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Posts posted by febriyana

  1. I think that is not possible because all account is already setting to first need to be 100 post before get paid.

    I am already join before the rules 100 post implemented and still use new rules. So just keep spirit to post useful post. That is not really hard to get 100 post if you are have mind to sharing your knowledge. With the reward from cryptotalk you can get some Bitcoin to start investing or trading.

  2. I never blame myself. I always support anything i doing. Like i when swimming. I never learn about swim, but i force myself to jump to the pool and you know what happen. The water is coming to my nose and i really uncontrolled. But i success to standing and get out from the pool. So how if i blame when swimming, i will die there, because basicly if blaming yourself, all your body will stopping response and you will stop there.

  3. I think retailers is always accept new payment system. So to implemented cryptocurrency on retail is possible.

    But i think that is can only implemented on modern retail not traditional. Retail always try to manage the payment system they have to be more efficient. So the problem is about the information cryptocurrency is it already known by them? Also is government have legalized about the cryptocurrency adoption?

  4. I think masternode is good choice to help the network and also get the reward. Only choose coin where have the future, not only the price but about useful or not. Doing masternode i think need many cost, especially on the storage. Because it will sync blockchain network everytime. Masternode is more good than staking.

  5. I don't get what the idea comparing scamming begging and donating. That is sure donating is good action, not like begging and scamming is bad action. For me i prefer doing donate. Because we can help some people who have a problem. I think donate is not only about money, but also knowledge. Only donate with what you can and don't force yourself to donate.

  6. I think everyone need backup their private wallet. So when the wallet is have a problem like your computer get infected by virus, that is will hard to open the wallet because maybe also get infected.

    So with backup the private key can help you use wallet in another computer. Also please encrypt the wallet because that is important to secure your wallet from bad person who just enter your wallet.

    • +1 1

  7. I never hear phone like that. So i just try open your link and see about the detail.

    I think that phone have ability to running wallet online 24 hours, it is also can be full node. So can help sync the blockchain and storing some data to help blockchain validated. That is good i think for wallet than blockchain.

    I don't get the idea what blockchain it can run and how it is profitable. Only mining process is profitable. Running dull node blockchain is not profitable i think. But if you want help to network that is good.

  8. I think fear is normal. The only way is to controlling your emotion. So fear can minimized.

    If you fear trading for example. You need find the free coin on internet to deposit, after get it you can trade it, make it as practice, so if you take a mistake that is not really problem. You only need try and try until your fear is small and be confident on the market.

    • +2 1

  9. I am on cryptocurrency from 2013 until now 2020. So that is around 7 years i am on cryptocurrency.

    At first time until 2015 i only see the cryptocurrency is like ponzi scheme. Because price Bitcoin is always going up many people take speculation on it and that is sure will bringing to disaster. After Bitcoin get the highest price and then going down until now. I just make the cryptocurrency as side income so i am not really care about the price.

  10. I think sharing the referral link is allowed in every forum. So not really problem to post link on the thread or signature.

    But you must post with original link, not short the link with other site where can make people wrong take a choice.

    Also don't make a link to forbidden site, like sex website, virus, etc.

  11. KYC or Know Your Customer is actually not really new system in financial identify.

    In the bank we also need identify about us. Like the photo and signature is it same with the owner of the account, if not sometimes you will hard to get processed by bank.

    In my opinion exchanges is actually not really need to do KYC. Because the cryptocurrency i think about freedom and anonymous. So with doing KYC i think is bad idea. I only do KYC on my local exchanges. So can minimize the data stealed.

    • +2 1

  12. Yes sure freebitcoin is the best faucet ever, until now i don't see any faucet have big reward like freebitcoin.

    I try that website is different with other site, it is have games! So everyone have chance to play and also can growing their Bitcoin. Overall their games is gambling. It is also have some contest and promotion so the user will not boring.

    But i think freebitcoin is not best site to collect coin, i prefer use it as side income. If you only focus on freebitcoin i think hard to get much Bitcoin.

  13. Until now i never join airdrop, but in my prediction there is many airdrop is real.

    You only need join on airdrop with known coin, especially on 100 top coins. So chance to get scammed is really small. I see some airdrop need KYC, you must check first about the website, there is many website only taking advantage about KYC. They only take your personal data without any reward. Yeah maybe you get a reward by token, but actually that is useless, because the token after going to market will going dump, that is possible because many people forcing to sell their token without care about the future.

  14. Your capital is $200, so your target is $5.

    So 200 / 5 = 40. You will get ROI in 40 days!

    That is insane. Because you daily need find the method to invest and make a profit atleast 2.5%

    So sure with trading maybe can gain that profit. But for cryptocurrency i think that is only possible if you doing trading on altcoin, where specific trading in ICO or token. Because that coin have very high risk. So you can get profit 100% in short time. But if you doing on normal trading like top coin, i think really hard to get your target.

  15. I think in cryptocurrency is like real world. We can take any job in cryptocurrency.

    For the highest reward you need atleast the skills programming. Then apply job in freelance and give a reward by cryptocurrency. Like my job now i doing freelance remotely to be full stack developer in someone company.

    They give me cryptocurrency as salary, that is enough for me than i get paypal as payment. Because paypal is have big fees in my country. I am also doing trading to growing some my coin.

  16. I am currently using Brave Browser to earn some BAT coin. That is amazing project. I am really love about their browser because can block so many ads without problem. I am really hate the popup and other ads because that is distract my browsing experience. But for presearch and netbox i never try. Maybe will try it later. Thank you for the information. That 3 coins have price in the market and i think good for holding.

  17. I am not really care about people prediction. Maybe that is right because that month some people is going crazy buy some cryptocurrency. But please not depend on it. I prefer research what coin have good chance to going up soon. So my profit is based my analysis, if wrong i am not problem about it. Please also don't trading with loan, trading only with money you can afford to lose.

  18. Yes that is right, i am don't have the idea why people is really love to get trapped on fake investment like that.

    Sure Telegram is don't have any guarantee and not related about the investment. So you need atleast educate yourself. Because now Telegram is going targeted by many scammer. They create investment bot but actually only ponzi scheme. They collect money from investor and move it to old investor. I am sure that program will not long time. Some bot at first also can be scam.

  19. My most mistake is selling the coin when the prices is going down. That is yes no sense you selling at loss.

    But sometimes i am too fear for holding the coin, because i see the coin is always going down in the prices. I just realize the prices maybe can going down more deep. So i just selling all my coin to cut loss. Sometimes i am right, but sometimes i wrong the coin price going up really high than my base price first time.

  20. Bitcoin is the pioneer coin in cryptocurrency. Until now Bitcoin is the king where have many pair to trading in the market.

    For altcoin is different because created after Bitcoin released. It is has less marketcap and volume than Bitcoin. For feature i see different from one coin to other coin. Altcoin i think is only alternative coin to use when you think Bitcoin is not enough. For example to moving Bitcoin to other address is need big fees, but with using Litecoin for example you can decrease the fees 20X.

  21. I think that is possible. I am currently work as freelancer full stack developer in someone company. I working in my home remotely. So i have responsible about my time and my work. But what i happy they accept to pay me with cryptocurrency. Not only Bitcoin sometimes they pay me with Ethereum and Litecoin. I am not really care about what coin they pay, but i don't accept they pay me with token, i see that is useless.

    So from it i can collect and growing my portfolio in cryptocurrency time to time. Until now i only doing trading to growing it and never withdraw it to bank transfer.

    • +4 1

  22. Your question is really speculated actions. That is actually not good to take a loan because your feeling you will get much profit to doing X.

    We can't predicted any condition in the future, so let's say the Bitcoin price doubled at year 2020. You still have responsible to pay your loan and i think your profit is decreased.

    I just recomended to use money you can afford to lose, so if your prediction is right, you can get maximum profit with your money. If wrong take it as a lesson and you don't have any depend to the other person.

    • +2 1

  23. At first time i investing in cryptocurrency because i see the price is going up. With that sure i can make quick profit for trading it. But time to time i realize my idea is really bad. Not only for cryptocurrency but for me also.

    That is already proof on last year. My portfolio actually is have profit -10%. That is like bankrupt if i am as company.

    But what my mind now is collecting as many coin for future. Because i think cryptocurrency will still used in the future.

    So the adoption now is not final and always growing time to time. Many currency will disrupted by cryptocurrency.

    That is will leading them to find us who holding the coin.

  24. On 12/6/2019 at 12:21 AM, Brushless4500KV said:

    I start this topic with a question:

    Is internet the only place to sell or convert cryptocurrency to fiat? I know internet is the simplest way for selling crypto but it is not safe. How can you trust the unknown person behind another computer in an unknown area that you want to send crypto to him/her?

    I think we can sometimes buy our cryptocurrencies by visiting the buyer in person especially when the amount of coins we want to sell is high and we don't want to risk sending the money to a scammer.

    You can buy a cold wallet like Ledger and store your cryptocurrency in it. Then you can make an appointment with the buyer and visit him/her in person. You give him/her your Ledger along with other necessary information about your wallet such as private key and recovery phrase. The buyer will pay you in cash for your cryptocurrency + Ledger.

    When you sold your Ledger and your coins, you will buy a new Ledger and create a new wallet for yourself.

    I think this method is not only good to avoid scammers but also useful when we have no access to any internet or electricity.

    We already on digital age, so doing offline trading like that is more complicated i think.

    Buying ledger also need online shop, so how you know it is trusted. Maybe you can order it with official site, but i think that is need more time to waiting. Also what guarantee when you doing trading on offline situation is safe. Maybe he bring a gang and kill you in no time.


    I prefer doing it with online. I sure at first time we confused how we can detected the real person can be trusted.

    I give some idea to detect it. I am often doing it on forum like Bitcointalk or other forum.

    1. See the joined date, if he join last year ignore it. You need find a person where have joined date 2 year ago or more.

    2. See the reputation, some forum is allow us to see the last trading, like what he sell and buy and the feedback.

    3. PM him and ask many question about cryptocurrency. At this you need know some knowledge about cryptocurrency.

    4. Reply on his thread and just doing transaction. Only doing transaction with money you can afford to lose.

    5. Let's say you convert BTC to Paypal. If he scammer, you can dispute his paypal and open the thread in the forum you get scammed.

    6. If still no refund from him, if you are know some about internet. You can find more detail about his account. Just tracking every his account, mainly if you found his social media. Just boom their wall with many question about your money.

    7. Forget it if he still don't want refund and take it as a lesson.

    • Useful or interesting 1

  25. Oh i sometimes use that website, that is good for see the review for compare the website is have a signal to scam or not. They also recommended us what website is new and good to use.

    But i am not depend on that site, sure i use it. But you must doing research itself before going invest anywhere. Foxyrating is using together vote, so i assume it is can be wrong. With taking some effort to research itself we have ability to know about scam process and not too lazy.

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