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Posts posted by febriyana

  1. Don't all in to cryptocurrency. Because it is volatile, your money can dissapear in minutes. Cryptocurrency price can going up and down more than 50% for top coin. So for me prefer earn Bitcoin and more work hard to get Bitcoin. So time to time my investment growing because i always invest it. That is right January 2020 the price going up, but today the price going down again, hope not bad news.

  2. I think that can happen because your computer get virus or you enter your password in fake website.

    About computer get virus you must check your task manager, is it running unknown program behind it. So you can check first on CPU usage then Memory usage. Most virus taking so much thread to running, so will make CPU and Memory overload. They will automatic send information by internet. So if you found it, end task that program then uninstall program on control panel where you sure never install it. For fake website, easy way always check the url, is it have same url from original website, just avoid typing full password.

  3. That is sure good news! But i am realize the India until now still banned cryptocurrency, so i think government still don't have idea to learning about cryptocurrency. Maybe that is group people make a course.

    I hope India can make Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency going legal on that country. So can help demand going high and also the price cryptocurrency.

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    • +2 1

  4. That is can be profitable. If you have some money to create your cryptocurrency you can do it now. I see you want scamming people to create coin.

    But sure not really cheap to create coin, you need have some money to cover fees create token, pay team, and also listing on exchanges. If you don't calculate to detail you will wasted your money. I just prefer buy and sell coin where already have market now.

  5. I am not really like about KYC idea. That is like giving away our personal data. Yeah you get reward to doing KYC, but you like betting your data for unknown reward. Some airdrop is giving coin where we never hear, some website not working after launch, and other. I just stay away from KYC, especially for doing airdrop, no matter company behind it.

  6. I don't know about that cryptocurrency. Because i am also don't see it on coinmarketcap. Maybe that coin is created by Yobit to help some user get airdrop. I am sure that is only token. So the price can decreased and increased really fast than old coin. I just get some YODA and will try holding it. Maybe good in the future. Waiting end of January.

  7. I prefer choose regulation. Where we know the cryptocurrency can used for criminal. That is sure we can't avoid it. Because the cryptocurrency is free currency everyone can use it whatever good or not. That is not only cryptocurrency. But also in fiat have criminal, maybe more high than cryptocurrency. So government actually can't banned cryptocurrency because reason cryptocurrency is bad idea to support criminal.

    • +3 1

  8. If cryptocurrency fully get adopted. Sure many company will use cryptocurrency for transaction, so using fiat become useless. And in government, school, university, and other also using cryptocurrency for payment. That will bring their technology better to upgrade time to time. So inovation will going unlimited and many country race to develop new technology. Corruption will get decreased, because hard to doing it on cryptocurrency. All transaction recorded.

    • +3 1

  9. I am not really know about burning coin or whatever about it. I just know burning system happen when the Ethereum showed. Many token is doing burning coin, where i think that is like manipulation in circulation. So i just stay away investing on that coin for long term. I maybe buy it only for trading where i think have a good chance to price going up soon.

  10. Yes that is right. Some political issues can affect Bitcoin price. Like now the price Bitcoin on January going up maybe because some country is doing war. Like USA to Iran. Many people is worry about their asset and money. So they buy Bitcoin to storing their value. That will effect on demand going up and also for the price going up. For country regulation is also effect to the price Bitcoin, because some people maybe already buy Bitcoin must sell it because Bitcoin get banned and will effect the demand going decrease and price Bitcoin maybe going down.

  11. That is up to you want leave Bitcoin or not. I am sure Bitcoin price will going better year to year. Maybe now you only see it as downward price. That is sure the price like going down maybe going to zero price. But i am choose to believe in Bitcoin, because i see blockchain will good for option to help us in the future. Bitcoin also have limited supply and the distribution fees and miner reward i think fair. So i don't have reason to give up on Bitcoin.

  12. I never use lightning network, I see that is sure will increase your speed of transaction and also decreased your fees every sending transaction. But that is also hard if wallet to receive Bitcoin for example not online, the lightning network can't doing transaction. For me i prefer doing normal transaction with blockchain, because i am not really care about speed transaction.

  13. I think bullrun will happen much only in Bitcoin for this year. That is because this year i see the war on some country happen, so people just buying Bitcoin maybe to saving their asset from war and also some military use Bitcoin to buy some weapon. This year also be going Bitcoin halving, so i think also can increase the price Bitcoin.

    For altcoin i think the price will decreased because adjusted with Bitcoin price. This is good time to buy some altcoin.

  14. In my opinion cryptocurrency in 2020 will get big gain in price. For example Bitcoin at new year until now the price is increase high than last year. With that some altcoin going down in price. That is good chance if you want restock your altcoin because the price is on discount price. Bitcoin this year will get best price ever, maybe around $10,000, that is supported because effect from war in some country and also maybe because Bitcoin halving.

    • Useful or interesting 1

  15. I always buy Litecoin, Bitcoin, and Ethereum as my long term holding. Why i choose that coin?

    That is because i really confident on that coin. Where we know Bitcoin is have the biggest marketcap and volume, it is also pioneer for cryptocurrency, so why not invest on it. Litecoin is the old coin, where have same characteristic like Bitcoin. For Ethereum i see have good project, where everyone can make their token for gain some investor, i think company always created every year, so to create token is possible for long term.

  16. I think that is good news if government and company want adopt it. The price Bitcoin sure will going up and we can make profit. The right place for Bitcoin is still online. Because if offline there is maybe government want control it so they can take corruption in the system.

  17. I am entering to something sure always researching first. So after enter i am really hard to leave. Like i apply job, i never take resign, but sometimes disaster happen and i get fired lol

    So i enter on cryptocurrency is also have plan. But i am not like other person will leave it after my plan success.

    My plan is to make cryptocurrency to become my passive income. For this time i make it as side income. So time to time i invest some money on cryptocurrency and find the idea how to make it as passive income.

  18. I think i like all youtuber where introduce with real information about cryptocurrency. I am sometimes see some youtuber giving wrong information, so maybe they get paid to make wrong info. I recommended to not make any saying from youtuber as financial advisor. You need research any coin before invest.

  19. I think that is not possible people can steal or giving the error on transaction you made. Because every transaction is going to blockchain where the security is really high. To edit small thing on your transaction, you need broken all miner on the blockchain because them is securing and process the transaction. I am sure transaction with cryptocurrency is more safe than other.

  20. I think fiat have more scammer than cryptocurrency. First scammer on fiat is Federal Reserve, they are is a company not government institutions where create paper money with unlimited supply. So the debt and inflation will increased time to time. Make people who don't have job really hard to survive and move to scamming people or stealing from people,

  21. I am until now never invest on Monero Coin. That is because i don't see any benefit to using it.

    Yes it is can help us to make the transaction more private. So other people will not know about our transaction like balance and other information. But i think that is not good coin for long term investment. I am like invest on Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum than Monero.

  22. Investbox in my opinion is like Certificate Deposit where giving you percentage fixed profit on specific time.

    Mostly daily or Monthly. That CD is only using cryptocurrency, so you not use real money to invest there.

    But i am not really recommended to invest on any website where giving you fixed reward. That is like ponzi scheme. For now maybe still paying but we don't know what happen in the future. Be careful to invest there.

    • Useful or interesting 1

  23. I think that is more safe investing on coin where already known. Because with investing on that coin can have chance the price going up and more stable. We already know about the project that coin and it has strong community behind. So that is worth. If you invest on new token, we can't sure about the project is real or not.

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