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Support and Respect

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I think what you are discussing has already been addressed and it's what is taking .if we get reputation on this site we should respect the junior members of this site .and regulations for us to grow more in this crypto talk forum .

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I have noticed that there are many topic with great content .those with more experience know how difficult the beginning .it is like giving and taking system .so we should offer other support and respect .

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Let's Respect each other ranks and level those above us had already acquire the knowledge of crypto currencies and knows better than us, we learn from them and support them by commenting an rating their topics appropriately

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I agree with you, my friend, and I find in my view that one of the most important reasons for the success of this forum is the respect and appreciation among the members.

The ease of discussion of the issues at hand is something that invites continuity of activity here

Activity in this forum makes us have the right knowledge about cryptocurrencies and make money at the same time

This is our goal

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On 11/30/2020 at 8:16 AM, Guru2050 said:

I think what you are discussing has already been address and it's what is taking place in the forum my friend, you can see top members don't mind coming down to Beginners Section to beginners level respond or reply to their postings, questions and others despite it may look low or full of some vogue words or errors. It's a sign of respect and appreciation. In addition rate their post and draw their attention by tagging or quoting the them purposely for correction.

Interesting and warm addressing to the above question. Every one can testify that some of the best contributors top rankers are investing the best they could assisting and guiding beginners on how to a perfect campaign making with no stress. Keep it up

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No one can take away what is written in your faith, but you can make someone happy by helping them.  Maybe your cooperation will solve their worries, problems. Try to help and support each others especially beginners and newbies. If you will help someone, remember that someone will help you.

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My dear your all conversation is great yet you are incorrect as I would like to think at one point 

Like each other we as a whole offer like to other people and all others gave like us . 

In the event that we transfer great and well post and our posts having information and uplifting news and thoughts then we will get great standing. 

So buckle down

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Yes, I absolutely speak with you brother, if a person shares a basic with you, then he would give you his hard work, only he can work as much as possible and the other one respects him.

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We should respect the post of the other members here. The newcomers are still bigenners of the world of cryptocurrency and they do not have information about it .we should value the senior member and their passion because they help and guide us 

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Yes, we should be supportive of others in difficult times. The mark of a good man is that he came to the aid of another man in difficult times. If we respect someone, others will respect us. we must respect our seniors and follow in their footsteps

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I agree with you and if all of us as members support each other's content, there will be so much more useful information that will be shared so I hope that everyone will support every member that they encounter so that we can make this dream a reality.

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I also agree with you ..
 We have to show respect for each other, and I think the way to do that
Putting "like" for this post is not only about reading some posts and comments and ignoring them, and I think that this act will support the publisher and make him move forward and search more for better participation ..
And I invite everyone to participate to do this Thank you everyone

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I concur with you , yet when we post inventive instructive and significant post for individuals they read that and naturally they preferred our post since they pick up information from our keep dedicated.

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hello my friend and thank you to make this topic, I agree with you, we all should help each other to make this forum a better place for learning and earning money

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Yes! We have to support each other and also give respect to each other. Otherwise it will just cause failure for everyone who don't respect one another. So give respect, take respect and be happy. It is nice topic my friend


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You are absolutely right as I am new member here and struggling to complete my first 100 posts so I definitely need a support from all the members that are senior than me here.Rather than being harsh seniors should be supportive to the newbies to help them start their journey at cryptotalk.

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Dear mate you said very good sentence. We will and have to support each other by liking each others post in this way we support. And we should respect our seniors because they teach us lessons and also respect our juniors who came recently. Thanks 

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18 hours ago, Shiya said:

That's true my friend. Most members keep complaining about how the moderators and forum admin behave. They are doing their work, they are the pillars of of our existence here. We need to appreciate and thank them for that. 

That's true, I have seen come couple of members blame the moderators for some stuffs in the forum, as we all know, without them the forum is useless, they tell us what to do and how to do it, the forum would not be in existence without there support and guide

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Yes I agree with you,. New people in this forum have a lot of questions that they do not know the answer to, and yet they do not post a question about it, we all entered here to learn so there is no mistake in the question

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In this forum all the members live like a family and family always support them and it also be respected to the others.If you want to get success and money then always support andrespect the one another.if you want to get success then also support them you also respect everyone.

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Hello, I agree that there must be respect, but also know how to help improve the quality of the posts, either by correcting or indicating that we can improve, or also helping to notice our mistakes, the most experts want more we can learn.

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Perhaps mutual respect between members and the evaluation of members who create good posts, such as those that the members published a year ago, and the responses to them are still so far. I wish success to all

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Honestly, my friend, respect is sacred to me and I have noticed here the interaction between members of the CryptoTalk forum are very respectful and they appreciate the members ’fatigue and support it with positive reviews and encouraging comments.

They broke the barrier of fear that I felt when I first entered the forum, with support and concern

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