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About Bennie1984

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  1. I you wanna get more btc than trade in btc when its a bull market. When the bears come than go back in usd and buy btc back at a bottom. If you just wanna short trade just trade in usd. I trade in both because i wanna get more btc for the future so i can stop earlier with word. But i just want je wanna do with it.
  2. Offcource you can if you invest enough! 20 dollar a day isnt that hard. Just use the resitants line and you be fine. Dont trade when their alot of bears. Just make profit on a bull run and then take your profit and maken it to tether or something like that. And buy again when the bulls are happy.
  3. It depends on how much money you can miss if you loss everything. You never invest more than you can miss so if you save 1000 euro a month you can use 500 euro a month to invest and save 500 euro. If you doing it right you can make alot of money and the biggest tip i can give you is dont be afraid to take your loss when you need to do it.
  4. I'm a daytrader but it depends on what week i trade. Sometimes like now btc is not stable so i dont trade now but when it a bullmarket again i trade everyday. It can make alot of money if you know how to read the charts but if you to late the get out of something you be rekt. So dont befraid to lose money and take a loss and use stop/loss so you dont to lose to much.
  5. We will get a digital euro in the Europa in the future based on blockchain so that pretty nice ๐Ÿ˜„
  6. Only 1 will survive for the next 10 years and that is bitcoin ๐Ÿ˜„ Or mabye ethereum but who knows!!
  7. I'm also new so i just start reading things so i now how eveything works and how the rules are!
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