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Everything posted by Saikat24

  1. The new and latest drama coming from South Korea, They have been announced that there are some possibilities of shutting down all cryptocurrency exchanges. If this happens as they want, How this can be affected by Bitcoin and it's the price.
  2. I am with you, governments can decrease unemployment simply by teaching there young age peoples about cryptocurrencys and trading,holding then that will make things easier. but most country don't support cryptocurrensys its illegal. Crypto trading to solve the unemployment disaster is not true because not all people have knowledge for trading but it works on less than with the 10 % of the population.
  3. The supply and demand moves because of different investors, some of them buy and some sell. Your 50 bitcoin is not enough in order for you to control it's price.Maybe get 100 times the amount of money you have if you really start doing this, but I don't recommend manipulating the price like this because you should be a good crypto citizen.
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