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Posts posted by febriyana

  1. I think that is possible. Because if we withdraw to bank we need exchange our Bitcoin to fiat on exchanges.

    I sure some exchanges already taking taxes when we trading. So you can get your money with small tax. But if the government want taking action to giving tax on withdraw, i think that will make the problem.

    • +2 1

  2. What you mean insured? I think all exchanges is same, they don't give any insurance about your fund there.

    That is crazy they insurance cryptocurrency, because the circulation deposit and withdraw is really high there. Insurance is really slow to updating the data online. So i sure no insurance there.

    I prefer save my coin on the wallet than exchanges.

  3. I think that is like hard target to become real on Bitcoin prices. Maybe $10,000 is ideal.

    But the prices can going really high like that is not easy. It is must have some reason for old investor and new investor buying it. Maybe with Bitcoin halving is good reason for the investor want buy Bitcoin and make more demand.

  4. That is really complicated. We going to money 4.0 so every currency will used more efficient and profitable.

    So cryptocurrency created with blockchain, i think blockchain don't have capacity to check the owner is real person and have personal identity. For this time blockchain is give us benefit to running on decentralized system.

  5. Investbox in my opinion is like Certificate Deposit where giving you percentage fixed profit on specific time.

    Mostly daily or Monthly. That CD is only using cryptocurrency, so you not use real money to invest there.

    But i am not really recommended to invest on any website where giving you fixed reward. That is like ponzi scheme. For now maybe still paying but we don't know what happen in the future.

    • +1 1

  6. Yes for the physical sure cryptocurrency don't have. But you must know the economy is always upgrading. So on old times we use paper money, so maybe in the future paper money is going lose trust and people using digital money.

    Bitcoin is the example, it has intrinsic value on the blockchain, where it is decentralized, not like fiat where centralized on Federal Reserve. You must know Federal Reserve actually is not created by government, but that is a company.

    • Useful or interesting 1

  7. I am not really know about fork system in cryptocurrency. But after see the effect from fork system.

    Bitcoin investor like divided to many coin beside only on Bitcoin. Also i am see the coin where using name Bitcoin for their branding, that is can make Bitcoin brand going contamined. Where new coin is don't have any guarantee about the system, maybe some of them only scam coin in the future. Where now is going taking some money from investor then prepare to run away with that money.

  8. Yes Bitcoin price now is going increased slowly, that is good thing. Because for holder Bitcoin can get chance to sell their Bitcoin in high price. But for holder long term like me, i prefer hold it for future. I am really love about the blockchain idea in Bitcoin, where the system is decentralized and really transparent.

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  9. I ever using cloud mining but the result is not like my expectation. Maybe around 2015 i decide to buy some hash power to mining Bitcoin with cloud mining. I already invest around $100, the contract is around 1 year. But before the contract ended, the website is announcement to upgrade mining hardware. So they force me to selling my hashing power to get new hashing power from new mining hardware. So i just sell and got it. But that process repeat and repeat again. So basicly that is like scamming me.

  10. I think many country is going develop their cryptocurrency. That is good news because will make cryptocurrency get famous time to time. So people will think again about it. The fiat now is not good to secure your money. You can see some country get collapsed because fiat. With fiat it can make some debt and inflation. I hope my country also make their cryptocurrency. So in the future we can have various currency in the world.

  11. I think many scam project coming from token based erc20 Ethereum. So you need stay away buying some token. I recommended to buy only coin where have their blockchain and also have limited supply. That is will make the coin more rare and will make investor want invest on there. Because that the demand will going up time to time and will bring the prices increased. I think so hard to detect token is scam or not. Because scammer also have strategy to hide the truth.

  12. I just want give my opinion. I am really confident on blockchain technology. So for the price is doesn't matter will going up or not when Bitcoin Halving happen. You must know blockchain in Bitcoin is rare, until now no one can hack that technology. Also the blockchain have value because running on decentralized. So if you only buy Bitcoin for profit, i think will make your tired, the price is volatile.

  13. Maybe i late to say happy new year. I am happy this opening year coming with the price Bitcoin going up.

    The prices now is around $7,500. My hope the prices can cross $10,000 this year. Just prepare yourself, buy some Bitcoin before late. The Bitcoin halving is around this year. You can also buy some altcoin, many altcoin going up on the prices because affected by Bitcoin price.

  14. I think that coursed is created by fake guru. So not worth to buy that courses. If you only want use cryptocurrency you can learn it on Youtube or some article on Google. Maybe some job now created for blockchain. But that is no need courses to do that, because i sure courses not cover all material to become programmer to create blockchain system. If you already know some about programming, just apply job. So if you get accepted you can work and also learn new thing.

  15. I think real Satoshi Nakamoto is hide from public. That is because that person is really expensive. You can calculate with yourself how many money they giveaway to the world lol.

    Maybe he hide because safety from bad person where maybe can kill him or steal some Bitcoin from him. For me that is not really important, because he have smart brain so he also calculate when he must dissapear, so the Bitcoin can working like he plan.

  16. Yes that is possible because many people is aware about cryptocurrency. China is creating their coin because they know it will work in the future. So they trying create cryptocurrency for their people. Maybe other country will following to create also before late. But the problem is cryptocurrency will going much on circulation, so maybe in the future will going hard to make transaction if the cryptocurrency is still on centralized not decentralized.

  17. I just want say to stop investing your money on HYIP website. Overall that website is only scam.

    To investment in cryptocurrency, the basic thing is doing holding in some coin for long term. Maybe you can find coin where can giving you dividend time to time. So not only the price growing but also the coin amount growing.

    You can try to learning trading, that is really fun if you know about strategy to win. Because you can make profit like on HYIP website if you want.

    • +2 1

  18. I think that is only possible when before 2020. But i predicted the price Dogecoin will hard to going up. Because the supply Dogecoin is unlimited. About popularity i see growing but some altcoin is going best time to time to overtake the rank above Dogecoin. So i just quit for invest in Dogecoin. I don't see any special thing on that coin. Many people is speculated on that coin, but the prices is not really going up and down.

    • Useful or interesting 2

  19. Yes that is also, But i think that is normal because the decentralization system. So to process transaction, Blockchain need some confirmation from miner, after get confirmation your cryptocurrency moved to your wallet.

    I see some cryptocurrency is create instant transaction, like Nano and Tron. I see the blockchain is really fast.

    My other annoying thing in cryptocurrency is about the fees. I see some cryptocurrency have really high fees. So to move it from exchanges like not possible.

    • Useful or interesting 1

  20. Some my profit from trading is going to buy again coin where i think good for long term. I often buy Litecoin, because the characteristic is like  Bitcoin. So after getting some profit i going to buy Litecoin and move it to my wallet. So from that i can hold it for long time. Some profit also moving to donation, i don't know why i do this. But basicly i want make my cryptocurrency can help poor people in the world.

  21. I think cryptocurrency like Bitcoin is have possibility to replace old currency in the world. We can see the fiat money is get decreased trust by many people time to time. Also fiat is make the problem in financial, because it is creating debt and inflation. So maybe the fiat can replaced with Bitcoin. But i don't know when, i always believe on cryptocurrency can do that in the future. From that other cryptocurrency also get adopted by some people and company.

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  22. I think cryptocurrency is only currency. So whatever many unemployment or not that is doesn't matter. Because cryptocurrency is like normal currency or fiat. The only way to decrease the unemployment is by the person itself. If they creative to make something where giving value then sell it, they can make some money with creating job.

    Some people is going to cryptocurrency to speculate on trading, so i think that is not good for who don't have any job. Because they can lose their money and also don't have job..

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