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  1. Yes my friend that Satoshi is a genius man to invent this coin and I hope he will go out into the world and tell them why this coin was created as I felt that I went back using the time machine and always wonder what Satoshi Naka Mutu was thinking at that time while he was in the publishing process
  2. Yes dear, the panic that people suffer from, so no one can predict the prices of the future, as there is a lot of conflicting news about this issue on the Internet, as keeping it reduces the available offer, which leads to a huge increase in the price
  3. Yes dear this is a very nice thing to buy all the things you want using bitcoin Yes I bought TV and also bought a shirt and some clothes and also bought some games for my brothers and I am very happy with these things
  4. If we deal with dedication, perseverance and knowledge in encrypted currencies, this will increase the dealings in encrypted currencies and will continue in the future with us forever, but I do not say that they will not change, as some changes may be appropriate to the future and the methods of dealing with them
  5. Dear thank you very much for providing this valuable information that all members benefit from. Yes, I think that in 2021 the price of Bitcoin will rise to its highest rate due to half, as everyone sees that there is a strong relationship between increasing the prices of encrypted currencies, especially Bitcoin and half, where many investors are waiting for Half is therefore difficult to know predictions
  6. Dear thanks for giving a password to the key to success as the key to success requires doing while working hard and energetically and requires that you not be greedy and hasty and you should not choose the easy things and you should also not rush to get money quickly without realizing
  7. Dear many members do difficult things that affect them, such as trading operations, and there is no need for that, as I advise them to deal in coins, as there are not many requirements for them, which are somewhat low currencies and they can reap profits if they choose a good and appropriate currency
  8. Yes dear, anyone can self-control the money through his basic knowledge of storing money and when conducting trading operations, many people lose their money due to lack of knowledge where fraudsters control the penetration of our money and thus our certain loss and thus restraint is due to the experience, perseverance and knowledge of the person in the real partnership For any topic before dealing and working with it
  9. My friend, everyone on this platform is subject to some mistakes, and now I and at the present time do not see their problem exactly what it is, but I think the reason may be a problem with the entry where the reason may be that your host is disabled and there may be maintenance for some pages and it will work soon and sometimes you have to repeat The process of entering, turning off your device and taking off again
  10. My dear, one of the most important factors that caused fear in people's hearts is lack of self-confidence and work to develop it. When I do something, I look in an existential vacuum and hold my breath a little, then I think well, so I feel comfortable and therefore I advise you to deliberate because it is she who makes courage in our hearts As all traders feel fear
  11. My dear always asks us this question that the currency of the bitcoin will rise or decrease and whether it will increase and raise a coin on it I say no my dear Ethereum will not outperform Bitcoin. Because Bitcoin is old and very popular as the price of Bitcoin will rise more than it is and unreasonable because Bitcoin is always the protagonist of the Bitcoin coin
  12. Dear we can promote encrypted currencies through several things, firstly all types of websites and also through social media sites where these sites will help to promote good encrypted currencies and will help in strengthening the community and announcing whatever it wants
  13. Yes dear, I agree with you on this issue that good skills and hard work to get money is the best since when I started my work on the Cryptotalk platform in taps, mining and others I started to gain a lot where the trading process is the best way to earn bitcoin
  14. Dear I buy coins when their price is low and this is my strategy in these currencies and the situation is dangerous in these currencies so it may not rise in price but I advise you dear to buy the Bitcoin currency when the price is low or the decrease is acceptable and also you can follow the control of currencies and be in the list and also on you Pay attention to the volume of trades on exchanges
  15. Dear I am using Google chrome is when I use it as it gives us everything like a calculator dictionary all the needs of encrypted currencies as the cryptotalk site and application helps us read news, articles, blogs, etc. where these sites work to develop the world of encryption
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