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Health Tips for Adults

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This publication is part of the Healthy Eating & Physical Activity Across Your Lifespan Series from the Weight-control Information Network (WIN). The series offers health tips for readers at various life stages, including adulthood, pregnancy, parenthood, and later life. The entire series is also available in Spanish.

How can I use this publication?

This publication is one of many handy guides from WIN that can help you and your family. This publication gives you tips on how to eat better and be more active.

Eating healthy foods and doing physical activity on a regular basis may help you reach and maintain a healthy weight. They may also help prevent some health problems.

Start taking steps now to move more and eat better—for yourself and your family!

Healthy Weight

More than two-thirds of American adults are considered overweight or obese. Excess weight may lead to heart disease and diabetes. Creating and following plans for healthy eating and physical activity may help you improve your health.

What is a healthy weight?

Body mass index (BMI) is one way to tell whether you are at a healthy weight, overweight, or obese. It measures your weight in relation to your height.

A BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is in the healthy range. A person with a BMI of 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight, and someone with a BMI of 30 or greater is considered obese.

Go to the tip sheet to find a BMI table you can use to find your BMI score. You may also check the Additional Links section section for a link to an online tool for measuring BMI.

Another way to find out if you are at risk for health problems caused by overweight and obesity is to measure your waist. If you are a woman and your waist is more than 35 inches, or if you are a man and your waist is more than 40 inches, your risk of disease may be higher.

What are the health risks of being overweight or obese?

Extra weight may increase your risk for


  • type 2 diabetes

  • heart disease and stroke

  • high blood cholesterol

  • high blood pressure

  • kidney disease

  • non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (a fat buildup in the livers of people who drink little or no alcohol)

  • problems with pregnancy (see box)

  • certain cancers


Health Risks Of Being Overweight Or Obese During Pregnancy

Extra weight can cause these health problems with pregnancy:


  • gestational diabetes (high blood sugar during pregnancy)

  • high blood pressure

  • increased risk for cesarean section (C-section)


Talk to your health care provider if you have concerns. You may also want to see the WIN brochure Fit for Two: Tips for Pregnancy.

Why do people become overweight?

Over time, if you eat and drink more calories than your body uses or "burns off," your body may store the extra energy, leading to weight gain. Many factors may play a part in weight gain.

The World around You

Communities, homes, and workplaces can all affect people's health decisions. Foods high in fat, added sugar, and calories are easy to find. They also often cost less than healthier choices like fruits and vegetables. Also, many people lack access to safe places where they can be physically active. On top of that, many tools and devices, like remote controls and drive-in banks, make it easy to be inactive.


Overweight and obesity tend to run in families. Research shows that genes can play a role in obesity. Families also share eating habits that can affect how, when, and what we eat.


Some medicines, such as steroids (drugs used to reduce swelling) and some drugs for depression and other psychiatric disorders, may lead to weight gain. Ask your health care provider or pharmacist about the side effects of any medicines you are taking.


Many people eat when they are bored, sad, angry, or stressed, even when they are not hungry.

Although you may not be able to control all the factors that lead to overweight, making small changes to your eating and physical activity habits may improve your health.

Healthy Eating

Paying attention to what, when, how often, and how much you eat can be the first step to helping you eat better.

What kinds of foods should I eat?

Every 5 years the Government releases dietary guidelines that recommend what kinds of food to eat and to limit so you can have a healthy eating plan.

Eat more of these nutrient-rich foods

Nutrients—like vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber—nourish our bodies by giving them what they need to be healthy. The guidelines advise adults to eat the following foods because they are rich in nutrients:


  • fruits and vegetables

  • whole grains, like oatmeal, whole-wheat bread, and brown rice

  • seafood, lean meats, poultry, and eggs

  • fat-free or low-fat milk and cheese, or substitutes (like soy or rice milk) that are high in vitamin D and calcium

  • beans, nuts, and seeds


Eat less of these foods

Some foods have many calories but few of the vitamins, minerals, or fiber your body needs. Added sugars, solid fats, and refined grains pack a lot of calories into food but do not add nutrients. The Government's dietary guidelines recommend that you limit foods such as these:


  • sugar-sweetened drinks and desserts

  • foods with butter, shortening, or other fats that are solid at room temperature

  • white bread, rice, and pasta that are made from refined grains


Easy Snack Ideas


  • low-fat or fat-free yogurt

  • fresh, canned, or dried fruit

  • sliced vegetables or baby carrots


Quick Breakfast Ideas


  • oatmeal with low-fat or fat-free milk or a soy-based drink, topped with walnuts and fresh or dried fruit

  • a slice of whole-wheat toast with a thin piece of low-fat cheese

  • fruit smoothie made with frozen fruit and low-fat yogurt

  • high-fiber, low-sugar cereal with a soy-based beverage or fat-free milk


How can I follow a healthy eating plan?

These tips may help you stay on track with your plan to eat better:


  • Have low-fat, low-sugar snacks on hand. Whether you are at home, at work, or on the go, healthy snacks may help to combat hunger and prevent overeating.

  • Select a mix of colorful vegetables each day. Choose dark leafy greens, such as spinach, kale, collards, and mustard greens, and reds and oranges such as carrots, sweet potatoes, red peppers, and tomatoes.

  • Eat breakfast every day. People who eat breakfast are less likely to overeat later in the day.

  • Choose whole grains more often. Try whole-grain breads and pastas, oatmeal, brown rice, or bulgur.

  • Choose fresh fruit more often than fruit juice. Fruit juice has little or no fiber, the calories may be high, and many juices have added sugar.

  • Use fats and oils sparingly. Olive, canola, and peanut oils; avocados; nuts and seeds; olives; and fish provide heart-healthy fat as well as vitamins and minerals.

  • Limit foods and beverages that are high in sugar.


How much should I eat?

How much you should eat depends on your genes, sex, age, and how active you are. In general, men need more calories than women do, and younger adults need more calories than adults in midlife and older. At all ages, adults who are more physically active need to eat more calories than those who are less active.

What if I need to lose weight?

What defines a healthy weight varies from person to person. Ask your health care provider about what a healthy weight is for you.

If you are overweight or are experiencing health problems linked to overweight or obesity, ask your health care provider if a modest weight loss would be helpful. A weight loss of 5 to 7 percent of your body weight over 6 months or longer has been shown to improve health.

Use a food diary to track what you eat

To keep a food diary, write down all the food you eat in a day. Also write down the time you eat and your feelings at the time. Writing down your feelings may help you identify your eating triggers. For example, you may notice that you sometimes overeat when you are in a big group, simply because everyone around you is eating. The next time you are eating with a big group, be mindful of that trigger and try to limit how much you eat.

Ideas To Support Your Weight-Loss Efforts



  • Keep a food diary. To get started, see the sample food diary.

  • Make a shopping list and stick to it. Don't shop when you're hungry.

  • Don't keep many foods high in fat or sugar in your home.

  • Dish up smaller servings. At restaurants, eat only half your meal and take the rest home.

  • Eat at the table. Turn off the TV so you don't overeat.




  • Be realistic about weight-loss goals. Aim for a slow, modest weight loss.

  • Seek support from family and friends.

  • Expect setbacks and forgive yourself if you regain a few pounds.

  • Add moderately intense or vigorous physical activity to your weight-loss plan. This kind of activity increases your heart rate and makes you break a sweat. Examples are brisk walking, swimming, and dancing.

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I personally recommend to everyone :- 

1) try to reduce using too much smartphone 

2) leave pornography 

3)don't masterbate

4)eat healthy diet and do gym

5) and most important always be happy 

  • +1 1

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Being healthy is what we wish for but there's alot of temptation everywhere and some cannot resist into it,thanks for sharing this very impormative topic.

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wow man this things are very important and i found some matches on my body and current situation.hope i will improve the health problems soon.we should follow the daily routine for better health conditions

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For Healthy life we have to care with our selves by eating natural and green vegetables and use salad in our life and if we are fat then do walk regularly early in the morning this will keep us health and fit.

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this is my first time I am seeing health related post on this forum very good to see in my opinion we should take vitamin calcium protein because these things keep us healthy and illnessfree lack of these things could not be our body healthy 

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We should take proper sleep so our mind gets fresh. Eat healty food and green vegetables so our body gets healthy and strong. Daily jogging and exercise for body fitness. 

Healthy mind and healthy body can think and work properly in a daily life. 



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Even a lay man,  knows that health is wealth. Many have gone due poor health hygiene practice, now these little things we neglect everyday tends to accumulate and becomes enormous. 

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Wow man it's really nice to see a post about health and fitness on cryptotalk. It's really amazing how you created headings and then elaborated each of them. In my opinion health should me everyone's number 1 priority. Hope to see more posts about health and fitness here. Keep up the good work everyone.

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For me it is to have balance in life, in the things that one does every day, i see my grandfather 95 year old, where every mornong he gets up early and sweeps the entrance of his hause, then he goes out to buy at the store, he loves to walk, and eats what he needs, as he tells me "we eat to live, we do not live to eat" he is a person who rarely gets sick but i know that he is an active person and obviously like everyone he likes what he likes but if he eats a lot of salt, he knows that he has to drink a lot of water, if one day he eats heavy he knows that the next day he has to rest with heavy meals, as i learned from him and i thank him for that, there we have everything in balance in our daily life.

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Be happy, eat healthy, take care of yourself, not get into trouble, be happy again, rest well, respect, and above all enjoy life that is very short. 

And don't party too much... 

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 You have to take care of yourself and eat healthy and even more when you are at an advanced age, eating balanced is the best thing, you have to take care of the stress of being diabetic, these things are essential in the health of the human being

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to be healthy, you have to do many things, never be sad, eat healthy, stop worrying, in this life you don't take anything, you have to live it and enjoy it every minute,
not drinking too much alcohol, eating healthy, eating vegetables, everything grilled, not too much salt, not being addicted to sugar

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Excellent recommendation.
Very complete information.
The comments of the panelists are also very accurate.
A good combination of all the suggestions will surely benefit those of us who are not so young anymore.
My recommendation goes in another direction.
It concerns human relationships.
We can watch our diet, control stress, exercise, drink a little, don't smoke, play a sport or have a hobby.
However, if human contact, conversation, and sharing with our loved ones is lacking, it can make our mood worse and make us prone to disease.
Hugging is so important for emotional stability that we need four hugs a day to survive, eight to sustain and twelve to grow.
Remember: Hug the people you love. But don't give bland hugs like you don't want to. Share real, true bear hugs.

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Thanks for information,I will add on my own...

Don’t drink sugar calories,eat nuts ,don’t fear coffee ,eat fatty fish,get enough sleep,drink some water before meals 


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But what science is off topic, I was frankly surprised so much health-related knowledge. but anyway, any kind of information is profit. The most important issue regarding health must first be one's own doctor.

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On 12/16/2019 at 4:51 PM, azmo said:


This publication is part of the Healthy Eating & Physical Activity Across Your Lifespan Series from the Weight-control Information Network (WIN). The series offers health tips for readers at various life stages, including adulthood, pregnancy, parenthood, and later life. The entire series is also available in Spanish.

How can I use this publication?

This publication is one of many handy guides from WIN that can help you and your family. This publication gives you tips on how to eat better and be more active.

Eating healthy foods and doing physical activity on a regular basis may help you reach and maintain a healthy weight. They may also help prevent some health problems.

Start taking steps now to move more and eat better—for yourself and your family!

Healthy Weight

More than two-thirds of American adults are considered overweight or obese. Excess weight may lead to heart disease and diabetes. Creating and following plans for healthy eating and physical activity may help you improve your health.

What is a healthy weight?

Body mass index (BMI) is one way to tell whether you are at a healthy weight, overweight, or obese. It measures your weight in relation to your height.

A BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is in the healthy range. A person with a BMI of 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight, and someone with a BMI of 30 or greater is considered obese.

Go to the tip sheet to find a BMI table you can use to find your BMI score. You may also check the Additional Links section section for a link to an online tool for measuring BMI.

Another way to find out if you are at risk for health problems caused by overweight and obesity is to measure your waist. If you are a woman and your waist is more than 35 inches, or if you are a man and your waist is more than 40 inches, your risk of disease may be higher.

What are the health risks of being overweight or obese?

Extra weight may increase your risk for


  • type 2 diabetes

  • heart disease and stroke

  • high blood cholesterol

  • high blood pressure

  • kidney disease

  • non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (a fat buildup in the livers of people who drink little or no alcohol)

  • problems with pregnancy (see box)

  • certain cancers


Health Risks Of Being Overweight Or Obese During Pregnancy

Extra weight can cause these health problems with pregnancy:


  • gestational diabetes (high blood sugar during pregnancy)

  • high blood pressure

  • increased risk for cesarean section (C-section)


Talk to your health care provider if you have concerns. You may also want to see the WIN brochure Fit for Two: Tips for Pregnancy.

Why do people become overweight?

Over time, if you eat and drink more calories than your body uses or "burns off," your body may store the extra energy, leading to weight gain. Many factors may play a part in weight gain.

The World around You

Communities, homes, and workplaces can all affect people's health decisions. Foods high in fat, added sugar, and calories are easy to find. They also often cost less than healthier choices like fruits and vegetables. Also, many people lack access to safe places where they can be physically active. On top of that, many tools and devices, like remote controls and drive-in banks, make it easy to be inactive.


Overweight and obesity tend to run in families. Research shows that genes can play a role in obesity. Families also share eating habits that can affect how, when, and what we eat.


Some medicines, such as steroids (drugs used to reduce swelling) and some drugs for depression and other psychiatric disorders, may lead to weight gain. Ask your health care provider or pharmacist about the side effects of any medicines you are taking.


Many people eat when they are bored, sad, angry, or stressed, even when they are not hungry.

Although you may not be able to control all the factors that lead to overweight, making small changes to your eating and physical activity habits may improve your health.

Healthy Eating

Paying attention to what, when, how often, and how much you eat can be the first step to helping you eat better.

What kinds of foods should I eat?

Every 5 years the Government releases dietary guidelines that recommend what kinds of food to eat and to limit so you can have a healthy eating plan.

Eat more of these nutrient-rich foods

Nutrients—like vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber—nourish our bodies by giving them what they need to be healthy. The guidelines advise adults to eat the following foods because they are rich in nutrients:


  • fruits and vegetables

  • whole grains, like oatmeal, whole-wheat bread, and brown rice

  • seafood, lean meats, poultry, and eggs

  • fat-free or low-fat milk and cheese, or substitutes (like soy or rice milk) that are high in vitamin D and calcium

  • beans, nuts, and seeds


Eat less of these foods

Some foods have many calories but few of the vitamins, minerals, or fiber your body needs. Added sugars, solid fats, and refined grains pack a lot of calories into food but do not add nutrients. The Government's dietary guidelines recommend that you limit foods such as these:


  • sugar-sweetened drinks and desserts

  • foods with butter, shortening, or other fats that are solid at room temperature

  • white bread, rice, and pasta that are made from refined grains


Easy Snack Ideas


  • low-fat or fat-free yogurt

  • fresh, canned, or dried fruit

  • sliced vegetables or baby carrots


Quick Breakfast Ideas


  • oatmeal with low-fat or fat-free milk or a soy-based drink, topped with walnuts and fresh or dried fruit

  • a slice of whole-wheat toast with a thin piece of low-fat cheese

  • fruit smoothie made with frozen fruit and low-fat yogurt

  • high-fiber, low-sugar cereal with a soy-based beverage or fat-free milk


How can I follow a healthy eating plan?

These tips may help you stay on track with your plan to eat better:


  • Have low-fat, low-sugar snacks on hand. Whether you are at home, at work, or on the go, healthy snacks may help to combat hunger and prevent overeating.

  • Select a mix of colorful vegetables each day. Choose dark leafy greens, such as spinach, kale, collards, and mustard greens, and reds and oranges such as carrots, sweet potatoes, red peppers, and tomatoes.

  • Eat breakfast every day. People who eat breakfast are less likely to overeat later in the day.

  • Choose whole grains more often. Try whole-grain breads and pastas, oatmeal, brown rice, or bulgur.

  • Choose fresh fruit more often than fruit juice. Fruit juice has little or no fiber, the calories may be high, and many juices have added sugar.

  • Use fats and oils sparingly. Olive, canola, and peanut oils; avocados; nuts and seeds; olives; and fish provide heart-healthy fat as well as vitamins and minerals.

  • Limit foods and beverages that are high in sugar.


How much should I eat?

How much you should eat depends on your genes, sex, age, and how active you are. In general, men need more calories than women do, and younger adults need more calories than adults in midlife and older. At all ages, adults who are more physically active need to eat more calories than those who are less active.

What if I need to lose weight?

What defines a healthy weight varies from person to person. Ask your health care provider about what a healthy weight is for you.

If you are overweight or are experiencing health problems linked to overweight or obesity, ask your health care provider if a modest weight loss would be helpful. A weight loss of 5 to 7 percent of your body weight over 6 months or longer has been shown to improve health.

Use a food diary to track what you eat

To keep a food diary, write down all the food you eat in a day. Also write down the time you eat and your feelings at the time. Writing down your feelings may help you identify your eating triggers. For example, you may notice that you sometimes overeat when you are in a big group, simply because everyone around you is eating. The next time you are eating with a big group, be mindful of that trigger and try to limit how much you eat.

Ideas To Support Your Weight-Loss Efforts



  • Keep a food diary. To get started, see the sample food diary.

  • Make a shopping list and stick to it. Don't shop when you're hungry.

  • Don't keep many foods high in fat or sugar in your home.

  • Dish up smaller servings. At restaurants, eat only half your meal and take the rest home.

  • Eat at the table. Turn off the TV so you don't overeat.




  • Be realistic about weight-loss goals. Aim for a slow, modest weight loss.

  • Seek support from family and friends.

  • Expect setbacks and forgive yourself if you regain a few pounds.

  • Add moderately intense or vigorous physical activity to your weight-loss plan. This kind of activity increases your heart rate and makes you break a sweat. Examples are brisk walking, swimming, and dancing.

Wow! It really helpful for adults. You describe help tips properly.  To fit our body we need to do physical exercise regularly and eat balance food. Avoid drag and alcohol.  

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Don't drink sugar calories. Sugary drinks are among the most fattening items you can put into your body. ...
Eat nuts. ...
Avoid processed junk food (eat real food instead) ...
Don't fear coffee. ...
Eat fatty fish. ...
Get enough sleep. ...
Take care of your gut health with probiotics and fiber. ...
Drink some water, especially before meals

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I recommend exercise and exercise for adults
 Adopting a healthy, balanced diet and performing the necessary checks periodically in the event of memory problems or chronic diseases.

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I am glad to see the post about health. In my views these are some health tips:

1: Be happy, 2:  Consume less salt and sugar, 3:  Eat fruits and nuts, 4:Drink safe water.

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1.Do not smoke not drink too much alcohol
3.Don't overeat
4. Do not consume excessive bakery products
5.Don't consume excessive junk food
6.Do not drink too much cola
7.Don't over eat chocolate products
8.Do not try to finish the hookah alone
9- Especially in the morning, the food you put in your mouth should not be an unhealthy food with sugar.
10- Use a healthy laxative at regular intervals
11- Consume fruits and vegetables in season
12- Avoid packaged foods as much as possible
13- Have a regular daily activity, at least walk or, let me say more beautiful, jump / jump rope. It is one of the most effective sports you can do.

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Nice post bro.Daily morning walk good and healthy food .Do not smoke at all and apart from that eat fresh fruit and bean Get out to play some time in daily.sleep early and wakeup early morning.

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Dear you wrote a very good post..Adults need to continue their proper diet.And go to walk Early in the Morning.take proper Bed Rest also.Eat food at combat time.Do not eat fried things.And make the routine of sleeping early at night and waking up early in the morning...All these things will improve their condition..

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You have asked the best question. All the adult What year do they want to be and what is fast food, avoid them and pay more attention to the sports   that today you will play so much game that your fitness  will be better than being alone and joining a community in a group  So that you do not become a victim of depression because when you become a victim of depression, death will attack illnesses on you and this will affect your fitness. 

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    • Добрый день всем нынешним и будущим клиентам 😊 Курс по направлению: BTC – RUB – 5 923 596 Обменник работает в ручном режиме, 24/7. Подробности уточняйте у операторов.
    • Среднее количество транзакций в сети BTC выросло на 31%   Исследователи Glassnode опубликовали отчет, отметив интересную динамику на рынке криптовалют на прошлой неделе.  Среднесуточное количество переводов составило 617 тысяч, что на 31% выше среднего годового значения, указывая на высокий спрос на блокчейн-пространство Bitcoin.    Они также подчеркнули, что Runes, запущенный в апреле 2024 года в день халвинга, продолжает набирать популярность, заменяя предыдущие протоколы Inscriptions и BRC-20.  
    • Блокчейн — это децентрализованная технология, лежащая в основе криптовалют, таких как биткоин и эфириум. Однако её применение выходит далеко за рамки финансового сектора, предлагая революционные решения в различных областях, включая здравоохранение, логистику и управление данными. Основные принципы блокчейна Блокчейн представляет собой цепочку блоков, где каждый блок содержит набор данных. Ключевыми элементами этой технологии являются: Децентрализация: В традиционных системах данные хранятся в централизованной базе данных, управляемой одной организацией. В блокчейне данные распределены по сети компьютеров (нод), что делает систему устойчивой к взломам и сбоям. Прозрачность и неизменяемость: Каждая транзакция в блокчейне записывается и подтверждается множеством нодов, после чего становится частью общего реестра. Записи невозможно изменить без согласия большинства участников сети, что обеспечивает высокий уровень доверия и прозрачности. Криптографическая защита: Данные в блокчейне защищены с помощью криптографических методов. Каждая запись или блок содержат хэш — уникальный цифровой отпечаток, связанный с предыдущим блоком. Это делает подделку данных практически невозможной. Как работает блокчейн Создание транзакции: Пользователь инициирует транзакцию, например, перевод криптовалюты, создание смарт-контракта или запись информации. Верификация: Транзакция передается в сеть, где её проверяют ноды. Они подтверждают её подлинность и соответствие правилам сети. Добавление в блок: Подтвержденные транзакции объединяются в блоки. Каждый блок содержит ссылку (хэш) на предыдущий блок, создавая тем самым цепочку. Запись в блокчейн: Новый блок добавляется к существующей цепи блоков. Для этого требуется решение сложных математических задач, что называется майнингом (в контексте криптовалют) или консенсусом (в других сетях). Обновление реестра: Все ноды сети получают обновленный реестр, обеспечивая синхронизацию данных по всей сети. Преимущества и применение Безопасность: Благодаря криптографической защите и децентрализованному хранению, блокчейн устойчив к атакам и мошенничеству. Прозрачность: Все транзакции видны и проверяемы всеми участниками сети. Эффективность: Устранение посредников позволяет ускорить и удешевить многие процессы. Технология блокчейн предлагает инновационные решения для множества проблем, связанных с безопасностью, прозрачностью и эффективностью управления данными. Будучи все более популярной, она трансформирует различные отрасли, открывая новые возможности для бизнеса и общества.
    • Готовимся к листингу $COOKIE.          Cookie3, экосистема, в которой находит своё применение токен $COOKIE — это первый протокол ИИ для маркетинга и данных с миссией создания прозрачной экономики MarketingFi для частных лиц, разработчиков и предприятий.   Инвестиции: $5,5 млн. от ведущих венчурных Web3 фондов.Функционал токена $COOKIE   Токен предложит несколько уникальных услуг, связанных с Cookie3;   Данный токен обеспечит аирдропы; $COOKIE станет нативным внутриплатформенным токеном, который можно будет обменять на кредиты данных ИИ в экосистеме.Cookie3 также предложит жизненно важную аналитику для продуктивного маркетинга и вовлечения пользователей, фактически став Web3-эквивалентом Google Analytics. Листинг состоится на следующих топовых биржах: Bybit; KuCoin; Gate; MEXC.   Время листинга: 13 июня в 13:00.   Также команда проекта совместно с ChainGPT запустили розыгрыш 5,000$ в токенах проекта. Задания максимально простые, хорошая возможность заработать. Розыгрыш здесь.
    • Давно бездействующий биткойн кошелек недавно стал активным, спустя более пяти с половиной лет, переведя более 8000 BTC на сумму 536,5 миллионов долларов США из холодного хранилища Coinbase. Такое возрождение долгосрочно бездействующих биткойн-кошельков часто является результатом того, что инвесторы и старые майнеры продают свои части активов ради прибыли. Спящие кошельки просыпаются После более чем пяти лет бездействия холодное хранилище Coinbase перевело общий запас в 8000 BTC 11 июня, в 13:26 UTC, под номером блока 847 490, на адрес биткойн-кошелька «1ABww1». Биткойн-кошелек-получатель позже перевел полученный запас BTC на другой адрес депозита Binance за комиссию в размере 108 долларов США. В отличие от многих случаев, две транзакции на сумму более $1 млрд не включали тестовых. Согласно данным, предоставленным аналитической компанией Arkham Intelligence, бездействующий кошелек с холодным хранилищем Coinbase получил средства небольшими порциями по 200 BTC в период с 5 октября 2018 года по 5 декабря 2018 года.   Поскольку сейчас цена Биткойна превышает 67 409 долларов США, перевод произошел после увеличения стоимости BTC на 1700% по сравнению со средней ценой приобретения в 3750 долларов США в 2018 году. Остается неясным, продал ли владелец кошелька тайник после перевода на Binance. Однако такое возрождение долгосрочно бездействующих биткойн-адресов направлено на сбор прибыли. Это было не первое пробуждение долговременно бездействующего биткойн-адреса. 7 апреля десятилетний спящий биткойн-кит с запасом около 4300 BTC проснулся и переместил около 246 BTC. Кошелек приобрел биткойны более десяти лет назад по средней цене 29,39 долларов США и продавался с рентабельностью инвестиций более 230 000% . Майнеры продают свои запасы? Другая группа стейкхолдеров Биткойна, пробуждающих крупные активы, — это старые майнеры. Например, 27 марта кошелек биткойн-майнера, который бездействовал более 14 лет, перевел около 2000 BTC, полученных в качестве вознаграждения за майнинг в 2010 году. При получении вознаграждения в BTC общая стоимость BTC составляла всего несколько сотен долларов. Однако на момент пробуждения кошелька стоимость тайника выросла в геометрической прогрессии до 140 миллионов долларов. В последнее время каждый месяц в среднем просыпается один спящий кошелек. Недавний отчет Chainaанализ и Fortune показал , что около 1,8 миллиона биткойн-адресов оставались в стороне более десяти лет. Некоторые из кошельков, бездействовавших в течение десяти лет, возможно, потеряны навсегда из-за утерянных паролей.
    • Добрый вечер , форумчане!Сегодня по нашему сайту были проведенны тех.работы ,сайт снова доступен для обменна!Рабочий графикКаждый день, с 10:00 до 22:00 МСК (UTC+3)Желаем Вам продуктивного вечера и хорошего настроения!С уважением, BBA
    • 12/06/2024 Приветствуем, друзья! Рекомендуем получить важное обновление до версии 9.7.14 Полностью реализована новая прогрессивная система синхронизации. Мы смогли сохранить все лучшее от системы получения данных в реальном времени без необходимости нажатия кнопки обновления рабочего пространства, при этом буквально в разы снизив объем загружаемых и получаемых данных. Результат - снижение потребления трафика до 90%, что значительно повышает производительность работы приложения при ограниченной скорости соединения. Вместе с тем ощутимо улучшена скорость синхронизации данных при одновременной работе нескольких пользователей в команде, снижено время отклика на запуск и остановку сессий. Также улучшена работа некоторых подмен и исправлены небольшие ошибки в работе интерфейса, повышена общая стабильность программы. В работе обновление движка программы до 126 версии, которое будет доступно уже в следующем релизе. Наша команда всегда рада обратной связи по следующим контактам: Telegram: Email: Сайт: PROMOCODE: LS_JCEW 10% скидка для пользователей CryptoTalk на покупку/продление антидетекта. —————   Greetings, friends! We recommend getting the important update to version 9.7.14 The new progressive synchronization system is fully implemented. We were able to retain the best of the real-time data acquisition system without having to press the refresh button on the workspace, while literally reducing the amount of data downloaded and retrieved by several times. The result is a reduction in traffic consumption by up to 90%, which significantly improves application performance with a limited connection speed. At the same time, the speed of data synchronization has been significantly improved when several users are working simultaneously in a team, and the response time to starting and stopping sessions has been reduced. The work of some substitutions has also been improved, minor errors in the interface have been fixed, and the overall stability of the program has been improved. An update of the program engine to version 126 is in the works, which will be available in the next release. Our team always welcome feedback on the following contacts: Telegram: Email: Website: PROMOCODE: LS_JCEW 10% discount for CryptoTalk users on purchase/renewal of antidetect.
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