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Posts posted by febriyana

  1. I think educate yourself is the best investment until now. The cost is not high than other investment, you can take knowledge by Youtube and article on the website. You can try some strategy and take mistake as learning.

    That is will leading you to be expert in specific thing, like cryptocurrency you will know how it works, why it has value, how the market work, etc.

    I think only newbies and lazy people who don't want learning will often get scammed. Also they can be so greedy to get money but want small effort to doing it.

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  2. In my opinion investment is the process to growing our money with autopilot mode.

    Let's say i buy land with price $10,000 then after 1 year the price growing to $11,000. That is i think investment. In cryptocurrency also same you can holding some coin where you think useful in the future. And after a year you can get profit from different prices. But in cryptocurrency i think more hard than land because that is digital not like land where have physical. So i just recommended if you want do investment, invest only on what you know, if you don't really thing cryptocurrency is profitable in the future, why you still invest here.

  3. I never get situation like you. But i think will tell you a story where i think happy also.

    So last month i just curious open some old website. So i open one website, where actually HYIP old times. That website i ever deposit some Bitcoin, maybe around 0.001 BTC. But after deposit the website is turned offline 1 year i think. So i just forget it and then last month open the url address that website. I surprised the website is online again, so i just entering my username and password, i see my Bitcoin still there doubled. I just try withdraw it and it is like dream i get my Bitcoin to the wallet. But i don't want get trap again to deposit there lol.

  4. I am first time entering cryptocurrency until now still using coinmarketcap. For cryptocompare i never know and never use it. With coinmarketcap i see the site have better name than cryptocompare. I am also see different in coinmarketcap only take the last prices cryptocurrency when we open the website, but not like cryptocompare they always update the price realtime when we open the site. So basicly cryptocompare is taking much data to downloading price data everytime. For me with have limited data is not good also for mobile user that is will lead to lagging in browser.

  5. I am not really worry because i am trading and invest only in my picked coins. I never give my decision based other opinion. So let's say i am wrong to choose, i am not really hurt, because overall that is my mistake and i am always invest with my money where i can afford to lose. The market on cryptocurrency is so volatile and often can't predicted right. Fake cryptocurrency i know always created based token, so for real coin is really small to be scam.

    • Useful or interesting 1

  6. My hope in 2020, i think same with you.

    Hope many cryptocurrency get adoption in real world, like company and people going to use it. So make the information about cryptocurrency going globally. That is sure will bring some demand to the market cryptocurrency and will lead to price going up time to time. So with that our holding coin can sell on higher price and many coin can survive and be useful in the future.

    • Useful or interesting 1

  7. Yes cryptotalk give everyone chance to earn more in cryptocurrency. With cryptotalk you can get some knowledge about cryptocurrency with reading some opinion in there. I am happy to sharing my knowledge and also get reward to do that. But i am still besides only doing write in cryptotalk, i am also doing faucet claim, i get reward around 10,000 satoshi per day, maybe not much but that is better than only depend on 1 source income.

  8. I am really appreciate about cryptotalk doing the pay by post campaign. For me as newbie who still blind about earn cryptocurrency can have chance to earn money from this.

    Yobit i know is trusted exchanges where have many feature and different with other exchanges. On cryptotalk you can post any idea, help newbie in cryptocurrency and also get the reward in Bitcoin.

  9. Survive? Yes sure they will survive. But about the price sure i think will always decreased time to time,

    Because basicly people need freedom about their financial. So if using the centralized coin i think that is not really freedom, because the inside blockchain that coin have some people controlling. They maybe can doing wrong choice and will lead to error in the blockchain and our transaction can be not valid.

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  10. That is good news for Vietnam. So the adoption Bitcoin there will growing more fast than before.

    In my country is banned about cryptocurrency. So for the Bitcoin ATM is not possible. Exchanges website is also blocked in my country. I hope my government can take action about the future their country. I still don't know why the government is really hard to banned cryptocurrency, not only Bitcoin but all coin and token.

  11. I think Bitcoin will stay there forever.

    Bank and government is always protecting their fiat from fighter outside there. Like cryptocurrency.

    So in my opinion don't worry about it. Because many people who use Bitcoin already know about technology and blockchain.So if all country trying to banned cryptocurrency, i am still can access it by use proxy or private network.


  12. If i only have option to choose trader or crypto writer, i am sure choose as trader. Because i never doing crypto writer like creating blog. But if with replying in the thread also the crypto writer. So i am also doing it.

    Both for me is good and maybe my source income. But for main source income in cryptocurrency is by doing freelance. I have some big company give me a job in programming and they send me Bitcoin for the reward. So from that i deposit to exchanges and start trading. When i have free time i am doing crypto writer on cryptotalk.

    • Useful or interesting 2

  13. I think that is depend on the supply your coin. Let's take example about Bitcoin, it is have limited supply around 21 Million, so that is normal the price Bitcoin is expensive. But if you comparing with Dogecoin, it is don't have supply limited, but it is created to be unlimited supply, so for long term what i think is not good. Because some people will have many Dogecoin in same time then want sell it, but the demand i see not much or atleast same.

    The other factor to effect the price increased is by trust, volume, marketcap.

  14. I think about Bitcoin transaction in my country is near zero now. Because the government take a rules to banned all cryptocurrency in my country. They blocking many website related cryptocurrency, like exchange, blockchain, etc.

    That is will effect to people hard to using cryptocurrency in their country. Some police is always tracking about our internet. So in my country is not good about cryptocurrency.

  15. I think you first time losing money. That is normal because your expected is very high about cryptocurrency.

    Maybe you think with trading altcoin can make you rich if the price increased like rocket. But the reality that is not possible because the coin in the market now is various. Also maybe you going greedy, until you realize why you need deposit and deposit again the coin. You think can recover the lost by doing it and finally you stuck like now.

  16. I am first time join in cryptocurrency is around 2013. Where the price Bitcoin is still cheap around $200 per BTC.

    That time i only doing faucet to get some Bitcoin, where i think that is more big reward than reward on faucet now.

    After that many altcoin appeared like Litecoin, Peercoin, Namecoin, etc. Many gambling sites opened, for example peerbet. When that time peerbet is famous but now is really quiet and maybe going be scam.

  17. I don't know what sense your dream. But if i predicted at 2030 sure i will get 1 BTC and that is good news if the price Bitcoin going up 2x than before. So i can get some profit from it.

    This month is good time to buy some Bitcoin, i see the price is still cheap. Just buy it than you only dreaming. That is also good for your financial if you doing cryptocurrency in right way.

    • +5 1

  18. I think that is already solved. The admin already refill the balance to the Yobit for that signature campaign.

    But what i don't like is about their change the signature model from cryptotalk to investbox. I just think that is like sketchy but that is up to you still promote it or not. For me that is not good to introduce it, especially for newbie who still blind for investment program. I already not join that campaign because that.

  19. I choose both. With Gold i use to store value of my money. I don't think Gold is as investment, because only keeping our value of money. The prices is expensive, but you can find the small gold bar, like 1gr, that is not cheap but economic.

    I also buy some Bitcoin, because i believe in the future of technology. Buying Bitcoin is also we can arrange it about the amount, not like Gold bar is rules by government and company.

  20. I think adoption cryptocurrency in online gaming world already happen. That is sure can happen.

    Online games usually using Steam Wallet to buy online games. So any coin is allow you to buy the games with their coin. I think they still prepare doing micro transaction for purchase the item in game. Where the game industry is still profitable until now can lead some cryptocurrency to take cooperation.

  21. Yes that is cheap, Because you cut many fees with using Bitcoin. If you use fiat, i think will more than that, like Paypal i sure they will taking many fees. Also that is good you use peer to peer transaction without any problem. I am still not sure if all people is honest if doing the deal like that. Maybe he can run away after getting the payment.

    Btw. That is beautiful aquarium and gold fish. I want touch it. Hehehe...


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  22. I ever thinking like that. First time i see Bitcoin jump up the price like rocket, i always think this coin can be the key to be rich man. But after i see and analyze it with my clear mind, i just realize Bitcoin also same like normal currency, It is still have limited in the price, if the price always going up the one question is who pay it so much?.

    I am now just make Bitcoin and altcoin as my side income.

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  23. Currently i never use hardware wallet, because that is expensive also i am not 100% sure it is secure.

    I prefer save my cryptocurrency in my mobile wallet, so i can bring it anywhere and i think i will still holding my phone also for long time. But for hardware wallet if only place in safe place, i think that is useless. Because our balance isn't growing and maybe the price cryptocurrency can fall in the future.

  24. I think the reason Bitfinex not include Dogecoin to their market is because that coin is don't have full requirement.

    You know Dogecoin have unlimited supply, if that is company will leading to bankrupt. Because they always create supply but the demand is same time to time. So the think Bitfinex is will used in the long term or not.

    Dogecoin basicly only created for joke and also education for newbies about cryptocurrency. But now used for speculation also.

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