SSI: Voluntary Self-sovereign Identity Will Defeat The Bureaucracy - Free TON (Everscale) - CryptoTalk.Org Jump to content
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SSI: Voluntary Self-sovereign Identity Will Defeat The Bureaucracy

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What is SSI, why should everyone know about it, and how does Free TON develop its own identification protocol? Blockchain technology, when applied correctly, can do a lot. One important and promising use of blockchain is the development of an identification and data storage system. The first stage of the contest related to the SSI identification system was held in the Free TON community.


SSI: Tell What You Want About Yourself A modern person constantly reports information about himself to various services, sites and authorities. With the filling out of the questionnaire, it happens explicitly, and when you enter a social network login it is hidden. For example, when registering on the next marketplace you need to specify an email, VKontakte, or Facebook login, or a phone number.


Why does a marketplace or other application need our data from social networks or email? A more important question: what data the same marketplace can get additionally from the social networks and how does it use them? And what happens if it becomes a victim of a hacker attack and user data leaks into the network? Social networks know everything about us, and e-mail stores data about many sites and applications, registration logins, and passwords. Users are an open book, the heroes of the show “Behind the Glass”.


Access to passwords means the loss of money from bank cards or even quite real robberies. SSI (Self-sovereign identity) is a way to voluntarily enter data about yourself through some kind of identification application, confirm it and share it in a certain way. Data is stored using blockchain technology, i.e., it is decentralized. This means that we should not trust any website or institution with information about ourselves and hope for its reliability and honesty. The data is stored in a kind of storage distributed between the computers of blockchain users. The storage data is accessed using a pair of encrypted keys.

Read moore....

Edited by Alex077



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