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Posts posted by febriyana

  1. Yes that is right but for save your time.

    If you are sending payment or receive payment in your wallet. The wallet will give you tx id. Click the link on tx id and you will directed to blockchain site. Some wallet direct you to other site like blockchyper, btc.com, etc but that is still same function to tracking the transaction.

  2. 17 minutes ago, Brushless4500KV said:

    Thanks a lot for your explanation. I really enjoy reading your posts. You are a well-educated person.

    The information you provided is really important. I didn't know that if I send very low amounts of satoshi, I will be recognized as a hacker or spammer. According to the above link, it is impossible or risky to send less than 500 satoshi to any wallet. 500 satoshi is equivalent of about $0.05. So, one reason for increasing fees is to provide security for transactions. I have read on the above link that scammers send a low amount of satoshi to multiple addresses. What is the point of this? They send money and they threaten wallet owner to send them back the amount they sent to him/her!  Is there any profit in this kind of scamming?


    Thanks for appreciation, i love my opinion is helpful. 

    Nah until now i don't know the mission that hacker.


    But from my analysis.

    That hacker want make flood of transactions. So every around 10 minutes the blockchain is creating a block, where inside block is some transactions.

    So spamming transactions will make blockchain creating many block. So if the miner mining that block will going to invalid and the miner will not get reward.

    If the miner mining many invalid block will make the blockchain overload and maybe will make the Bitcoin can't rewarded. Also for the miner side they will going bankrupt in short time. Miner go out, Bitcoin died. CMIIW.

    • +2 1

  3. Doing gambling only with money you can afford to lose. Many people especially new in this industry, will enjoy and addicted playing game, but they forget all their money already moved to gambling sites. Overall yes gambling is so addicted, they control our brain to have a fun.

  4. What i think you very confident to shutdown your website, especially for 30 days is because you don't have many visitor.

    Maybe your site is not profitable at all.

    For me as developer, that idea to shutdown website is bad idea. Because that will decrease the revenue and can make your loyal visitor move to competitor.

    Also what purpose you betting on Bitcoin price?

  5. Bitcoin is not depend on any country.

    Maybe you ask about the price. Yes when the price Bitcoin going rally to bullish, there is China investor still playing the trading. I think that is happen until around January 2018.

    After that China government announce to banned Bitcoin, where that is make some Bitcoin investor from China is so limited. Some platform Bitcoin there closed.

    After that until now the price Bitcoin is not good like before. That is because other country besides China, is not too maniac buying Bitcoin. But that is different with China, the demand of Bitcoin is so high there, that is around 54% demand for Bitcoin compared other country combined. For now that demand is dissapear.

  6. 17 hours ago, Brushless4500KV said:

    Yes, sending minimum amount is also another problem with some wallets. I can send as low as 1 cent with my fiat payment gateway. One cent is worth around 100 satoshi but can you send this amount with any crypto wallet?

    It is hard to send some cents by any wallet because the fees are equal to the amount you want to send. This is a problem for me because sometimes I need to send only a few cents to someone. For example, once I sent $29.5 (around 0.00295 BTC) to someone and when he received it, he asked me to send him another $0.50. I couldn't send him less than $1 and I had to send him twice the amount. There should be no limitation either for the minimum or the maximum amount. Do you know any wallet that allows you to send a few cents?

    That is possible when around 2013-2015 i think, because the price is really cheap.

    So for sending 1 satoshi is also possible, the fees also cheap, where 10k satoshi is around $0.01. So some hacker that time spamming blockchain network with transaction 1 satoshi.

    So for now the Bitcoin community is increasing their security. Where i think to sending below 10k satoshi is not possible because you can be rejected by nodes blockchain and flagged as spam.

    For reference why the wallet is have minimum withdraw is to avoid the blockchain flagging your transaction as dusting attack.



    All wallet i think not supported sending a few cent, not only wallet also gambling sites have minimum withdraw or transfer player to player 0.0001 Bitcoin.

    • Useful or interesting 1

  7. Until now i don't get any reason to create my coin. So i am not interested create my own coin.

    In the market is already more than 1000+ coin where some coin is token based.

    Some token is only to create some trader to making profit in short time, but for long time i don't get what the function their coin. I always prefer to use coin already listed in popular exchanges to trading and send some payment.

  8. I think nothing wrong with dreaming. Because dream is free, so dream whatever you can thing.

    But yes to become rich in cryptocurrency is not in one night or short time.

    If you want rich from trading, you need always ready to lose and always learn from some mistake you do before.

    That is no shortcut to become rich, all rich people is diligent and patience.

  9. I think what purpose Bill Gates buy all Bitcoin also 21 Million? 

    If we calculate if Bill Gates buy it all

    21 Million x $9,000 = $189 Billion

    But the reality Bill Gates net worth is only $107.6 Billion, so he taking some loan to buy Bitcoin. After that he sell it for $10,000

    I am sure no people want buy it. Then he bankrupt because Bitcoin.

    Bitcoin actually is need supply and demand, also need circulation of money. If someone buy it all, it is sure will stop the circulation and Bitcoin will be useless.

  10. Currently i use Coinomi as mobile wallet to secure my cryptocurrency. I use it because it is support many coin and token. Also have backup and no verification.

    I use mobile wallet because i always outdoor. So for me that is near impossible to open my laptop then connect to the internet to access my wallet. That is taking much time and not too efficient. But i also use Coinomi desktop wallet in my laptop as cold storage.

  11. To become full stack developer is hard. Because you need know two world,

    1. Front End Programmer where the job area is around design and make website structure,

    Language : HTML, CSS, JS, Jquery, also some design like Photoshop, Coreldraw

    2. Back End Programmer where you make the system and algorithm website, 

    Language : phyton, php, ruby, etc.

  12. Yes altcoin can be dead coin, but for dissapear i think can't. Because every coin have their blockchain, where that will used for transaction. That blockchain i think will live forever. Also if the market still there to trading that coin. I think that coin will still used. The big chance to dissapear is token, because easy to create and don't need much capital, and also no guarantee to the Ethereum.

    • Useful or interesting 1

  13. I think Ethereum is act as platform for token erc20. So for people who interest create coin can create token n ETH platform, with that people not complicated.

    The price ETH seem stable, so the price not jump so high also dump not too lower. I think that is good for some investor to believe in ETH because that is stable.

  14. Bad idea. What purpose you believe 100% to cryptocurrency.

    Maybe you can hard to buy food, because in your country only accept paper money. My advice is only buy cryptocurrency with your money yo don't care if loss. Because that is hard to predict the coin price will going up or not. We can see now the price some coin drop also for Bitcoin. Don't be greedy and don't too be confident, research first.

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  15. I think that is already clear Bitcoin is the first. You say Bitcoin launched at 2009 but XRP launched at 2012. 

    There is the fact you must know, no matter how long you prepare or when you got the idea. If you not launch it you will still be the second not the first.

    Also for Bitcoin is the first decentralized cryptocurrency. Where for xrp maybe can be the first centralized cryptocurrency.

    Crypto thing is already known before Bitcoin several years ago, but to make crypto for solution payment never invented before.

    • +2 1

  16. Mining with CPU from computer is still possible but not profitable. That is maybe some hacker get the smart idea about mining with computer. Because they think if many computer used to mining without cost why not. Not all computer only use CPU, many of them already using Graphic Card. That is enough for them making passive income. I'm really sad for that people who never know their computer already installed malware to mining Bitcoin.

  17. Bitcoin is so expensive because it is the first cryptocurrency in the world. Where supported by limited supply but have big demand and also for the adoption is more fast than altcoin.

    I think that is normal the price can be expensive like now. But currently Bitcoin is on bearish price, maybe now the good time to buy some Bitcoin for future.

  18. I think there is no limitation for how many you can send and receive.

    But i bet you can't send payment with BTC when your balance is can only pay the fees or lower than fees. For example fees 10k satoshi, you only have 5k satoshi or 10k satoshi, you will get rejected by your wallet or network.

    For receive Bitcoin is depend on where you want receive, because there some website or exchanges put minimal amount to deposit. The range is various, i ever see exchanges with minimum deposit 10k satoshi below that your account not credited.

  19. I think Bitcoin now going to become old.

    So some people going to buy some altcoin. But there is many reason why the Bitcoin price going down not only now but this year. I see that is because China already banned Bitcoin. Where we know demand Bitcoin from China is really high, so when before China government banned Bitcoin, price Bitcoin is really good and keep going up. I hope Bitcoin will going have good price again.

  20. Cryptocurrency for big solving can be alternative payment for problem country.

    Where for example Venezuela, if they only using fiat where the inflation is crazy, they can't eat anything tomorrow. Yes that is really bad, so for the solution cryptocurrency will going to be alternative money, where the value is based on demand and suplly and its worldwide price not only that country price. So that country can have some hope to live.

    • Useful or interesting 2

  21. 2 hours ago, yupi84goro said:

    I am confident in the future of cryptocurrency in Indonesia, because I see that the Indonesian government is very open to technological advancements. And also a sizable market of Indonesian citizens. This is an indication that in the future there will be many crypto billionaires from Indonesia. Hopefully Indonesia can become the foremost Asian country in the crypto world and in the future it can compete with China.

    Yes i see their President is looking cryptocurrency and ever say their young people need to learn about Bitcoin.

    That is good indication cryptocurrency will also growing in Indonesia.

    Lets see for next 5 years, i think that country will leading for cryptocurrency adoption. I hope for their young people have interest to learn new thing like cryptocurrency soon.

    • Useful or interesting 1

  22. I think that is depend on your budget.

    For now the fastest and efficient for mining is using ASIC miner like Antminer, Innosilicon, etc. Every ASIC miner have different algorithm. Like Antminer S17+ only support algorithm SHA-256. Example coin with algorithm SHA-256 is Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Peercoin.

    But for GPU, Graphic Card i recommended is from AMD. If you need more cheap Nvidia.

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