What happens if our topic goes viral? - Page 40 - For Beginners - CryptoTalk.Org Jump to content
Muhammad ayyan

What happens if our topic goes viral?

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Yes this will be. Because when your post will regulate then definitely people like it more and you will get more reputation and profit.

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if our topic goes viral i think it develop more interest in our mind to do more best and share informative content it may be profitable by this way that it increase our followers as our followers increase our reputation increase at last our payment increase.  

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Hello my friend, I really did not fully understand the idea you are aiming for, but I think it is good for your post to spread among users to read it and give you good reputation points by evaluating your post and the special ideas it holds, for the profits that will be paid to you for any post or comment you get in it On Reputation Score, the maximum number of posts per day is fifty, and the maximum amount of profit per day is twenty useful posts. good luck.

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If our topic goes viral, we will get answers from many members and our reputation will increase. Our theme going viral will increase the number of visitors to our profile and also increase our followers.

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The wide spread of posts among users does not give any additional profit, but the useful and dissimilar posts get a good reputation and benefit people.

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If your subject is too good, it goes viral.
It will be a lot of likes and a good name too, will be a useful and simple everyone can comment and views won't actually earn you more money, but it will increase your ranking in the forum this gives the motivation and feeling great

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Hello dear friend, thank you for your useful participation. If our topic becomes Russian and has a spread among the members, we will gain more positive reputation, but nothing will increase the payments.

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If your subject means that your subject has gone viral this is good for him. Because when your post goes viral , there is a greater chance of getting more points for their reputation and also it is more useful for their account. This way they get more money and more reputation that will help him next time in this forum.

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My dear friend that is you will generate a lot of reputation and also become popular because people will start to know you and also your post will bring about popularity

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Hey, buddy. how's it going? I hope you're okay and healthy. No my friend, you will get the same profit but you will get fame in this region and become the top of this climate. And that's a good thing it is all the money my friend. There's a lot better information acquisition than money because if we don't gain knowledge and information, we won't be able to make money. Thank you my friend for publication is wonderful. With my best wishes to everyone.

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Hello dear friend, I think nothing will add into your earnings but your reputation goes increased and your posts will increase on the pages of this forum and people can see them more.

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If you topic goes viral this will not help you earn more money.Every one on the forum will reserve the same amount of earing but the Will notice you and your reputation get increase.

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I think that the spread of the topic quickly among the members is evidence of the quality of the topic at hand. But the additional payment will not be made because you will receive one payment for the topic.

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Hi if your topic goes viral among the users you earn a good reputation among the users. Your hard work bring fruit and your topic give you a good reputation and a lot of followers that indicate your knowledge and hard working

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I think we don't have to get to this point because it's dangerous. 
Talking here through coded words isn't easy, but over time you can become more experienced. 
Good luck to everyone

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You will get some additional reputation, but your income from the subject itself will not change, you will be paid 200 satoshis for every topic that gets at least one positive reputation, but if the number of positive reputations increases, that will not increase the payment.

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It is good that you have published this question dear friend in this forum you can not make money to from comments that bring you a positive attribute, relative to publications that will only earn him reputation

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No, I think you will get more money on your posts that have become popular and have a large number of comments, but you have to look at the moral side, which is that you did a good job and got the appreciation and admiration of other members of the forum and this is wonderful.

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Until this time, there is no rule stipulating that there is additional money on posts that are hot and popular, but hot posts will appear in the list of most popular posts, and this makes you gain more followers and good reviews for your posts.

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Well according to my knowledge I don't think you will earn any extra income but you will keep earning reputations. And you will be famous in this forum. Anyway just keep working hard. 

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I don't think that it will become viral for several reasons including IT security and does not cheat or fraud and the state and its citizens satisfied with it then became in the SPA will go any supportive and will bring participants out of fear of penalties, fines and financial

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No, my friend, I do not think that increasing the reputation will get additional income. Earning in this forum is limited and the number of paid posts is also limited to 20 active posts through which you can get good earnings.

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Hello there you have great question what if our topic go viral it's ends on your contents what you post in this platform is the content is good then should have to go viral 8 somehow your topic govora you earn more benefit or from it because everyone giving you positive reputation that reputation will earn you some extra money I think you you understand what I'm trying to say

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It's awesome to post a helpful topic that goes viral, but I doubt you'll make any extra money. The forum is now just rewarding us for helpful topics or posts that we write.

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It is a good idea to see your post spread among members and be answered frequently . But you will not receive payments for that . You may get more reputation because of this but you will not earn extra money.

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