Ahmadjiddah's Content - CryptoTalk.Org Jump to content


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Everything posted by Ahmadjiddah

  1. This is technical issue are this forum administration update this feature, I can't understand, and forum member also don't no why this happen now the heart symbol disappear, and I see some words in this place ( useful are interesting) this words,its any technical glitch then its solve very soon. Thanks for reading
  2. It is very simple indeed, first you must know how much talk you have generated by your publications, once they know you must send those talk to your balance for which you must choose which currency you want to change it to, for each currency it has a different price, but from what I know in bitcoin each talk is priced at 40-45 satoshis. My recommendation is that you gradually take your talk off balance and save until you have a large amount to change.
  3. Being shot NO a big clear no 1 DOGE can never be equal to 1 BTC because the supply of doge is a lot and if it reaches the value of doge reaches 1 btc its market cap will blow up and will make thing very messy therefor according to me its next to impossible for this to happen as it will lead to many problems . SO answer to your question is clear NO
  4. I have never heard of this distribution, but it seems to me that we can participate in it, because, in fact, we do not lose anything, and it turns out that if the exchange has a rating, then you can trust it! Thank you for this information, thank you all for reading and happy posting...
  5. Thank you so much actually I was searching where I can get quick price update of talk and I have found today. This will help me a lot to know when to buy and when to sell. I want to again thank you are giving this information. But I can't understand Russian language how to change into English and I don't find the option of talk there
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