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Сontest for 10 BTC! Yobit Virtual Mining!

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Tips for investing in cryptocurrencies
If you are just starting out, you are probably eager to start investing in cryptocurrencies. But don't rush. Take a little time to develop a basic cryptocurrency trading strategy.

Do you know the basics of blockchain and Bitcoin technology? Do you know what circulating vs total supply means? Do you understand what inflation is? Do you know exchanges, wallets, private keys and public keys?

If you cannot answer these basic questions, you will have problems investing in cryptocurrencies, so take some time to prepare, it is essential.

Every day, potential investors miss out on investing in cryptocurrencies because they don't trust how to get started. Even seasoned investors lose out on new tools or cryptocurrencies that could generate significant profits simply by not staying active.

Why? Because they are afraid of making mistakes. Taking action is the first step, so feel free to immediately dive into this area. Action will result in experience, and experience will result in better decision making. In fact, experience is about learning from the mistakes you make.

What makes Bitcoin and many cryptocurrencies innovative is their underlying technology. But if you don't understand the fundamentals of technology, the path will be somewhat risky.

Now that you've taken action, take your time and find the right cryptocurrency exchange with the best rates. When an investor starts investing in cryptocurrencies, many trades are made per day in the hope of small profits. The gains are positive even if they are low at the beginning, keep that in mind.

And remember rule number 1 when investing; don't invest more than you can afford to lose.

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1. 2nd November 2020
2. elsanto2586


Minex is getting better and better, great miners!!


Edited by elSanTo

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- Cash purchase
The most used system to buy virtual currencies is going to the cash market through a cryptocurrency exchange platform (Cryptocurrency Exchange) and that in turn serves as a digital purse (wallet).

These are websites where you can buy, sell or exchange these types of assets; either for a traditional currency or for another cryptocurrency. There is the possibility of trading directly on the market by setting the exchange rate.

Coinbase, Bittrex, Binance, Kukoin and Kraken are just a few examples of these types of platforms for the exchange of cryptocurrencies.

This form of investment is equivalent to the purchase of shares or any other cash asset. It is bought and is expected to revalue. It is the simplest strategy, it is called "buy and hold" (buy and hold).

As many of you may have noticed, this investment can only be useful when market rises are expected, it is long operations and without leverage. In addition, traditional assets are usually traded on a regulated market, something that does not happen when investing with spot cryptocurrencies.

The cash market for cryptocurrencies is also an OTC market (“over the counter”, that is, an unorganized parallel market), decentralized and very opaque.

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Muy bueno lo que hacen y excelentes paso sencillos y fáciles además se va a dar muy buen dinero, muy bien 

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Cryptocurrency mining
Not only can these assets be obtained by buying them in the market, their primary acquisition method is a process of solving mathematical algorithms that maintain the network that serves as the mainstay of these transactions. The process is called "mining" (basically it is putting a computer equipment at the service of the network to verify legitimate transactions).

It is a procedure in which a certain level of computing power is necessary, because it is very competitive (and it is becoming increasingly so). Professionals with prepared teams always appear in this type of operation, relegating amateurs to the background. Still, there are people who with effort can scratch some Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency a month.

Litecoin, on the other hand, does not require so much computing power at a professional level for its acquisition, but it is still a competitive process. As for Ripple, it is not possible to acquire it through mining processes.

In short, an investment in computer equipment is necessary to enter a mining process. Otherwise it will not be profitable for us to put our team at the service of the Blockchain to compete.

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- Investment funds
An investment fund is an aggregate capital of multiple savers. A professional manager takes charge of said capital and, under a defined investment policy, manages it to obtain profitability.

Under this description we can define an investment fund in cryptocurrencies as one that mainly invests in this type of assets. There are several funds of this type, such as the Galaxy Digital Assets Fund. In the Spanish sphere we have Pheidon Capital, the first Spanish investment fund in cryptocurrencies. But does this offer any benefit to the investor?

Let's see it:

One of the advantages of investing through funds is the diversification of the securities portfolio. In this way, the specific risks of each asset are minimized.

To do this, the manager must take into account the volatility and correlation of the different assets to compose a portfolio that has a specific risk and a return adjusted to said risk.

Given the strong correlation between these assets, what is the point of diversification between different cryptocurrencies?

Now comes another question more forceful than the previous one: Why should we pay management and deposit fees to carry out this work?

If it were an investment strategy that requires active management, it could be understandable. But it is only an investment in different assets with very similar characteristics and a high correlation. The strategy of these funds is usually very basic,… Buy and hold.

It is practically as if the investor bought one or two types of cryptocurrencies in cash, the return and risk of the investment would be very similar.

The positive part is that through an investment fund our capital is more protected than the mere cash purchase, a product of these characteristics is usually regulated. Normally the funds have solvency requirements imposed by the regulatory institution of the markets. In the event of bankruptcy due to theft of assets, the most normal thing is that the fund is attached to some type of guarantee, an investment guarantee fund, for these cases.

The investor's situation is not as vulnerable as the cash purchase and asset maintenance. At least we have taken a step forward, even if it is by paying commissions to the fund management and custodian company.

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The initial idea of many people about cryptocurrencies was that this type of asset was going to be an alternative means of payments to the traditional one. The benefits that digital currencies were going to bring were not depending on any government, no central bank and no monetary authority. Investors viewed these assets as an alternative to everyday money. Anonymous transactions and outside the regulation of the system are the main characteristics of cryptocurrencies as a means of payment.


How to invest in cryptocurrencies

Another aspect that makes cryptocurrencies attractive is their scarcity. Without going any further, in the case of Bitcoin, a total of 21 million will be put into circulation. Once this monetary mass is in the market, it will no longer be possible to create more Bitcoins, which would be equivalent to, for example, having mined all the gold that exists on the planet.

Being a scarce asset, the market gives it value, it is the same principle that applies to gold and precious metals. In reality, Bitcoin has been compared to gold for a number of reasons. Among others we can mention:

Is scarce
It is immune to inflation
Acts as an active refuge
It is a store of value (it is a currency, digital but a currency after all)
Even Germany in 2013 equated it to the yellow metal and it is known as gold 2.0.

Do these reasons justify its volatile ups and downs? The truth is that the psychology of investors, acting as a great mass and speculative positions also have a lot to do with this.

What can we say, financial markets work like this. When a market has attractive characteristics (or potential for appreciation) all investors jump in en masse. This has happened with cryptocurrencies and will happen again in the future with other instruments. But, as a saying goes in the world of trading and investments:

After a “boom” there is a “crash” and after a “crash” there is a “boom”.

In short, what goes up must come down and what goes down afterwards must go up. Everything is a cycle of ups and downs. Long and short. Financial markets are almost always driven by expectations rather than facts

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Risks when investing in cryptocurrencies

1- High volatility
Bitcoin (as a reference asset for this market) presented an annualized volatility in the last 12 months of more than 80%. This high volatility makes these assets considered high risk and unsuitable for retail investment as stated by the Security Exchange Commission (SEC).

A volatility of these characteristics is ideal for an operation focused on trading. We just have to know how and with what:

We must choose investment instruments that allow us to carry out active management to avoid the risks of fluctuations in the market. In other words, with the agility to take long and short positions. As well as to enter and exit the market with ease.

Volatility can become an ally rather than a risk. But be careful, we must know how to handle volatility.


2- Changes or attempts to regulate
The truth is that so far, except for very specific cases, there are only declarations of intention to regulate the cryptocurrency market.

There are opinions for all tastes: Those who think that it is a big bubble that will burst sooner or later and for many others, this regulatory deficit is a benefit, it is what gives this market personality and a large part of the attractiveness of these assets is the feeling of rebellion against the monetary system.

However, countries such as China have banned cryptocurrency transactions as fraudulent.

There are also those who think that the fact that they are not protected by any government defines these assets as lacking intrinsic value. Its valuation only comes from the price that investors give it in the market. The law of supply and demand is the only one applicable. If the market (as a collective entity) decides to withdraw trust in cryptocurrencies they will have no value.

In a way, none of the traditional currencies have any intrinsic value. They are just trust. But being under the umbrella of a central bank and ultimately the International Monetary Fund (IMF), it makes traditional currencies more reliable assets. If for any reason confidence in a currency falters, the current central bank or the IMF would take steps to restore it. That is its function.

However, with cryptocurrencies it is the market that commands, it is the market that alone can determine their value. This should make us reflect on whether it is worth investing in cryptocurrencies for purposes other than trading, understanding trading as obtaining capital gains from the market in the short term.

There are several reasons to start regulating cryptocurrencies. Starting with the problems they present in the protection of consumers and investors, since these assets do not have the backing of any financial institution. The investor who buys virtual currencies in cash is totally helpless.

The additional risk is how the market will take the regulation of cryptocurrencies. There are people that this will not suit them very well.

Does anyone think that given so much control in money transactions (especially to avoid the financing of terrorism or money laundering) they are going to allow transactions to be carried out anonymously and without leaving a trace?

Regulation of this market can be put in place at any time and this can make cryptocurrencies less attractive. On the other hand, regulation is quite necessary because the mechanism of buying and holding in a wallet is a highly insecure strategy, as we will see below.


Risks when investing in cryptocurrencies


3- Risk of theft
Until relatively recently, the idea was widespread that cryptocurrencies could not be stolen because they were intangible assets. If something is not created in physical format, how could it be stolen? Ask the hackers.

This theory has been disproved. Bitcoin and any other of the digital currencies can be the target of cyber attacks. These types of attacks are usually directed at the purchase and custody platforms. These platforms act as virtual wallets, strictly digital current accounts that allow the custody and exchange of cryptocurrencies.

The problem is that these accounts have the risk that they could be hacked and consequently emptied, leaving our balance to zero. To this we can add two determining factors:

The aforementioned absence of regulation that allows these platforms not to be attached to any guarantee fund, nor solvency requirements, nor obligation to contract insurance, ...
The anonymity of this system would prevent you from proving that these virtual currencies are yours. And for that you do not need to suffer a computer attack, just lose access to your virtual wallet for example.


An example of this is the now defunct Youbit platform. With no other choice, he went bankrupt after several cyber attacks. The theft was massive, 4,700 Bitcoins (about $ 70 million). After this incident, which bankrupted this South Korean platform, deposits and withdrawals were blocked. Who do we complain to if a platform suspends withdrawals alleging an incident?


4- High commissions and execution times
Bitcoin (as the most liquid digital currency that exists) is not that it has been fully accepted as a means of payment. Yes it is true that there are establishments, although few, in which payment is allowed through this type of cryptocurrency. But they represent a tiny percentage.

The underlying problem is the high commissions that the use of Bitcoin has. This is counting on the fact that this specific currency is capable of being exchanged for traditional money (fiat money). Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple and a large part of the cryptocurrencies are acquired in the market only by exchanging them for Bitcoin on one of the aforementioned exchange and custody platforms, thus increasing commissions.

If these commissions make Bitcoin unfeasible for current expenses, as a general rule, imagine what it means to pay commission for each of these operations:

Buy Bitcoin (exchange Bitcoin for traditional money).
Exchange of Bitcoin for any other cryptocurrency (most virtual currencies can only be acquired in the market by exchanging them for Bitcoin).
Payment with the acquired cryptocurrency.
It is not practical to pay for a soda with Bitcoin (and much less with another cryptocurrency), the commission is higher than the price of the product itself. The use of cryptocurrencies is restricted to large international trade operations due to their costs.

The acquisition cost of Bitcoin in the market is due to certain limitations in its design. In recent times, it is assuming more transactions than initially thought. This, in addition to making transactions take around 10 minutes, causes commissions to increase, as transactions increase.

Said commissions, according to the site dedicated to its study and evolution BicoinFees.info, came to around $ 16.46 for a transaction in 10 minutes. If we are willing to wait an hour for the transaction, the cost would drop to $ 12.24. How could we pay for a low-priced product assuming a commission of such caliber and waiting an hour to confirm the payment? From this point of view, cryptocurrencies have no practical use for retail operations.

The digital currency that has had the best acceptance in terms of foreign trade operations has been Ripple, due to its speed. The Ripple Network (RippleNet) supports more than 1,000 transactions per second, this allows the transaction to take place between 5 and 10 seconds. In this case, the speed currently makes Ripple the preferred means of payment (even higher than Bitcoin), but even so, at the moment it is only viable for wholesale payments.





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    • ANT EXCHANGE - готов предложить своим клиентам максимально выгодные курсы в направлении обмена  Tether TRC20 USDT - Visa/Mastercard UAH.   ⚡️Круглосуточная работа - 24/7 готовы помочь обменять криптовалюту;   ⚡️Быстрые операции - среднее время обмена 15 минут;   ⚡️Высокий уровень безопасности и конфиденциальность данных - мы тщательно следим за конфиденциальностью обменов наших клиентов и готовы предоставить самые удобные способы проведения сделок;   Стараемся всегда учитывать пожелания и замечания наших клиентов, возникающих при работе с сайтом. Специалисты на нашем сайте готовы ответить на Ваши вопросы и помочь в решении любых проблем.   Наши контакты: Официальный сайт - https://ant.exchange Почта - support@ant.exchange
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