The Difference between 'Digital Currency' and 'Cryptocurrency' - Page 11 - Crypto World - CryptoTalk.Org Jump to content

The Difference between 'Digital Currency' and 'Cryptocurrency'

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Crypto currency is a digital currency, but the term "digital currency" refers to any currency that exists solely on the internet and does not exist in physical form. 

Cryptography and blockchain technology are used to create a digital currency known as crypto.

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in the internet we use both kind of currencies whether it is cryptocurrency or it is digital money but I think that the cryptocurrency do not have any future or existence without the digital money or local currency

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Digital currencies are fiat currencies that can also be transacted anywhere in the country and is limited and registered for third parties to review it, but on the contrary cryptocurrencies have many great qualities, such as security, encryption, total control of our transactions and without third parties involved, the transactions that can be made from anywhere in the world and for any part of the world.

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7 hours ago, Tesla said:

Digital currency are fiat currencies but in digital form and are accepted by so many bans and financial institutions whereas with crypto currency its different and operate under the blockchain technology which is decentralized

You are right the simple terms are like you said digital currency are the currencys that we are using and which the banks accept it the fiat money in digitall form, but the cryptocurrencys are crypto incriptions they arenot fiat money not paper money but dtermined by fiat moneys.

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The encrypted currency, which is a digital currency, but with other characteristics and features, the most important of which is the dependence on the blockchain, which makes it popular with the majority for its ease of dealing with it and its great reliability in addition to the need for no user data, unlike the digital currencies in banks.

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Well, I think it is a bad thing that people deal with cryptocurrencies as a way to access physical fiat currencies. This is the biggest reason for the instability of cryptocurrencies due to the large number of buying, selling and converting into paper currencies

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Cryptocurrency is part of the bigger currency sector and also referred as virtual currency, it gives the users the financial freedom to make transactions without boundary. 

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Digital currencies are money used on the Internet. And digital money is in the form of numbers. It has no material equivalent in the real world. But for cryptocurrencies all the characteristics of traditional money just as local money.

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Thank you for providing this information. I was not aware of this matter, despite my extensive experience, I did not differentiate between digital currencies and cryptocurrencies. I hope friends will review this topic.

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I think that this topic will be useful for beginners in knowing the differences between digital currencies and cryptocurrencies, and for me I prefer cryptocurrencies because of the great privacy it provides in financial dealings and the profits that can be made from price fluctuations in most currencies.

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It is a wonderful post for me as a beginner. I did not distinguish between cryptocurrencies and digital currencies. I got some information from what I wrote. You will also research these currencies so that I understand them better.

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Really I didn't know that there is a difference between them before since I always thought both are the same but as you say cryptocurrency is considered as a digital currency at the end but it can't exist as a paper coin. Great information.

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Bit coin is a cryptocurrency which has no appearance in real world but it has very much value  now a days. Both the digital currency and the cryprocurrency has the same coin.

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My dear friend I want to tell you that the difference between the cryptocurrency and about the digital money cryptocurrency is the type of digital money and one thing more I want to tell you that this is the era of technology and everyone want to adopt the technology so this is the requirement of the market

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What good information my friend, because I thought they were the same. I'm really happy to be learning from this platform. Thanks to those who share information like this, valuable information.

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