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About orejamordda

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  1. good afternoon, This is something that I hope in the near future I know, I'm waiting for that day to come, since a large part of my savings are in the same (cryptocurrencies) Greetings
  2. good afternoon, I understand little about the global of what you mean, but I understand that they do it to give greater publicity to said critical currency, what I want to get to is that it is very clear when in doubt you have to go to bitcoin BTC Greetings
  3. good afternoon, When these things are done, the fines are falling, anyone knows that what is done is wrong, taking advantage of state resources for personal sales should be fined Greetings
  4. good afternoon, I've been looking for something extra to do for a while when I'm not using the computer. I want it to see if I can make a better one. this is a good cryptocurrency apparently Greetings
  5. good afternoon, I had not heard of this in particular, a while ago I read that you made money watching watching but I never thought that was possible Greetings
  6. Goodnight. The truth is that I do not know this term but from what you say, if you know what you are asking for, you can make a big difference in buying cheap and selling expensive Greetings
  7. Buenas noches. La verdad es que no sabía nada de un casino virtual que acepta criptomonedas. ahora estoy a punto de cenar pero esto suena muy Saludos
  8. Good evening, what a great faucet, I never work with TRN token but it seems very interesting. So right now I register with the link you left. Health
  9. Good afternoon, I do not know this one, I will start looking for a little more information, and in case it is interesting I will start working with it. but the post is very complete. SLs
  10. Good afternoon, right now I go to the link and I start making the indications. very complete post, From already thank you very much. SLs
  11. Good afternoon, Personally, I do not receive or open any message that I do not know of its precedence. That's how i try to do it SLs
  12. ¡Buenos días! En este caso estoy 100% de acuerdo con mi amigo, espero que el mercado libre acepte criptomonedas, ya que en más de un caso nos ahorraría una comisión ya que si tenemos nuestros ahorros en criptomonedas tenemos que transferirlo a nuestra moneda local y desde allí pagar SL
  13. ¡Buenos días! Personalmente, proporcioné muchos como Bitcoin gratis, litecoin gratis, el de los gatos y ninguno de ellos pagó nada creo que por el valor de 0.05 dólar en cripto, la verdad es una decepción SLs
  14. Buenas noches, además de que tiene sus ventajas, tiene las suyas propias, como tú, por ejemplo, si lo hacen tu computadora, te sacan absolutamente todo. desde tus contraseñas hasta las ganas de respirar, ya que toda tu información se guarda SLS
  15. Goodnight, I think the same as you, the Faucets in most cases are a waste of time, since you have to be around a lot to be able to collect a decent amount. SLS
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