain which is present in the blockchain, there is a list of spent transactions followed by one unspent transaction that is the UTXO. Each node in the bitcoin blockchain contains the list of UTXOs that are current in its memory. When a transaction is spent it is removed from the UTXO list.


It is desirable to have as small number of UTXOs in the list as possible because the creation of transactions is a computationally intensive task and containing too many UTXOs will crash smaller nodes such as web clients.


It's spelled UTXO. Some parts of the internet wrongly call it UXTO.

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Why are you looking for another faucet in signatures like mine, cryptotalk is the best earnings site. 😉

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This is my first time I heard about this UTXO so is very good and thank you talk about that, we will take some notes about this because is very important for us to know anything around cryptocurrency.



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UTXO stands for unspent transaction output, the building block of all bitcoin transactions that records what outputs are available to be spent and helps the network avoid double spending.

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The differences between the "UTXO" model and the "Account Based" model, respectively of Bitcoin and Ethereum, is useful to offer a more complete overview of the functioning of these different blockchains.In general, those who approach the world of cryptocurrencies for the first time are led to think that the wallet is similar to a bank account . UTXOs are prepared ceaselessly and are mindful for starting and finishing each exchange.

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Thanks for all those information i have fun reading all that i never know that about bitcoins address it's really helpful to understand how the transaction made and how we can sign any one 

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I did not know what the UTXO Bitcoin chain consists of. This information is most likely needed for developers. Thank you, I was interested to know what UTXO Bitcoin is and what it consists of.

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This is the first time I've heard or seen such information about Bitcoin transfers. I think that the blockchain is the greatest invention that was made in the twentieth century by Satoshi Nakamoto.

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I've heard about UTXO actually but all I knew about it was a global database that shows all the outputs available for use in order to create a bitcoin transaction, thank you for this post.

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On 1/16/2020 at 1:45 PM, McCree said:

A UTXO stands for unspent transaction output. A transaction is represented with inputs and outputs.  UTXOs represent the amount of bitcoin that is sent to a bitcoin address. It also has a signature made by the sender proving that the validity of the transaction. When a transaction is made the bitcoins might be collected from other UTXOs, in other words, a 1 btc transaction might take half from one UTXO and the other half from another UTXO. There might be change left over because most UTXOs contain more bitcoin than needed for the transaction. If that is the case then another UTXO is created with the btc change.


Inside a chain which is present in the blockchain, there is a list of spent transactions followed by one unspent transaction that is the UTXO. Each node in the bitcoin blockchain contains the list of UTXOs that are current in its memory. When a transaction is spent it is removed from the UTXO list.


It is desirable to have as small number of UTXOs in the list as possible because the creation of transactions is a computationally intensive task and containing too many UTXOs will crash smaller nodes such as web clients.


It's spelled UTXO. Some parts of the internet wrongly call it UXTO.

Very short and clear explanation, thank you very much. I have not met him on the Internet yet, but if I already know what it is, I advise beginners to read this post

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El 16/1/2020 a las 4:45, McCree dijo:

Un UTXO significa salida de transacciones no gastadas. Una transacción se representa con entradas y salidas. Los UTXO representan la cantidad de bitcoin que se envía a una dirección de bitcoin. También tiene una firma realizada por el remitente que acredita la validez de la transacción. Cuando se realiza una transacción, los bitcoins se pueden recolectar de otros UTXO, en otras palabras, una transacción de 1 btc puede tomar la mitad de un UTXO y la otra mitad de otro UTXO. Es posible que quede un cambio porque la mayoría de los UTXO contienen más bitcoins de los necesarios para la transacción. Si ese es el caso, se crea otro UTXO con el cambio de btc.


Dentro de una cadena que está presente en la cadena de bloques, hay una lista de transacciones gastadas seguidas de una transacción no gastada que es UTXO. Cada nodo de la cadena de bloques de bitcoin contiene la lista de UTXO que están vigentes en su memoria. Cuando se gasta una transacción, se elimina la lista UTXO.


Es deseable tener la menor cantidad posible de UTXO en la lista porque la creación de transacciones es una tarea computacionalmente intensiva y si contiene demasiados UTXO, se bloquearán los nodos más pequeños, como los clientes web.


Se escribe UTXO . Algunas partes de Internet lo llaman erróneamente UXTO.

buenos días
Amigo, ¿puedes explicarme o lo entendí ?, quieres decirme que un UTXO es el equivalente a un satoshi, o entendí algo, si puedes sacarme esa pregunta te lo agradecería

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I never heard of you UTXO..We do not use it with the abbreviation n, we use it in short form, Its abbrrivation is you upsent transaction order...UTXOis basically the left of money that settles down and after any transaction ..Used to balance ledger.

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