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About kidala

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  1. ctt increased the time between posts. People are spamming less but it is sometimes annoying to wait few minutes to reply
  2. The only reason I would recomend Cryptotalk is yobit campaigns
  3. Does yobit really pays for posts. If it does than what are the requirments?
  4. Майнинг хреново на видюхи влияет, постоянная нагрузка на гпу и на элементы питания снижают срок действия. Не знаю, кто до сих пор считает, что после майнинга можно купить видюху а не кусок текстолита.
  5. I'd say it's a scam. If they have gpus or ascii to mine coins and ask you for subscription can you really earn more than you pay. I don't think so. If someone has such units, they probably mine themselves.
  6. kidala

    Is mining dead?

    Definetly yes. transaction are getting harder each year and require a lot of time or processing power. It is not profitable anymore. High risk low reward.
  7. Prolly not. If you have a quastion like this then definetly not, Many of good investments are either luck or got with access to certain knowledge no one would share even for money, cause they can get a lot more themselves.
  8. Так один из плюсов крипты заключается в том, что она не контролируется государствами, национальная криптовалюта ничем не будет отличаться от обыкновенной
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