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Posts posted by febriyana

  1. My best gambling site is luckygames for now. Their interface is really fresh so we can play the game more fun, their site also can accessed by mobile. They allow us to deposit in many altcoin beside Bitcoin. That is advantage to us for who have coin unused, better play it for fun.

    What i like is their withdraw is instant, no need confirmation.

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  2. I think their free coins is useless, because they give us very little amount coin, also some coin is the ico. Where the price is not expensive like Bitcoin.

    So overall that is waste our time and not worth. I prefer use Bitcoin faucet because the reward more than yobit free coin. Or you can deposit there to trading only.

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  3. My government in my country take decision to banned Bitcoin and altcoin also what the relation like Blockchain and exchanges.

    The inside my government is only stupid people where don't care about the country. They don't want the country be better with doing new thing. That is complicated law behind it.

    So to access all cryptocurrency, exchanges, and anything related cryptocurrency i always use private server outside the country. If not using it maybe some police will come to my house and bring me to their office.

  4. What altcoin to hold short term? Weird question where i know to doing short term you need trading it. If you want hold you are hodler.

    But every people have their perseption about what coin is good everytime. Because the good coin for short time always changing. No any guarantee if you using recommendation from random people can get profit from it. So i just give advice to educate yourself and research the coin by yourself. If you put some mistake, don't worry that is normal, the pro trader also have mistake.

  5. What you mean don't have competitor.

    Yobit is exchanges, other exchanges also already established.

    About forum cryptotalk i think there is many forum like pay by post in internet.

    But currently you don't get any information about it, you need check google and try it. Cryptotalk for me only forum where give us a reward for our writing skills. No any competition in every forum, because basicly they don't get money from fighting, but they get chance to get some money if advertiser see that forum have high quality post.

    So always post high quality content to make this forum can survive for long time.

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  6. Mining process will stay there until the supply already mined all.

    Because without miner Bitcoin or altcoin transaction will stopped or stuck.

    Yes the hardware for mining is really expensive. But the mining for me that is only investment for long term. Where every month we can review and get some reward. That is fun also when you sleep the miner will stay wakeup to mining.

  7. Sorry sir, that is impossible.

    Because no any mining provider will give you guarantee get 10% per month.

    Because 10% month profit is more than profit Certificate Deposit and other investment nowdays.

    I can know if any cloud mining give big profit like that. In the last will only scam you and then run away.

  8. After all Bitcoin mined. For miner have a choice to keep mining Bitcoin or not. Maybe for some miner will going to mining altcoin, where still not mined all.

    But for who still mining Bitcoin, they only get reward by fees every transaction.

    That is maybe small, but can help some miner to survive. Because the competition every miner will decreased. Also the difficult maybe will decreased also.

    • +1 2

  9. 3 hours ago, Amxy said:

    Mining is profitable and the profit depends on the coins your mining.

    Yes that is right. Before mining we must atleast check what coin we need to mining. Not all coin can be mined and profitable. Where for long run choose coin with limited suppy, this will make the chance the price not stuck and going down always. Because there is some coin have unlimited supply, so when we trade it we need many queue to selling.

  10. Mining Bitcoin is the chance for everyone to help Blockchain process the transaction. That process is named with mining because if the block can solved, blockchain will give you Bitcoin as reward. For now the reward is around 12.5 Bitcoin per block. To mining Bitcoin you need miner hardware like ASIC miner or GPU who can run for SHA-256. If you use CPU that will take you forever time to solve the block.

  11. "what buying two pizzas 10 years ago with bitcoin could have become nowadays"

    I think that is not possible now, because the Bitcoin market is mature and many competition behind altcoin vs Bitcoin.

    But about the question, i still use some faucet to earn some Bitcoin, for me that is another source income in cryptocurrency. But yes the reward is small.

    • +1 1

  12. I think buy low volume coin is maybe good and maybe bad.

    Good side, if you have great analysis you can make big profit from it. Maybe around 50%-1,000% you can get it if you right predict it.

    Bad side, the market is easy to stop. I mean the people trade there is really small. Where we know all who trade that coin is only want create profit. So the price movement is not good. Maybe you can stuck there without any progression.

  13. BTG or Bitcoin Gold i think not Bitcoin.

    Bitcoin is still Bitcoin, but for BTG it is created by fork Bitcoin.

    I am don't know about the detail. But in my opinion that is like fake coin. Where it created only for scamming people then make a profit. Where i see in their website no any proof they have a gold. Just only mining and mining with same amount of Bitcoin. That is weird idea.

  14. In my opinion, technical analysis is the complicated way ever to predict the price in the future. I already learn it but still stupid don't know how it work. Hehehe...

    Basicly it is predicting the price based the chart pattern. Draw a line, pick some RSI or whatever.

    I prefer see the history price year by year or month by month. Then see volume, marketcap, and the price so i can predict the movement next will going up or down.

  15. Yes Bitcoin is old, i think we can't change their system totally. The community can only add some feature like segwit, lightning network, etc.

    But for me that is the unique for Bitcoin, where altcoin compete with their update feature but Bitcoin still same year by year. That is will make Bitcoin more rare and expensive in the future.

  16. Cryptocurrency is the world who can poor and can be rich in short time.

    So if you don't ready to lose, i just give you advice to not invest your money in cryptocurrency. Because cryptocurrency is very risky and volatile.

    If you want try cryptocurrency, find some bounty and airdrop first, so you get some coin,  now you can trade it, gamble it, or whatever. So if lose you don't too sad.

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  17. 19 minutes ago, lucky80 said:

    Banned? Even for trading? So where did you trade and cashout your crpto? 
    You can work remotely and have a crypto business by taking an e-residency in Estonia. I hope everything will change in your country soon. And don't stop now. Keep writing that code.

    Yes. I don't know how they can block trading. The ISP know where the website used for exchanges cryptocurrency.

    I am currently trading in Binance and access anything about cryptocurrency with vps. To cashout my cryptocurrency to fiat in my country, i use private forum, so i just believe to sell my Bitcoin to some person on that forum. Then they sent me money with bank transfer. They charge me really high fees, but overall no problem. Thanks for your pray, i am happy have person to talk about this.

    I'm still do coding until now, because it is fun job.

  18. If you want mining now with VPS. I think you late. Because that is useless.

    Because the difficulty for mining every coin is really high, especially for top 50 coins in cryptocurrency. Maybe worth if you mining token, just test it because i never try mining token.

    Also for vps cost is really expensive. If you compare it with your mining reward, you will realize you losing your money.

  19. Impossible!

    Bitcoin is using mathematical calculation so every miner have fair portion.

    I assume you don't have any knowledge about mining. Because no sense you can mining 15 BTC per day!

    First we must see how many bitcoin reward per block, that is around 12.5 BTC per block.

    So to mine 15 BTC you need 2 block miner by yourself. But if you don't use any mining pool, your chance to get it will decreased near zero chance. Because to mining it you need many mining power to beat mining pool.

  20. Yes that is right if you right choose cloud mining. Because these days 90% cloud mining is scam, they running ponzi scheme. Where they don't have any physical hardware and actual mining.

    For me mining by myself is more fun and maybe profitable. Because we setup the hardware and software then running it, we can know what mining like. For profit purpose is you will realize later if your mining running, you can tweak some so you can profit from it.

    • Useful or interesting 2

  21. 26 minutes ago, lucky80 said:

    No, you have a good one. We talk about the underlying technology. Crypto is a product of blockchain. What are the rules in your country? You can always work remotely, you know.

    Oh thank you.

    My rules in my country is they banned any cryptocurrency and other relation. Where we know blockhain have relation about it. Our internet access very limited here because always monitored by government. Actually i access this forum by vps. You know vps? Hehehe...

    Yes right in the internet world like now we can work remotely. I also have side job to work remotely, that is fun can collaborate with other people in different country.

  22. 17 minutes ago, lucky80 said:

    Ok, you want to use it in the supply chain system. Bravo. We have some company that has already implement blockchain on the supply chain.

    Oh i don't know the name, just my mind hehehe...

    but if that is already implemented in real company, that is good news. I can be confident about that idea.

    Currently to make a blockchain system in my country still hard to realize because my government have rules about crypto is illegal but let's wait in the future. I believe the rules can always changed.

  23. 17 minutes ago, lucky80 said:

    What do you want to build on top the blockchain technology?

    Currently i am working as developer.

    So in my mind is using blockchain technology to make old system more better than before.

    First i see in some company, they still use old system to verify employee job.

    For example, if supplier send goods to warehouse, the employee will type it on the excel then print it. The paper is reported to boss. That is taking so much time, with blockchain i will make it simple. Supplier send a report to blockchain then the employee verify it.

    After verified the boss will receive report by blockchain.

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  24. Blockchain in my opinion is the system of coin.

    So for example Bitcoin. Their blockchain is used to processing transaction, the transaction is handled by miner. If no one mine Bitcoin, blockchain will stuck there no activity. No matter people is want send payment or receive, if no miner, it will always pending.



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