magical956 - CryptoTalk.Org Jump to content


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About magical956

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  1. I love cryptotalk, although this is a new forum. I think the mods here are doing a good job and because of the incentive that yobit do, a wave of members are coming in.
  2. magical956

    Bitcoin wallets

    I'm aware of the fake electrum but I don't understand more about multi-sig. Thank you for providing the links.
  3. I might try the browser based for firefox. I'm not comfortable having extensions on my chrome because it's my main browser that I use daily.
  4. magical956

    Bitcoin wallets

    That is why there are lite wallets that we can use such as electrum. And ask some bitcoin wallet experts and they will suggest it for those who cant buy a ledger.
  5. Yes. it's on the forum rules as long as you will copy the source, you are okay. See it on the link. Refer to posting rule #3.
  6. This is them? The volume is not high but if you can exchange it quickly on bittrex, I think that you are earning well with that coin. On brave browser, I've never earned with it.
  7. hexwin, how much you are earning with bittube? is this really legit and you can trade this with bitcoin? Im a bit worried if it is requiring to download an extension.
  8. It will take time for everyone to go to the highest rank and it's more of the dedication and activity you'll exert by staying here.
  9. magical956

    Bitcoin wallets

    Electrum is my preferred bitcoin wallet, I don't want to download the whole chain as I don't have space anymore because it's consuming a huge size to my disk.
  10. I agree that advertisers will come in to this forum too as long as there are people who uses the forum. There's a traffic so it would be for sure. The ranking system here is like your badge and activity.
  11. Wow this is a great initiative for the forum, the ranking system will determine on how active you are. I hope that there's no racial judgment in this forum.
  12. So it's real that in India crypto is really struggling and being banned by the government? Do you have a way to track down the progress on how your gov't is working for their decision if they will put a ban hammer to crypto permanently?
  13. If that's the case on your country, you can't do anything about it. They have their own mere interest about it so that's why they could pass or ban it anytime they want. So far in my country, I have no issues and we're all free to use, buy and sell bitcoin and other crypto's. The adoption here is getting massive.
  14. We don't his current situation, maybe he's really doing something right now or taking a rest after all of the tiring day and work that he has done for this forum or outside of it. Yes, your suggestion is for the betterment of the community. Everyone is waiting for his reply too.
  15. You should add the campaign on this forum and make the pay per post as a long term commitment. You can also add signatures of the pay per post so that everyone will wear it and more visible with SEO.
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