Positive And Negative Reputaion!! - Page 25 - For Beginners - CryptoTalk.Org Jump to content

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Always try to get positive reputation because with positive reputation it is a good chance of earning more. But negative reputation can delete your post and also you can't earn. I know taking positive reputation is not a easy work but we must work hard to take positive reputations. It is necessary for paid posts.

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The reputation is the summary of the work in this forum, because it is frankly the one who evaluates the quality of your work for the supervisors in the forum, so your post, whatever its quality, what is decided to pay for it or not is its negative or positive reputation. If it is evaluated negatively, it will not be paid for and positive.  He will earn money for him

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Ok well bro. Nice question.  The good reputation and bad reputation have the very essential role in this forum. When you got the good reputation your post is better. Otherwise tou have get the bad reputation try more and more.

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My friend, it depends on the content you provide on your topics. If you provide useful and content-based topics, you will receive a positive reputation and a lot of support.

If I share topics that are not useful or repetitive or violate the rules of the forum, your topic will be deleted and you will receive a negative reputation for that. 

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Positive reputation depends on your material if your content is useful and helpful for everyone you will have chance to get the positive reputation and if you are posting same content again and again then you will never get positive reputation. For positive reputation you should do on research don't repeat same topic again and again.

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I think good post give you good rating and also good reacts. If you make bad posts and bad quality post then your rating become low and this will also effect your reputation. I suggest you to make good quality post ad follow the rules and regulations.

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There is a big difference between allowing positive and negative. It is possible to get paid for positive posts and gain reputation and it is impossible to get paid from the member forum for negative posts but there is a risk of blocking the account. So everyone should get a positive reputation and qualify in the forum.

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My dear friend, to be honest with you I don't have any experience on this topic, but if your reputation is positive, it indicates you're doing a great job and the topics useful if negative, this indicates that your posts is useful and I want you to put me reputation and thanks.

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Hello my friend, the reputation has two benefits, the first helps to keep the level of publications high, the second and most importantly, you are not paid for your publications unless it has positive reputation.

@F4 Shahid Ali

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I don't know if the reactions helps or affects your earnings but I understand it boost your popularity status because it shows your contents are really knowledgeable and useful to the forum which people can read and understand easily. if your content if good and related to topic and show information and knowledge then members of this forum give you positive feedback if you have not knowledge related to topic then members give you negative feedback 

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My dear friend, surely the positive reputation plays a big role in any work we do, by paying you and for the process of participating in your publications positively and not criticizing and thanking you for this good work you do

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It good to subscribe this positive reputation is when your posting is informative and you respect members of this forum then people will give positive reaction if not the admin will not even pay you.

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I agree possitive and negative reputation can effect your payment. If you gain possitive reputation then your reputation increase and payment also paid to your posts. If you gain negative reputation after posting loe quality post then your payment should be stop.

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I wouldn't highly suggest it because it takes time and effort, and I suppose if it's legit, it's unfair to put in all that exertion for a maximum of $1 per day. I'm looking for new websites these days, but it's difficult to find legitimate and fair websites. 

I'm going to stick with cryptotalk for now; I've visited a lot of survey sites so far, but you have to apply for every survey you try before you can participate.

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On 4/1/2021 at 4:02 AM, Mohmad6335 said:

Of course, there is a very important role for your reputation. If your reputation is good, the payment will increase for you, and if your reputation is bad, you will not receive anything. Therefore, we must all work on writing new and important topics and publications that contain information that benefits all people and thus we get a good evaluation that leads you to obtain a good reputation .

@Mohmad6335 Having negative reactions affect our account and payment, it is true what you say, reactions are an important part of the forum and that is why we must take care of having positive reactions so that our account increases as we make publications,
A good account with a good level of reactions and publications can bring us many benefits.

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 hello there positive and negative population are in every platform you just have to you have to understand Who is Who because everyone in your face are trying to very nice but in Hindi real life they are not all we have to do is is is knowing who is bad and who is is good

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I think giving a negative reputation to other members is a really bad thing that makes a member frustrated and does not want more work. I hope members encourage their colleagues by giving them a positive reputation. If they see some mistakes, they can alert them, and so they will have contributed positively.

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Welcome my friend to this wonderful forum, if you create useful topics, you will definitely get positive reviews. Stay away from repeating topics because they make the reader bored. good luck for everbody.

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Certainly dear, there is great importance to your reputation in this forum, where if it is positive you will be paid and if it is negative you will not be paid and good reputation works to motivate you towards the best and advancement to reach the desired goal and bad reputation works to frustrate your spirits and therefore you must spread effective topics and valuable ideas  Try not to publish useless topics and avoid personal abuse

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Yes dear positive and negative reputation affect our  payment if our reputation is positive and we will be paid more and if our reputation will be negative then we will be paid less. so we should career some useful post to get positive reputation and earn more money.

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Positive and negative reputation relates to your posts. The content you have provided is useful and contains information of a good positive nature.

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Hello my dear friend.  If you post valuable useful.  Others will gain knowledge by reading those valuable useful posts.  Will give you a reputation for it.  And if you post invaluable useful.  Then you will not be given fame.

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Your question is really good.

I want to say that if we get negative reactions then our payment will low and if we get positive reactions then our reputation will increase and our payment will certainly increase.

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Hello there brother positive and negative reputation I think both are in fact our lives when you do positive things you will eventually get benefit out of it and once you get negative reputation I'll even consider you are a bad person or a scammer so my advice to you that always be a positive side don't be negative about anything if you been positive you will understand how beneficial is

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