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  1. Гайд по голосованию для Жюри на Gov.Freeton.OrgGov.Freeton.Org — интерфейс для голосования в конкурсах в системе децентрализованного управления Free TON.Перейдите на главную страницу Gov.Freeton.OrgСлева в выпадающем меню вы увидите список SubGovernance.SubGovernance выдвигают предложения и проводят конкурсы, голосовать в которых — обязанность членов жюри и SubGovernance members. Members — это люди, которые активно участвуют в деятельности всего SubGovernance, каждый из них является также членом жюри и имеет право голоса. Остальные члены жюри — те, кто обладает профильными знаниями и прошли конкурсный отбор именно для судейства в конкретном SubGovernance (например, в сфере Development, SMM, Web Design). Любой конкурс начинается с конкурсного предложения (Proposals). Предложение выдвигается, Members голосуют и если больше 50% проголосовали за предложение, оно принимается и конкурс становится активным.Откройте нужный SubGovernance, и вы увидите список конкурсов и конкурсных предложений. Чтобы начать голосование, найдите в списке нужный Voting Contest и откройте его.Первое, что вы должны изучить — Contest Proposal, приложенный в виде файла в формате PDF. В Contest Proposal прописаны условия и сроки подачи заявок конкурсантами и критерии оценки работ. Также там указаны сроки, порядок голосования и правила для жюри в конкретном конкурсе. Этот документ нужно изучить очень внимательно и только после приступать к оценке. Под Contest Proposal расположены конкурсные заявки (Submissions), каждую из которых нужно открыть. Заявка должна содержать PDF файл и ссылку на форум Откройте их, убедитесь, что ссылки рабочие. Сразу же проверьте имя конкурсанта в PDF заявке и в сообщении на форуме, важно убедиться, что это один и тот же человек. Также авторы могут указать в заявке Telegram Id, адрес кошелька, ссылку на сторонний ресурс, если работа находится там (например Google Disk, Youtube, GitHub).Бывает, что авторы, заметив какую-либо ошибку, загружают работы повторно и пишут об этом на форуме, поэтому сначала проверьте все заявки на предмет дублей, чтобы оценить именно полные заявки, а остальные отклонить.Многие члены жюри сначала выставляют оценки и комментарии в личной таблице, а потом вносят их в интерфейс Gov.Freeton.Org. Вы можете делать так, как вам удобно, но в любом случае сначала лучше получить полную картину работ, чтобы решить как голосовать за каждую.Внимательно изучите каждую заявку, оцените, решает ли работа задачу, поставленную в конкурсе (и если да, то в каком объёме), оцените сложность выполненной работы, затраченное время, перспективы реализации предложенного решения.Проверьте заявку на соответствие правилам конкурса, такие как время подачи заявки (включая время загрузки дополнительных материалов), авторские права.Если вы готовы принять решение, нажмите Cast your vote, и всплывет окно для голосования. Сначала идут оценки, потом поле для комментария и мастер-пароля (Сид-фразы).Работы оценивают по десятибалльной шкале, плюс пункты To abstain и Reject. Рассмотрим подробно, что они означают.Если работа соответствует критериям конкурса, члены жюри ставят ей оценку. Десятка — высший балл, единица — значит, что вы сочли качество работы очень плохим, каждая оценка идет в статистику.Reject — важная функция.Вы ставите reject, когда отклоняете работу, если она не соответствует критериям конкурса.Примеры:- Вы не можете проверить саму работу (PDF файл не загружается, ссылка на работу в PDF неверная, файл с работой удален или заблокирован со стороннего ресурса);- Вы не можете установить авторство работы (ссылка на форум не рабочая, ведет на чужой комментарий, имя автора нигде в заявке не указано);- Работа формально не соответствует условиям конкурса (например это конкурс анимированных стикерпаков, а в заявке представлен статичный стикерпак);- Эта работа — спам, загружена случайно, она вообще не имеет отношение к конкурсу.Reject не влияет на среднюю оценку, он необходим, когда работа вообще не должна участвовать в конкурсе. Для того, чтобы заявка получила итоговый реджект, проголосовать этой опцией должны более половины членов жюри.Если какие-то работы дублируются, вам нужно понять, какие отклонить, а за какие голосовать: отклоняйте неполные заявки и те, про которые автор написал сам что это дубль и просил отклонить. Если будут две одинаковые заявки, соответствующие правилам конкурса, судьям нужно договориться, какую из них считать дублем и совместно отклонить (чтобы работа не была представлена к награде дважды)To abstain вы ставите если не имеете достаточной квалификации для оценки работ в определенном конкурсе и поэтому не можете оценить заявку. Он никак не влияет на среднюю оценку работы и не отклоняет ее.Любую вашу оценку вы должны аргументировать в поле для комментариев, дать автору обратную связь. To abstain и Reject тоже нуждаются в обосновании. Старайтесь, чтобы комментарий давал представление о критериях оценки, которыми вы руководствовались, был профессиональным и корректным по отношению к конкурсанту.Теперь вы можете вводить Seed-фразу (лучше запомнить её, будьте аккуратнее с ctrl-c, ctlr-v) и приступать к следующей заявке!Помните что вам нужно быть непредвзятыми, изучить и оценить все заявки за отведенное время.Хорошего голосования!Чек-лист:- На главной странице Gov.Freeton.Org выберите SubGovernance и откройте нужный Voting Contests;- Изучите Contest Proposal;- Просмотрите все заявки, чтобы составить общую картину об уровне работ и убедиться что среди них нет дублей;Приступая к голосованию, внимательно изучите заявку:- Удостоверьтесь, что ссылки на PDF и сообщение на форуме рабочие;- Проверьте имя конкурсанта в PDF заявке и в сообщении на форуме, чтобы убедиться, что это один и тот же человек;- Оцените, решает ли работа задачу, поставленную в конкурсе, и если да, то в каком объёме; перспективы реализации предложенного решения;- Оцените сложность выполненной работы и затраченное время;- Проверьте заявку на соответствие условиям конкурса, таким как авторские права;- Нажмите Cast your vote и оцените работу по десятибалльной шкале, либо поставьте To abstain или Reject;- Обоснуйте оценку в поле для комментариев;- Введите Seed-фразу;- Приступите к следующей заявке.Спасибо за внимание!Оригинальный гайд:
  2. Гайд по кошельку TON Surf для хранения токенов Free TONСоздание кошелька, сид фраза, публичный ключ, интерфейс, настройки, языкКак создать кошелек1. Переходим по ссылке и нажимаем «Create Wallet»; 2. Ставим галочку и нажимаем «Confirm»; 3. Придумываем шестизначный пароль и подтверждаем его; 4. Заходим во вкладку «BackupMasterPassword» и обязательно записываем сид фразу состоящую из 12 слов (без неё вы потеряете доступ к кошельку навсегда); 5. Нажимаем «Saved. Double-Check» и вводим записанную сид фразу eщё раз. Всё, ваш кошелёк готов)Настройки находятся слева наверху, а для получения монет используйте кнопку «Receive». Кнопка «Send» появится после получения первого депозита и активации кошелька, путем единоразового списывания небольшой суммы. Так же в настройках вы можете изменить язык интерфейса кошелька. Откройте настройки — Advanced Settings — Language — Русский. Где взять публичный ключ и альтернативный адрес? Настройки — Safety Protection (Безопасность) — Address and keys (Адрес и ключи). За гайд спасибо пользователю Руст∀м⭕️м, оригинал
  3. Free TON to merge with Dune Network in decentralized M&A dealFree TON, a community-driven blockchain promoting decentralized self-governance and freedom of speech, has acquired Dune Network through a community merger mechanism that was recently approved by both camps.An amended Dune community partnership proposal filed in January was approved on Tuesday, bringing the Free TON merger one step closer to fruition. Dune Network, which is a decentralized platform for distributed applications, said the merger will strengthen both communities and support the global adoption of decentralized governance.Ben Sunderland, Dune Network’s community manager, said: Quote According to Sunderland, the merger provides Free TON with several benefits, including an experienced community, a transfer of all social media to Free TON accounts, roughly 30,000 accounts and smart contracts, and access to Origin Labs, a new research arm that can contribute to Free TON’s development.Fabrice Le Fessant, president of Dune Network and CEO of Origin Labs, told Cointelegraph: Quote Under the proposal, Free TON will allocate an agreed-upon amount of TON Crystal — the native asset of the Free TON blockchain — to Dune Network. Dune Network community members will decide whether they want to swap their tokens for the TON Crystal.The merging process — which consists of proposal validation, the development of swapping infrastructure and the actual swapping period — is expected to last roughly six months and cost 9 million TON Crystal, which is equivalent to Dune Network’s market capitalization. The merger will be funded through contests on the Free TON network, according to Sunderland.One TON Crystal is currently valued at around $0.40, according to CoinMarketCap, while Dune Network's native DUN token trades at less than $0.02. Both cryptocurrencies rose sharply on Tuesday, possibly in conjunction with the merger developments.As Cointelegraph previously reported, Free TON launched in May 2020, building on Telegram’s codebase. The project launched its mainnet in December 2020 after achieving “sufficient decentralization.”Original article:
  4. Think you could build a decentralized exchange? This contest is for you!A vibrant blockchain community has launched a contest to build a decentralized exchange — and everyone with bright ideas and technical prowess is invited to take part.An ambitious contest has launched where blockchain developers will battle it out to put forward their ideas for a new decentralized exchange.Free TON is inviting applicants to build a suite of FreeDEX smart contracts that prove its network can perform tokens, loans and IOUs quickly and cheaply.Other requirements include ensuring that FreeDEX can support staking through TON DePool contracts, as well as soft majority voting — where neutral and uninterested parties can take a backseat so decisions are made by those who care most.Submissions are being accepted from Jan. 27 until March 14, and this is the first of four stages in the roadmap to implementation. The entry that wins the coveted prize of first place will receive a reward of 250,000 TON, with tokens also awarded to the next four runners up.Blockchain developer Vladimir Maslyakov, an initial member of the Free TON community who shared the proposal on the network’s forum, told Cointelegraph: “We first thought about gathering an initiative group to build a DEX on top of Free TON, but there were so many great and different ideas on how to do it, and so many teams interested in the topic, that we decided to make it an open contest with maximum possible scope.”‘I built that’Free TON’s contest isn’t just about the crypto awarded to the winners — it’s about the opportunity to build something that’ll have a lasting impact in the ecosystem, and the buzz associated with knowing you created something that other people use and enjoy.Of course, there are some requirements that participants need to bear in mind. Their work has to be original, and no more than 10% of another contestant’s work can be used in their proposed solutions. Their plans also need to take into account the peculiarities of the Free TON network, not to mention its goals for the future. And as well as being safe and modern, the set of DEX contracts must be built in accordance with the Declaration of Decentralization — a commitment designed to prevent one single party from influencing network activities.A jury of Free TON community members are going to be tasked with reviewing submissions based on an extensive set of criteria. They’ll be looking for technical features that enable the DEX to charge a commission from users for transactions, support for the non-custody exchange of any tokens within the Free TON network, and the ability to add liquidity to the trading platform from external blockchains. Sophisticated user interfaces that deliver a smooth experience for web and mobile users are also desirable. MORE INSIGHTS FROM FREE TON HERE Each jury member will be expected to have a solid understanding of DEX technology, and they will rate each submission on a scale of 1 to 10. They’ll also provide feedback on submissions, making this a constructive environment for bright developers with big ideas.The proposal to launch stage one of this contest was formally passed on Jan. 23 after more than 50% of voters said “Yes” — firing the starting gun on a creative push to build a decentralized exchange that’ll give the current market leaders a run for their crypto.A TON of contestsDozens of contest ideas have been put through their paces through the Free TON forum — giving passionate community members a chance to create animated PR videos about the network, landing pages, games, poems, and everything in between.As previously reported by Cointelegraph, Free TON asserts that contests are better than grants for a healthy crypto community, as they ensure that token distribution is done meritocratically — and that anyone can take part.Irrespective of where someone lives, what their background is, or whether they know someone in the world of blockchain, Free TON believes contests give everyone a chance to make a difference — all while speeding up innovation and giving challenging ideas room to breathe.Learn more about Free TONOriginal article:
  5. Free TON Global Community Subgovernance has been officially launched on December 8, 2020.Free TON Global Community Subgovernance - is a community that consists of professionals in different fields: bounty, content and community managers, moderators of blockchain forums, partnership organizers, authors, translators, owners of social media from different parts of the world.We plan to expand 4 main areas, which are aimed at popularization and promotion of Free TON, growth of active community, launch of local programs and new partnerships. Our goal is for these areas to be continued by the community itself on a continuous basis in all regions of the world.1st direction: AggregatorsNew partnerships and listings at popular aggregators, services, exchanges and platforms, swap services and crypto wallets.The following partnerships are already in place:https://www.coingecko.comhttps://coinmarketcap.comhttps://coinpaprika.comhttps://coinstats.apphttps://coincodex.comhttps://www.cryptocompare.comhttps://delta.apphttps://blockfolio.comthere are 12 in ExchangeVoting on the Atomars ExchangeAt the moment, negotiations are underway with Blockchair (multiblockchain explorer) to add TON Crystal.2nd direction: Work with AmbassadorsIn a short time, about 100 applications from ambassadors from all over the world were collected. These people are ready to get involved and launch programs in their countries. Our task is to select the best programs and organize their launch.Also, our goal is to speed up decision making on activities and quick launch of programs and proposals from local ambassadors. In current realities propozal can hang on the consideration of more than a month - it affects both the motivation of ambassadors, and the growth rate of Free TON popularity.3rd direction: Support for Free TON on forumsAt the most reputable crypto forums, participants will be selected to help newcomers in studying the Free TON project.Participants in this contest will have 2 main tasks:Write a certain number of posts and make announcements;To support newcomers as a support.In the future, we plan to remove the rewards for the support and engage community as much as possible to help newcomers and bust communication with other forum participants.The main task is to instill in the ambassadors a desire to start helping newcomers on a voluntary basis. To work on the forum at the first stage high ranked members of each forum will be selected.All activity will be absolutely transparent, there will be reports on all performed actions and rewards distribution.4th direction: Social network expansionWe plan to grow:- Reddit- Twitter- Medium- YouTube- Facebook- InstagramFor each network we will select a limited number of participants - 30 people who will pass the selection and create content. We plan to rotate groups within a certain period of time and attract local ambassadors to join the work as quickly as possible.In the first month alone we plan to attract around 1500 new participants and organize work with local ambassadors.After approval, we immediately launch the first contest for promotion and launch the contest on the jury. In this way we will be able to see those who work effectively, their actions and who are worthy to be on the jury.Links to our community:Telegram EN Channel EN Community RU Channel RU Community It is an out dated introduction from the time of the SG launch, we have already managed several contests and finished Phase 1 and continued our work on the Phase 2.
  6. Voting guide for Gov.Freeton.OrgGov.Freeton.Org is an interface for contests voting in the decentralized governance system of Free TON.Go to the main page of Gov.Freeton.Org.On the left side of the page, you can see the list of SubGovernances in the pop-down menu.SubGovernances make proposals and run competitions, it is the responsibility of the jury and SubGovernance members to vote in it. Members are people who are actively involved in the activities of the SubGovernance, each of them is also a jury member and has the right to vote. The other jurors are those who have subject matter expertise and have been selected to judge in a particular SubGovernance (e.g. GlobCom, Influencers, Analytics). All competitions begin with a Proposal. Members submit Proposals, vote for it and if more than 50% voted for the proposal, it is accepted and the contest becomes active.Open the Main Governance or SubGovernance you need and you will see the list of contests. Find your contest in the list and open it to start the voting.The first thing you should read carefully is the Contest Proposal attached as a PDF file. The Contest Proposal specifies the conditions and deadlines for submissions as well as the judging criteria. It also defines the deadlines, voting procedures, and rules for the jury in a particular competition. This document should be explored very carefully before voting. There is a list of submissions below the Contest Proposal. You should open every submission, it should contain a PDF file and a link to the forum. Open it, make sure the links work. Check the name of the contestant in the PDF and in the forum message, it’s important to make sure it’s the same person. Authors may also include Telegram Id, wallet address, link to a third-party resource if the work is located there (e.g. Google Disk, Youtube, GitHub).It happens sometimes that authors who noticed an error re-submit their work and post make a post about it on the forum, so check all submissions for duplicates first, so you can vote for the right submission and reject the wrong one.Many jurors collect their scores and comments in a personal spreadsheet first, before entering it into the Gov.Freeton.Org interface. You can do as you like, but in any case, it is better to get the full picture of the entries first to decide how to vote.Read and examine each application carefully, assess whether the work solves the problem of the contest (and if so, to what extent), assess the complexity of the work done, the time spent, and the prospects for implementing the proposed solution.Check the submission for matching the competition rules, such as submission time (including the time of uploading additional material), copyright.If you are ready to make a decision, click Cast your vote and a voting window will pop up. You can see there the scores, the box for a comment, and the box for your master password (seed-phrase).Submissions are graded on a ten-point scale, plus To abstain and Reject options. Let’s see in detail what it means.If the work in the submission meets the contest criteria, the judges give it a score. 10 is the highest score, and 1 means you consider the quality of the work is very poor, each score goes into the statistics.Reject is an important option.Choose to reject if you see that submission doesn’t meet contest criteria.For instance:- You can’t check the contestant’s work (PDF-file doesn’t open, the PDF link is wrong, the file with the work is deleted or blocked on the third-party resource);- You cannot be sure about the authorship of the work (the link to the forum doesn’t work, leads to someone else’s comment or the author’s name is not mentioned anywhere in the submission)- The entry does not formally meet the conditions of the contest (e.g. it is an animated sticker pack contest and the entry contains a static sticker pack);- The submission is spam, was uploaded coincidentally, doesn’t belong to this particular contest.Reject does not affect the average score, it is necessary when the submission should not take part in the contest at all. In order for the submission to receive the final Reject, more than half of the jurors must vote with this option.If some submissions are duplicated, you need to figure out which ones are to reject and which are to vote for: reject incomplete submissions and those that was pointed by the author as a duplicate. If there are two identical submissions which meet the contest rules, the judges need to make an agreement between each other which one should be rejected (so that the work couldn’t be rewarded twice).Choose to abstain if you are not enough qualified to assess the work in the particular contest. It has no effect on the average score of the submission and does not reject it.You should give a reason for every vote you make in the comment box, that is your feedback for the author. To abstain and Reject also need objectivation. Try to make sure that your comment explains the evaluation criteria that you have used for judging, and that it is professional and has a tactful form.Now you can enter your seed-phrase (but be careful with ctrl-c, ctrl-v, it is better to memorize your seed-phrase) and proceed to the next submission!Remember to stay non-biased and open-minded, you need to examine all submissions within the voting time.Have good voting!Checklist:- Choose Main Governance or SubGovernance on the main page of Gov.Freeton.Org and open the Voting Contest you need;- Read Contest Proposal carefully;- Look through all submissions to get a general sense about the level of works and make sure there are no duplicates;Proceeding to a vote, read the submission carefully:- Make sure that link to a PDF and to a forum post work correctly;- Check the name of the contestant in PDF file and forum post, it should match — you should be sure it is the same person;- Assess whether and to what extent the work solves the issue of the contest and the prospects for implementing the proposed solution;- Assess the complexity of the work done and the taken time;- Check if the submitted work meets the contest criteria (such as copyright);- Click Cast your vote and rate the submission on a ten-point scale or choose To abstain or Reject;- Explain your decision in the comment box;- Enter your seed-phrase;- Proceed to the next submission.Thank you for your attention!Original Guide:
  7. TON Surf wallet guide for storing Free TON tokensWallet creation, seed phrase, public key, interface, settings, language.How to create a wallet1. Follow the link and click “Create Wallet”; 2. Check the box and click “Confirm”; 3. Come up with a six-digit password and confirm it; 4. Go to the “BackupMasterPassword” tab and be sure to write down the seed phrase consisting of 12 words (without it, you will lose access to the wallet forever); 5. Click “Saved. Double-Check ”and enter the recorded seed phrase again. That’s it, your wallet is ready)The settings are located at the top left, and use the “Receive” button to receive coins. The “Send” button will appear after receiving the first deposit and activating the wallet by debiting a small amount once. Also in the settings you can change the language of the wallet interface. Open Settings — Advanced Settings — Language. Where to get the public key and alternative address?Settings — Safety Protection — Address and keys. For the guide, thanks to user Rust∀m⭕️m, original Guide:
  8. What is Sub-Governance in Free TON and why it is needed?I think many people have come across a misunderstanding of how the decentralized Free TON community works, we will try to explain it to you in this article.Governance — main administrationSub-Governance — secondary administration23 members of Free TON Initial Members are Main GovernanceSince the team’s resources are limited, they need additional people to develop the project in all directions at once. To this end, sub-governances have been created, each responsible for a specific activity, such as running a wiki or promoting in a specific language.If every activity in Free TON goes through voting, what are the sub-governance functions?To establish a sub-governance, its initiators submit a proposal to the main governance at the Free TON forum, and in case of community support and approval through a vote, the sub-governance gets its responsibilities and budget.In the future, the sub-governance may vote and determine budgets for their initiatives themselves. Thus, part of the authority is transferred to the sub-governance so that more people can promote the project in different areas.What is the process of launching sub-governance?Initially, the launch requires support and community interest. After a successful vote, the sub-governance begins activities to launch the initiatives specified in the original proposal.One of the first initiatives to launch is a Jury competition to expand the vote on proposals and thus reduce the risk of centralized control.How do sub-governances differ from each other? Are they somehow connected to each other?Each sub-governance has Initial Members , they create initial proposal for sub-governance creation and become the first members of the Jury in this sub-governance. They also launch and manage the first contests. As the membership grows, more initiatives will be launched and conducted independently of each other.The sub-governances are not related to each other directly and can therefore duplicate the functions that other sub-governances have. However, different sub-governances may have the same participants or even Initial Members.All sub-governances are responsible to the community and the main governance.In general, a sub-governance is a group of active community members who want to implement their ideas in Free TON, anyone with sufficient experience and skills can create their own sub-governance or join an existing one if their proposal is approved by a vote.Medium article:
  9. Today I am going to share some trading tips on TON crystal. TON crystal is very new to the market but it is growing very fast day by day. We will be looking in depth about ton crystal and the blockchain on which it is built, Free TON. First let us understand about this particular cryptocurrency and its background. TON Crystal TON crystal is a token based on the free ton blockchain which is created by forking the TON (Telegram Open-source Network) blockchain. It is capable of handling millions of transactions per second and has comparatively less transaction fees. Free TON is fast and secure blockchain and is currently under development. So, we could see a better version of it in the future. TON crystal has currently been listed in the number of exchanges among which is the most active market trading in it. They are looking forward to list the token in bigger exchangers once the development is completed. They have an active community who works for the betterment of the project. Their road map is divided into three sections. Stage I (Raging Bull), Stage II (Rumble Fish), Stage III (Fight Club). The project is currently under the stage one and still more than 14000 people have signed the declaration of decentralization which is available in their official page. Why invest in TON crystal Free TON is gaining popularity in different parts of the world and in the future, we could see a mass adoption of the TON crystal. The unique features of Free TON has attracted a lot of people and industries. They have never conducted an ICO. On the other hand, they have distributed their tokens to the community members according to the contributions made by them. The members of the Free TON community are bringing new developments each day. Every development is done in a decentralized manner. Members which include developers and validators from different parts of the world put their ideas and the administrators and moderators choose the best out of them. Therefore in the future we could see the best blockchain in the history of cryptocurrency. So now is the best time to invest in this token and book your profit. Analysis of TON crystal We have seen a great increase in price of TON crystal for the past one month. This is because the community have started promoting Free TON in social media sites as well as in crypto forums. They are also conducting trading and holding contests which have contributed to the increased price and more contests are on the way. Trading call BUY: $0.55 SELL: $1.08 PROFIT: 53% This is a long-term trading call and it has minimum risk. Once more people come to know about Free TON its price is going to increase. When we analyse the graph, we could see a jump in price at certain points. If we compare this with the developments of Free TON we can understand that these price hike happens whenever a new development is brought to its blockchain. It is the case of every cryptocurrency. This is just a start of Free TON and there is more to come. In the future we could see Dapps based on free TON blockchain, staking of TON crystal etc. There is a great capability for TON crystal to dominate the cryptocurrency market in the future. The developers are in research to create stable coins and if it is done successfully then Free TON will be accepted by the people. So, buy some TON crystal and hold for profit. You could also use TON surf wallet to store your TON crystals. this wallet is created by the free TON developers and therefore it is secure. Don't panic even if the price falls a bit. It will climb up again. If you have any doubt regarding Free TON or TON crystal feel free to ask it here and I will reply to it as soon as possible. You could also become a part of the free TON community and understand the developments behind it. Also you could contribute and earn TON crystals.
  10. As the world is developing, the blockchain industry is growing exponentially. A huge number of crypto projects are launched in the market every day. But most of these projects end up dead due to lack of architecture and planning. Today I am going to introduce a project with a well-defined structure and a bright future which has the ability to rule the crypto world. It goes by the name Free TON. Let us look how Free TON came into existence. History of Free TON We all may have heard about the telegram open network project which was abandoned due to the legal battle between United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). After it was discontinued a group of crypto enthusiasts who was really interested in the TON blockchain came together to create a new cryptocurrency named Free TON. They forked the best features of the TON blockchain and started to develop Free TON. Why Free TON? Free TON is based on the ton blockchain which is fast, secure and reliable. It is capable of controlling millions of transactions per second with high security. The gas fees is also very less which make Free TON a good competent in the Crypto market. It also provides a number of features which includes upgradable blockchain specifications and Turing-complete smart contracts. Community based project Free TON is a community-driven project. All the decisions and developments are done by this active community. Each member in this community is fully dedicated to the project and works hard to bring out the best blockchain of all time. They also collaborate their ideas and help each other. Anyone can become a part of this community (except US citizens) if he/she is willing to contribute for its development and promotion. They all believe that one day Free TON will be accepted world-wide and they can be proud of being the initial members of this wonderful blockchain project. Fully Decentralized Free TON is fully decentralized self-governed project. Every proposal is put into vote and it will be passed only if it has at least 50 percentage votes in support. Later a contest is created so that the community members can participate and bring creative ideas. There is an experienced panel of jurors who vote for this contest and find the best submission. Even the jurors are selected through a separate contest. The winners of the contest are distributed with TON crystal, token based on Free TON blockchain. The tokens are kept in a multi-sig wallet and therefore there will be no misuse of it. This is a great way to bring out the various ideas from the community members. It is also possible to club all the submissions so that they could bring out the best. Free ton governance is divided into sub governances which works for the betterment of a specific field within the project. They follow the principle of 'divide and conquer'. Competitions are held at the sub governance level as well. Every member of the free ton community is made to sign the declaration of decentralization. In this declaration they have specified the reason for launching the free ton blockchain, mechanism of distribution of tokens and road map of fee ton. More than 10K individuals and companies have already signed this declaration and became a part of Free ton. Democratic All the steps taken in the development of Free TON blockchain are democratic in nature and is fully transparent to the public which makes it reliable. There is sufficient power for the community members in decision making as well as for development of the project. The community members are also given the freedom of speech in their forum. It is possible to create a proposal for any of the community member but it can come into existence only if it has minimum number of votes in favor of the proposal. Free TON is open source and therefore any developer can build applications with it. Conclusion Free TON is going to achieve a milestone in the cryptocurrency world. The features of free ton make it usable in every industry. It is surely going to compete with the top cryptocurrencies in the market. It has the potential to create a big change in the crypto industry and we will see it in the near future.
  11. According to some experts Decentralization is the key to creating a strong blockchain future, transferring control from a single authority to a distributed network. This will not only reduce the risks involved in a centralized environment but also improve the reliability of the entire network. For users, it means easy transfer of cryptocurrency directly from one individual to another without any intermediary. It will be as easy as sending an SMS message. Taking into account all these points, TON – the next generation of blockchain will offer speedy transactions thanks to dynamic sharing. This brand new platform will address some of the defects and problems facing digital currency and make it as user friendly as possible. Transactions using the TON prevent many of the problems of using cryptocurrency for everyday transactions. These included faster processing time and less fees. At present, Bitcoin can process 7 transactions per second and Ethereum about 15 transactions per second. But TON is capable of processing millions of transactions per second, even faster than MasterCard and Visa. The fees for these transactions are less than $0.01. TON was created by the Durov brothers – Nickolay and Pavel . But the US Securities and Exchange Commission made it impossible for the brothers to continue the development of the platform. This affected more than 400 million users. But fortunately in May 2020, an online community of developers from across the digital currency industry came together with the support of crypto-enthusiasts and other well-known stake providers to create a new, decentralized version known as “Free TON”. This gave a new lease of life to the TON blockchain and relief to millions of users. One of the developers is the Radiance Team. They in collaboration with Extraton Wallet is preparing the Decentralized Exchange (DEX) to beta launch in mid 2021. All TON cryptocurrencies on the TON blockchain are owned by the community itself, without any token pre-sales or ICO. TON crystals are distributed via contests or competitions as rewards for the useful actions of the community members. The free TON platform is supported by fully decentralized independent and autonomous organizations. Working of Free TON The project has no CEO, Advertising or Publicity department. It does not have any marketing executives or consultants. The community decides how the network will evolve and grow. All proposals are published on the project forum where any member of the community can freely leave any comments, suggestions or offer criticisms. At the end of the discussion, after taking into account all comments and suggestions, the proposal goes to a vote on the blockchain. If more than 50% of the votes are in support of the proposal, the idea is approved and moves on to the next stage of implementation. Since there is no token pre-sale, the supply (5 billion TON Crystal) is distributed through 3 channels. 10% is allocated to developers to encourage and incentivize development, 5% have been reserved for validators supporting blockchain performance, and a huge 85% of tokens are allocated to community members for their efforts in fostering mass adoption. The allocation of these tokens is judged through competitions and collaborations proposed by the community members themselves. There are no limitations. Anyone can propose anything. As long as the ideas proposed are relevant to the information requested and are based on common sense and logic, they will be passed on for a vote. Over the past few months, the Free TON technology has been developing rapidly and the size of the community and its level of involvement have also grown rapidly. The total workload of the initial members has also increased. This has led the community to improve the existing organizational model and introduce sub-governances that could help distribute the workload and make the whole process more efficient.
  12. Сегодня была запущена сеть Free TON с нативным токеном TON Crystal (TON). Сеть Free TON будут запускать в несколько этапов. Монеты из генезис-блока будут распределяться между контрактами-дарителями (Giver), их задача будет заключаться только в автоматическом распределении. Контракты Referral Giver получат 85% из всех выпущенных монет. Они будут распределены первым пользователям и партнерам, которые будут помогать продвигать Free TON. Контракт Validator Giver получит 5% всех монет и будет распределять их между валидаторами. Контракт Developer Giver получит 10% всех монет и будет финансировать разработку проекта, из них 5% получит TON Labs. На данный момент выпущено 5 млрд. TON, среди пользователей и партнеров будет распределено 4 248 896 154 TON. Основные компоненты TON OS: TON Full Node implementation in Rust including connectors to Kafka, ArangoDB and GraphQL server; TON OS Command Line Interface (CLI); TON Multisignature Wallet smart contract with it's proof in Coq; Terraform Scripts and docker containers to run TON Validators; Adjusted Zero State scripts for TON Launch; “SURF” Decentralised Browser for TON OS supporting End-to-End Decentralisation; Distributed token or ”TON Cash” Smart Contract in C++ with specifications; DePool solidity Decentralised Staking Pool system of contracts and Timer contracts with specifications; TON OS Virtual Machine; TON OS Linker; TON OS SDK. Сервисы: TON Storage TON Payments ТОН DNS ТОН Proxy TON DB Декларация Surf Surf - это блокчейн браузер, кошелёк и безопасный чат, в котором можно будет совершать транзакции и где каждое сообщение зашифровано вашими личными ключами, и только получатель может расшифровать его. Телеграм: Основной чат - Ru чат - Чат разработчиков eng - Чат разработчиков ru - Чат валидаторов eng - Чат валидаторов ru - Объявления и конкурсы eng - Объявления и конкурсы ru - Официальные сайты Free TON: Вебсайт - Обозреватель блоков - GitHube - Техническая документация - Кошельки: Веб-кошелёк (beta) - iOS (beta) - Android (beta) - Инструкция по сборке и настройке узла валидатора: ENG - RU - Социальные сети: Twitter - Medium - Instagram - Facebook - LinkedIn - Reddit - Форум
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