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Everything posted by Yomose

  1. Although there are good cloud mining sites that are legit but they are not profitable, most are scam and I am very sure of this. It is good to just not mine if you can not do normal mining and joining mining pool.
  2. These are good wallets but electrum only supporting bitcoin, it is safe when it comes to saving bitcoin and can be used as cold wallet on two phones in which the bitcoin private key will be stored on one that will not be connected online. It is my best mobile and desktop wallet. But point of correction, there are many good, safe and secure wallets that support both iOS and android.
  3. Crypto wallet apps can be compromised, so we should be careful while using it, avoiding malware is the best way to avoid hackers and this can be done with safe browsing, and avoiding fake emails and phishing attacks.
  4. Offline wallet are not cool but cold wallets because they are always offline unless they want to be used for making transactions. Not most but all paper and hardware wallets are cold wallet storage.
  5. As the name of this wallet imply, it will be a fake and scam wallet, where are they getting the profit from the staking. I only believe blockchain and atomic wallet staking which ate provided by the coin itself, example of the coin we can stake is tron. But as for this wallet, it is scam and the wallet is so not common at all which makes it not to be trusted.
  6. You are right, why would someone store much cryptocurrencies on hot wallets, like me that have not even got hardware wallet, I have four hot wallets that I spotted my cryptocurrencies and I am very sure I do not install malware.
  7. There are some wallets like freewallet and coinbase, when I started using cryptocurrencies, I was using them but I stopped few days ago when I noticed they can not provide me my private keys. They are safe but private keys are so important, especially if you want to retrieve you cryptocurrencies on another wallet.
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