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Posts posted by BullRunBit

  1. I already write about SHARK TRON project where you can mining new token (SHARK/SRX) when you staking TRX:


    And this is SharkDeFi where you can stake TRX or SRX or TTH and get new token which is called Sword Token (SWD).

    Total supply of Sword Toked is 50,000,000 SWD tokens.

    I'm not sure because I did not find this information but on Shark Tron when you stake your TRX you must to pay 10% fee with your staking TRX to unstake your TRX,

    maybe it's same with DeFi too I will research about this information and update.

    Currently price of SWD is around 23 TRX for 1 SWD.

    Currently mining level is 1/15, and mining start on Oct.15.

    Also you can trade SWD on JustSwap website.


    Happy mining/staking!

  2. Explanation

    In this topic I will talking about Wave Up or Down or how someone call it "hammer".

    Wave Up/Down is when price of some coin/token suddenly jump or drop and return to price before that.

    This (Wave Up/Down) is just trading expression and I will explain below in details what is Wave Up/Down.


    Screenshot (Yobit exchange)


    How you can see on this screenshot we have 1 and 2 examples.

    1 is Wave Down, which means that price of BTC drop till 10,680$ and return to (price before drop) 10,938$.

    2 is Wave up, which means that price of BTC jump till 11,659$ and return to (price before jump) 11,440$.

    On 1 (Wave Down) price has changed for around 2.4% and on 2 (Wave Up) price has changed for around 1.9%,

    and traders can take advantage of that and make profit.



    I write already about advantage with placing order in my previous topic "Power Of ORDER":

    But like you probably know that Yobit have new option/function which is called RoboTrade and purpose of this function is that you auto place orders (buy/sell).


    1 is Pair on which you want to use RoboTrade

    2 is Type which means do you want to buy and sell some coin/token or you want to sell and buy again

    3 is Amount with which you want to trade, for example in this case with 0.1 BTC

    4 is on which price RoboTrade will buy BTC and on which price will sell and your profit in percent,

    you can set up (in percent) how much profit you want to take.



    Wave Up or Down can give traders opportunity to make quick profit, but I must to note that placing order (like I write in my previous topic) and RoboTrade is not same.

    When you placing order you buy or sell some coin/token and after that when order is filled you decide on which price you want to sell or buy again, but with RoboTrade you placing auto orders for buying and for selling. I must to admit that I still did not use RoboTrade but for sure is usefull for some traders.

    Happy trading and catching Wave Up/Down. :classic_wink:

    • Useful or interesting 1
    • +5 2

  3. 11 hours ago, ShiNorton said:

    Exchange is seen antique in term of UI. Use Tonite because it is unique exchange with tons of useful features and great team. 

    What is "UI"? What is "Tonite"?

    11 hours ago, Devid H Sande said:

     it was good exchange in my opinion,.. I never having a problem using crex24, but many shitcoin listed in the exchanges. I really don't recommend to invest in a shit coin.


    11 hours ago, Abduslampooom said:

    Well ,,,, I know that 

    Crex24 charges a withdrawal fee amounting to 0.001 BTC when you withdraw BTC. This is around 60% higher than the industry average, as the industry average is arguably around 0.0006 BTC per BTC-withdrawal. Accordingly, the withdrawal fee charged by this exchange is not very competitive
    that's it

    That is 60% or 40%?

    For example, on Yobit withdraw fee for BTC is 0.0012 BTC and yes on some exchanges you can find that fee is around 0.0005 BTC but on some exchanges is higher.

    BTC fee is expensive on any exchange if you calculate with currently price.

  4. On 10/14/2020 at 4:55 AM, DennisChannels said:

    Great post. I was searching for information regarding the CREX token and I found this.


    As for me, I consider a good idea to open an account on Crex24. Whatever you consider if it's safe or not, it's true that there are some unique tokens you'll probably won't find on any other exchanges, such as the NBX (from the NetBox browser).


    Exchanges are not soccer teams, all of them have advantages so it's better to get their benefits using them wisely. That's the win-win for everyone.

    You are right, because of that I use/d that exchange because I get some token which is only on Crex24 exchange I did not had any problem to convert/swap that token for other coin/token.

    And about NBX, I first time heard for that coin/token but I will research a little bit. :classic_wink:

    17 hours ago, hhichem said:

    I do not like this platform and it is not very popular. The currencies in which you trade are very cheap and not well known

    Why you dont research about that "currencies", because some of them are maybe good project. :classic_wink:

    • +1 1

  5. On 7/6/2020 at 4:05 PM, ahmedasd said:

    There are some way that professional trader use to know when they should buy and when should to sell . They use many method I will tell you about one of them (Two screen method).

    In this method you should have two screen (two computers) two or more . You must open different platforms from different devices to monitor the price of the currency from different sources. If there is a price change in one of the platforms, you must take advantage of that in your main platform.
    As you know there are rapid changes in the price of currencies you can benefit from this method in trading operations. This method is one of the most important methods used by trading professionals.
    If you liked my article, I hope you will rate me

    I agree with you that traders have "advantage" when they use two "screen" because like you say they maybe miss the opportunity to make profit. But I dont understand why they must to use two PC? They can connect two "screen" on one PC and if they want other (second) device they can use tablet for that.

    In any case interesting topic and it would be good that traders think about this.

  6. On 10/10/2020 at 5:59 PM, LuisPc said:

    I do not comment or support people who spam, but I think they damage the forum, I also see that many copy and paste information that an author has from other cryptocurrency pages and publish it as their own.

    If they did not share source link you can simple report them, because they must to share source link.

    And currently report button not too useful maybe because they have a lot of work but you can report here:


    On 10/10/2020 at 9:30 PM, Fokachopper said:

    My question to this would be, how many people is required to press that report button for some administrator to see it and ignore the issue-?

    Like I say above, currently report button is not good option for reporting spam and you can send report in this topic above.

    On 10/11/2020 at 9:02 PM, karimzwidi1 said:

    You also don't

    Three words, really great post. :classic_dry:

    Can you explain what you mean?

    On 10/13/2020 at 5:15 PM, naderelsaka said:

    Are you right that we should avoid these issues to improve and walk on a sound path?

    "avoid"? Who talking about that?

    On 10/13/2020 at 5:24 PM, Saimm said:

    Making a section in this report is also advisable if the reaction or report buttons is not enough for that user. Many members are reporting other members post even if for the newbies who don't know that much to post usefully post. 

    Why they (new members) try to learn from old members or at least read forum rules?

    On 10/15/2020 at 8:47 AM, drjameslee said:

    We can't stop spamming ones for all, we can reduce it but finish it permanently I think this is too hard because everyday there is a lot of new members are coming here, maybe hundreds in one day, you can report one two or 100 but everyday you will find new ones, so yiu are thankful for this topic but finish useless topic in one shot is almost impossible 

    I dont think so, because when they banned because of spam they can not write again (spam).

    • Useful or interesting 2

  7. On 10/9/2020 at 3:24 PM, minners said:

    Yes tronlink wallet is not supporting bitcoin right now because I am already using this wallet and here are only trx chain tokens are available in the wallet and no other coin or token is available.

    Why you dont read previous comments?

    And you write that you use TronLink wallet, which is third wallet in your TronLink wallet?

    Is it BTC maybe? :classic_dry:

    15 hours ago, isahussein said:

    Tronlink did not support BTC based on TRC20 system, but it is now supported


    15 hours ago, oleg5353 said:

    no , tronlink is not support btcoin , u can just TRX coin safe in the wallet.

    Is it easier to just write comment without to check previous comments? Or at least to check informations or wallet at all?


    P.S. BTC address now have 4,000 BTC:


    • +1 1
    • +3 1

  8. On 10/9/2020 at 9:07 AM, binhduy5499 said:

    What you say is completely uncertain. ETH price in 2017 was like a crypto craze and the price it got to $ 1200 is too high, now it is back to its real value and wanting to get it at $ 1400 is really difficult with the market situation. The school is in chaos, I hope it will reach that threshold which will be in the distant future

    "Real" value of ETH is currently price?

    And how you think that will reach 1400$ if this is "real" value/price?

    And this last part, "school"? I dont understand you at all. :classic_huh:

    P.S. Write with regural letters because this looks like that you probably still going to "school".

    22 hours ago, nikitiy228 said:

    When ETH starts using absolutely new algorythm that will make it possible to send ETH as easy, as possible, then its price can rise up to 2000$. But until it happens without high demand that coin, i think, won't cost more that 1000$.

    But question is what will be when some (maybe a lot) people stake 32 ETH what will be then with ETH price.

  9. On 10/14/2020 at 9:40 PM, maye22 said:

    I do not recommend winning cryptocurrencies in these types of sites, although they give you some crypto is to encourage you to bet, and if you do not have experience you will lose everything, even if you have experience in betting, it is always a risk. It's a total waste of time. There are pages like Faucet or Ptc where you can get some free cryptocurrencies and you can accumulate little by little.

    You compare bettting with faucets and ptc websites. :classic_huh:

    First of all you can not compare that because it's a lot different, with betting you "invest" your coins and with faucets and ptc websites you earn coins (which is worth cents) to watch ads.

    And second, if I wanted to talking about gambling I will share this topic in section Gambling not Coins/Tokens Talk.

    That you check their website you could see that you can stake coins and get reward without to betting on their website. But why you will check out website when you can simple just write comment/post. :classic_dry:

    • +1 1

  10. On 10/9/2020 at 12:21 PM, viktor58123 said:

    Another failed Yobit coin too limited trade list and small%

    "limited trade" what that means?

    What you want whole commission (0.2%)?

    On 10/10/2020 at 8:47 AM, Naga said:

    yea but you need to be trading with a lot of money to get enough yotra that will actually be worth something because in my account now i have a small amount that isn't worth anything.

    That is not way to earn money/coins, it's bonus for traders.

    And if you trade on Yobit after some time you will have bonus which can "worth" something.

    On 10/10/2020 at 9:31 AM, Alexsda said:

    The was few times a manipulative action with trading doge pair, to get yotra that was profitable, one person make volume about 40btc , lose only commission, but earned a lot of yotra. Interesting trick 

    Only if he have orders for example on 24sat sell and buy at 23sat which is around 4% and with that percent he can cover fees and plus to get bonus YOTRA token. But that is not "manipulative action" that is just trading, a lot of traders do that. If I understand something wrong freely correct me.

    • +1 1

  11. 14 hours ago, Backtomiami said:

    This coin does not inspire confidence, some too small trading volume in the last 24 hours. As practice shows, in such situations, coins simply lose their relevance. Therefore, I do not consider it appropriate to participate in the exchange and perform any tasks to get TEWKEN.

    Where you check out 24h volume?

    Because you have TEWKEN on swap websites too.

    Which exchange? Which tasks?

    14 hours ago, darknerv said:

    I had read tekken as the video game haha, I was investigating this coin a little and I find that it has a value of $ 0.01 now the thing is that you say that in order to withdraw it from the site you have to pay the fee in tron? Well I don't know if that is feasible but what I do know is that if the tron fee is close to that of ethereum then we are not doing anything.

    If you check on JustSwap you can see that 1 TEWKEN is 0.017 USDT currently.

    Yes you must to pay 10% fee for unstake in TRX and if you check out on the buttom of website you can see that 10% going to staking pool (swapping to tokens).

    And did you use at all TRX (send), because if you compare ETH and TRX fee it's a lot different.


    I recommend that you read all informations on their website (on the buttom) and then to write post.

    Website: https://tewkenaire.io/staking.html

  12. On 10/8/2020 at 8:14 PM, Gemes said:

    With features like freeze withdrawals, 2FA, login email verification and more, security at YoBit is dedicated. The exchange accepts an array of payment modes, thus making it easy for crypto enthusiasts to get started. Although the customer support doesn’t have very good reviews from the customers, customer service at YoBit is just average. There is no requirement for government ID or verification. The portal is available worldwide and supports a multi-lingual approach. The website has been secured with SSL protocols, YoBit is not prone to DDOS attacks. Both cold and hot wallets can be used and YoBit smartphone application is secured as well.

    We will not give you financial advice. Our content is only to be used as an informational source. We cannot be held responsible for your financial decisions. Only risk money you are willing to lose.

    Thanks to https://www.allcryptoexchanges.com/reviews/yobit/

    Your words are only "Thanks to" and that's is it.

    All other words are from that website, but at least you share source link.

    18 hours ago, Maharba said:

    Thank you very much, your information still serves me today october 10 2020, cryptotab and yobit still are full of things I need to learn and discover, is not easy to do cause newbies like me need to invest in ttime to learn the how to do and avoid the mistakes. wow this is more demendant than a regular work. but, worth it.

    It's not "cryptotab" than CryptoTalk.

    And this is just few things, you can research here on forum for more informations about Yobit exchange.

    On 10/8/2020 at 9:58 PM, HodlKiddo said:

    These are the basic things that everyone needs to know and I think everyone here already knew about those things that you mentioned. It is because Yobit exchange is very user friendly and they don't have a complicated GUI.

    And did you read previous comments?

    That not everyone know about this things on Yobit and from first airdrop till now Yobit get a lot new users like this forum (members) too and they probably dont know for such a things like that Yobit dont allow ETH deposit from smart contract or about Yotra bonus etc.

    If you know something that does not mean that everybody knows.

    • +3 1

  13. 2 hours ago, DanielJay said:

    The bitcoin on Tronlink wallet is BTCTRON token and you can swap 1:1 ratio to Main BTC on poloniex exchange.

    That's really great for Tron platform.

    You write all informations which are already writen.

    58 minutes ago, aksagor104 said:

    As i know tronlink is not supporting btc now and i have checked it now. i am using the wallet for one month. the wallet is highly secured.

    If you are check out you probably saw BTC (third) in TronLink wallet.

    Most important thing is that you back up your wallet, because that's how you secure your coins/tokens there.

    11 minutes ago, bilalabid said:

    Tronlink supports trc20 and trc20 not support btc I am check as a comfrom not avl btc maybe futures avl btc they trim base coin 

    You probably think TRC20 and TRX10 tokens, and about BTC like I write above or in previous comments there are BTC in TronLink wallet but it's BTCTRON which you can swap for real BTC with rate 1:1.

  14. 1 hour ago, mafwejGG said:

    you are wrong! These definitions sound like (Stop Loss) and (Take Profit). Stop Loss is an order to fix the damages. Take Profit is an order for taking profit.

    Who is wrong? Because most of members write same thing like you.

    And who write that stop loss is not function to avoid bigger loss?

    And take profit is order to taking profit, I did not know that it's very interesting. :classic_dry:

    I dont understand why you have "desire" to explain something which is really simple and many members before you explain same thing.

    • Useful or interesting 1

  15. 14 hours ago, matias estigarribia said:

    One of the functions that I like the most is that they have an option to perform the operations 20 times faster than before!

    Yes I agree that transactions are very fast and fee is very low which is great.

    And there are few very interesting project/token on TRON.

    14 hours ago, nishad1234 said:

    It really doesn't matter what version coming, to me trx always the same. People very bullish about this coin as a result it's price frequently goes up and down.

    And what is bad in that? On all coins/tokens price go up and down, I dont understand why is TRX so special?

    Can you share some more reasonable reason because you dont like TRX?

    11 hours ago, ZEGUHA said:

    Tron was released to be the direct competitor to Ethereum 2.0. This cryptocurrency update will center around blockchain privacy

    "competitor"? You think that price will be like ETH price around 230$/240$? :classic_biggrin:

    • +5 1

  16. 1 hour ago, Neox1337 said:

    I think its bad idea to abuse it because it might not cost well and its Just waste of money. What is more a lot of People can easily earn it. 

    "bad idea" "waste of money" wait what you talking about?

    Because it's bonus for trading, and what you do on exchange if you dont trade?

    And last sentence I really dont understand.

    1 hour ago, Gyhujiko33 said:

    By the way, how old is this campaign?  I suppose, in fact, that I have a rather dilapidated account yobit, the password of which I dimmed a large number of years ago and only actually made a fresh one, due to the fact that I actually thought that I would no longer need the old meaningless one.

    I'm not sure, but from some members comment it's from 2018.

    I read comments like this before about old accounts, if you can check out maybe you have nice bonus there.

    And if I remember correct before was different rule for YOTRA maybe higher bonus If I'm not wrong.

    However check out. :classic_wink:

  17. On 10/7/2020 at 9:49 PM, mafwejGG said:

    can I find out more specifically how it works? The information that is set out in the topic header is not enough to understand the principle of earnings. And what is the benefit of the exchange itself?

    Do you want to draw you? :classic_biggrin:

    I write all section what means, and if you have any question you can freely write here and maybe someone can explain to you.

    And about exchange benefit, for example maybe Action which you must to do to get daily interest. Or commission when you sell or buy some coin/token. etc.

    11 hours ago, CryptoMiner228 said:

    The investment box is actually quite simple, and you can figure it out on an intuitive level. So will be better to invest in virtual mining. For example i will buy it after 15 october.

    I agree that is simple, but you can not compare investbox with virtual mining it's different.

    And why after 15.Oct.? Because TALK will be on market after that date?

  18. @Bigpat @Desais

    I did not find any other copy/paste from this member but this one is spam/copy/paste.

    This is my comment/topic:

    And this is his copy/paste:

    You can see that he change some words, like for example I write "previous days" and he write "earlier days" or for example I "first step" he "initial step" or I "again touch" he "again contact" :classic_biggrin:

    It's little bit funny but still it's spam/copy/paste.

    • +4 2
    • +5 1

  19. 13 hours ago, maxionline said:

    hmmm interesting. that token is part of the TRON ecosystem with JST TRX and JUSD (JST stablecoin) They are from Justin Sun ($JST $SUN) creator. Predictable, right? hahah

    Can you share your prediction?

    12 hours ago, feralexsw said:

    I have participated since the mining genisis of sun and the verdan I have obtained a lot of sun by liquidating my tron now I am participating in the bitcoin / tron pool I hope it also brings me good rewards

    How much TRX you stake if you earn "a lot of sun"?

    Because I lock-up around 700 TRX and I get around 0.26 SUN, and I start one or two day after mining/staking start.

    11 hours ago, hosein said:

    Sun token is a defi project 

    It have high potential 

    For long time it will reach $100

    Sun is trx family

    U can see jst token a family of trx

    Price was $0.005 and it gone to $0.1

    And now $0.05~$0.06

    If you see on this chart: https://poloniex.org/exchange?id=515 price of SUN on USDT market was close to 40 USDT when SUN was launch. But with all coins/tokens price drop and recover, but predicition that price will be over 100$ that would be good.

    11 hours ago, Zigor said:

    I personally have been mining sun token since its launch on September 2 and it seems crazy to me, I am very happy with everything that tron is doing and I see a very good future for it

    I start few days after mining start but like you say "crazy" lock up TRX and get new token (SUN) for sure its good for me too.

    9 hours ago, AMMAR NEGMARI said:

    There is another token or cash, I don't recall quite well, is classified "Whole", it is only a snippet of data so as not to befuddle them, it appears to me an undertaking deserving of consideration, after all it is inside the DeFi biological system and in spite of the fact that I consider that that market is an air pocket, I don't deny the way that you can win a nice measure of cash.

    Is this have any connection with TRON?

    8 hours ago, Dinero49 said:

    Hello, I am passionate about the SUN token! I am getting a lot of SUN coins through this website:
    >> https://sun.market
    According to CoinMarketCap data, the SUN token is available in approximately 24 exchanges.
    Friends, do not miss this opportunity, absolutely recommended! If you use Justswap make sure you are buying the real SUN token. Successes everyone!

    Yes I noticed that too but for other token, that there are two same token but just one is real.

    And you are right that traders must to pay attention when they swap.

    • Useful or interesting 1

  20. 13 hours ago, matias estigarribia said:

    I have always liked this type of project where you can passively generate income. I am going to investigate more on the subject and maybe join the project.

    But before you invest/buy I recommend you to research all details about staking.

    Because for example you must to pay 10% fee when you unstake TEWKEN and you must to pay with TRX.

    And if you like such a type of staking/mining maybe you will like this too:

    There are many types how you can earn SUN token, plus it's new token.

  21. 14 hours ago, HeMAN said:

    No I didn't trade in eth market because I think that trade with is very easy and with btc we can make more profit than eth market apart from this in eth there are few stable coins while in btc market much more coins are available which are good in trading for traders.Hence I think btc market is better than eth market.

    Yes BTC market have bigger volume but still there some tokens which you can not find on BTC market only on ETH market and could to make profit with that tokens. But I dont understand what you mean when you say "few stable coins"? You think like real stable coin or just price of some coin to be stable? Because you can trade ETH with USDT or DAI and if you think about popular coin like DOGE, LTC, XRP, there are ETH pairs on ETH market too like ETH/DOGE, ETH/LTC, ETH/XRP etc. 

  22. 10 hours ago, Alexsda said:

    a lot of users even didnt know that they have this coins, i remember old times when 1 Yotra = 1Btc i dont know how it was possible but YoBit make it happen and now this coin price about 200k sat.

    Few times i buy at 100k and sell on 200k  , so not bad for me now

    YOTRA price was 1 BTC? I dont remember that, and I'm old users of Yobit.

    Before few months YOTRA have "pump" but that is because of Pony race and YOTRA win and 5 BTC gone to YOTRA.

    I just now looking on chart and there was some opportunity for making profit with trading YOTRA.

    Why to be bad, you make x2 profit but walls are very small and you can not trade with large amount.

    But still profit is profit. :classic_wink:

  23. 22 minutes ago, Ridam said:

    It means they will add more supply to the Btc in tron chain and Justin will sure look into the market so that it pumps atleast once 😂.

    Btc/trx LP pool has 34% APR and if we see Usdt/trx it's still giving 35% Apr and I feel more safe with Usdt/ trx than btc on tron. So if anyone trying to go for Sun mining the safest would be Usdt/trx or Usdj/trx.

    Interesting fact is that SUN pool give 81.58% and 6x SUN.

    Maybe it's not bad idea that SUN which earn from other pool to send in SUN pool to get more SUN.

    And about BTCTRON, it's great idea to add BTC and that can give a lot of opportunity to traders.

    I still did not try to get some BTCTRON but I will in future for sure. :classic_smile:

  24. 11 minutes ago, BaluDigital said:

    Although tron has had a great flood this year, the truth is that it surprises us all since it has managed to stay up compared to a few months that it is below the price and managed to more than double its price today. price remains a little lower than its maximum but it is still growing in general, giving a good stabilization and giving more projects, one of the most recent is from alibaba and the creator of tron this will give way to tron 4.0

    You are joking right? "little lower than its maximum"?

    Do you know which price is TRX ATH (All Time High)?

    It's around 1300sat and currently price is around 230/240sat, that is a lot lower than ATH.

    35 minutes ago, marcog045 said:

    About 2 years ago, when I was trying to learn ,  as many as possible,  informations about cryptocurrencies, Tron

    was  introduced as a really promising coin.

    Now , I think, it hasn't had a breakthrough, yet, but, i know, market is still sluggish

    Traders could to make good profit with TRX, but same with other top 10 or top 15 cryptocurrency too.

    And if you look on previous few months TRX price hit around or over 400sat and before was around 150/180sat which is double. But currently price is around 230/240 which is solid if we look on other cryptocurrency.

    • +5 1

  25. On 10/7/2020 at 12:34 PM, aarteuf said:

    It is quite normal to receive coins that you can develop afterwards and increase their price, but they give very little, it's a pity

    Like I write in my previous comments, you get 10% or 5% if you are someone's referral from 0.2% commission (fee) when you trading. Example, your trade is 0.0001 BTC and commission (fee) is 0.00000020 BTC and you get (for example) 10% from that which is 0.00000002 BTC in YOTRA token. It's not big but still is a bonus.

    8 minutes ago, TH Tarek said:

    Yotra has been around for so long and we need to use it and in some cases one of the best of it we were able to follow the right idea and work today and it was confirmed that when we got some of the tokens we just use it, because in the end  We lost a lot of people who just lost because they didn't receive it, it's in your right corner and you can see it right there and you can balance it.

    I just understand that some users dont know for this bonus, and you are right about that.

    But if they just research Yobit exchange they will find out for sure.

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