Are you into creating topics or replying to topics only? - Page 14 - For Beginners - CryptoTalk.Org Jump to content

Are you into creating topics or replying to topics only?

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Well my friend .  Everyone suffers from the problem of deleting their posts, I also deleted more than one post for me, and then I went to the responses to the posts because they are slightly better than creating topics.  The main goal is to learn, gain and get a good reputation, so I advise you to work on the topic of writing useful and attractive responses in order to have that.

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Actually creating topics is more important than creating post in this platform because when you create a topics with some good content so many members will tell you more special about what you write and we can learn many more and I can say many members has such quality information but they not create topics I don't know why they only create post to complete daily task..

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Dear when we are beginners we can only learn
Therefore, I think that you should start by commenting on the posts in order to gain experience and after a good period you can publish with non-duplicate and useful topics.

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I am trying both try replaying and creating post. In the online we can find good information and basically in the forum. So we need to share our regular information in the forum. It is very important think that know for sharing.

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We must formulate our contributions using understandable and clear words and take care to choose useful and distinctive topics that talk about this area and that are of interest to other members. 

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I also do both by creating topics and replying posts. But I do reply on posts more than creating a topic because most of the topics I created where been deleted by the moderator that's why I reply on posts more often. 

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At the present time, as I am still a beginner, I prefer to comment on topics only. But when I gain enough experience and good information about the cryptocurrency, I will definitely present topics with useful educational content. It is a matter of becoming an expert.

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Infact I do the both. But more oftenly I just reply to the topics. Making topics is just more rare for me. Because till now I'm learning how to make a Good topic. Because often my topic gets deleted. That's why I usually make posts only. 

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Hey dude,  thanks  for this wonderful  useful  information. Me as the bigginner  I don't  know  munch  about  this.  But you  have to be smart  enough  in this great  forum. 

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On 1/21/2021 at 2:25 PM, Dria said:

I certainly do both of this but since my topics have been deleted for the reason that i really don't know, i guess i will just reply to other users topic often. It is so hard to create or think topics and then when you created, it will just get deleted at the end. So now i am thinking if will continue just to reply others topic. What is your idea about this? 

In my own opinion I prefer doing the both because it gave me the ability to learn and post something good that will benefit others as well, but to be honest even your post are been deleted you should not feel panic or give up upon creating new topic rather we should work hard and put more effort in our daily work here.

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My dear brother, this is not fear with uh, and listen now, My dear friends, our comments and posts are deleted only because they are useless and copy past content, We need to create good content and it will never delete our post again, thankuu

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My friend I want to tell you that I have no appropriate knowledge about writing the subject they already did at this time I do not write the subject I just give the answer to the subject of other members to get knowledge in this forum Thank you so much for the question.

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Yes, this is a correct decision in my opinion. You must first know how to write a topic and learn well how to write it and how to attract members to your topic, then you can create good topics, and you will gain a good reputation then.

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Your posts are deleted because there is definitely something wrong with them. Look at my profile. I have dozens of topics, but in order not to delete your topic, it must contain useful information or a strange idea, or a strange question that has not been asked before, and before you publish the topic, make sure That it is not repeated and that it corresponds to the section in which it is published, and it will not be deleted.

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I am newbie and just reply to topics only but I am gaining knowledge and experience to creating the topics when I will move from rank of Jr member I will create unique topic 

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Friend i reply to the topic because i am beginner that's why i don't create topic because i want to learn more then i will create topic and share my knowledge with others because creating topics get more likes and positive reputation.

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We do not just have to continue creating comments, we must overcome the barrier of fear and create useful topics even if they are deleted, my friend, we must learn from our mistakes not to repeat them in our next topics

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In my view at the beginning of our work we all just need to comment on other people’s posts.

Until we fully acquire the knowledge and experience of this work then we need to create a good post for other members me and me, I'm just commenting on the posts for now thank you

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Creating topics needs focus in order not to be deleted, and therefore I think that responding to topics is easier than creating them

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Hello guys,if you want to ask something or uf you want to solve a problems about crypto,create topics and people help you,i also reply on topics I can't create topics,you can do both.

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This is valid because the problem affects not just you, but also many other forum members. If we want to write about a subject about which we have a lot of details and a fair amount of expertise, we can do so.


Many members of this forum claim that when we write a subject, we receive a warning point, but I always counter that when we write, we learn a great deal because when he takes risks, he succeeds.


True, we have more topics, but we do not delete as many posts. However, if we write a good topic, we gain a lot of reputation, which benefits us greatly. Send us posts, in my opinion. We should do and write about topics as well.

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Hello my dear friend, Since we, as beginners, are asking for information, we should respond to the topics, read the comments and take advantage of their contents so that we have a great experience that enables us to create the topics

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You have to make sure that your topics are new and not duplicated by searching for them in the forum well. You should not despair but keep publishing useful posts and stick to the rules 

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Yes dear both are good commenting and posting topics. I think creating topics give us more reaction on our post other then commenting on a topic. So, for good reputation always make good content which are useful and informative for others then others give you reputation in result of this. 

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