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Search bar sometimes doesn't appear

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Hello my friend, I have never encountered this problem before and the search bar is always available in my browser. Ask the experts, they will solve your problem or the possibility that it is from the browser you are working on

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In fact, my friend, as a beginner in this field, I still do not have much information and experience, in order to be able to provide you with assistance, but I think that this problem faces many users, I think that you should ask members who have great experience in this field, so that they can Of your help

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Ok, I believe it works perfectly, I just tried it and it works, so I'm not sure what you're talking about, however, let's keep doing what we're doing, we're supposed to keep working as hard as we can and getting it in the right places as we can say.

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My friend, I have never encountered this problem before. The search button is always available to me whenever you want to use it, so you must click the home button, I think it appears for you

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It may be a poor network or you are having a problem with the browser you are working on.So you have to make sure of these two things

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On 3/9/2020 at 1:24 PM, Cammer said:

Hello my friends. I am having with the forum search bar as it doesn't appear sometimes, so I can't search for posts and topics.

Can anyone give me a solution to this problem?

I have not encountered such a problem, I do not know exactly, and the matter from your internet may be somewhat weak

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I had this problem and it turned out to me that it is from the Internet connection, it was weak. Try using a fast connection, and it is possible to solve the problem and get the results you want from the search.

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It happened to me sometimes, but after refreshing the page it reappears so make sure of the quality of the internet connection I think it is the problem .. Good luck

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Yes, dear, you are right, but I advise you to change the browser. This is better. I was facing the problem, and now I changed the browser and everything became easier. 

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Hello my friend
In fact, I did not encounter this problem previously, but I think the reason why the search bar does not appear to you is from the browser you are using, so I advise you to change the browser

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These problems may result from several reasons.  Your internet connection may be poor, leading to not loading the entire page, or the browser you are using is not appropriate and you have to replace it with another browser, or you can simply reload the page and your problem can be solved. 

Best regards 

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I do not experience that before too the serch bar is always available for me but as we know that we normally overcome little personal problem which we normally come across individually but we should try to find out on how to solve those little problem 

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Actually,search bar is available for each member who working on this forum can used it at any time.I think the problem is with your web browser you must update it or this problem occurred due to a temporary crash in the forum.This happens to me when the Internet connection is very slow, so I check the connection and reload the page.

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well maybe the problem is the weak connection to the internet or . you using a bad browser . I advice you to check your internet connection or using the newest version of the browser of your device

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You do not need to worry and panic, my friend, you have to be patient, as the problem may be due to weakness in the Internet and it needs time ... Be sure to focus on your work regarding cryptocurrencies and how to trade and invest them, and do not waste your time thinking about such simple problems

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My friend, this is a hypothetical problem for everyone and hopefully it will fix with time
But when the page refreshes, a search bar will appear, and I do that every day
Do not stop working and be patient to develop in this forum and persevere in learning and gaining knowledge

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Yes I am agree with you that sometime this search bar is not appearing. It is may be due to your vaginator problem

 It is because some time vaginator doesn't load the page fully. 

So do not worry about it and work properly at this forum to get good profit.

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I have not encountered this problem before, you must be the only one facing it, you must check the browser you are using, and reload the page several times until it appears, and if this problem persists, you can contact the support team to help you solve it.

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I think that this is due to a technical defect on the site that may happen sometimes, and it is a normal thing that can happen at any time, but the matter is quickly corrected and the defect is fixed and the tape returns so do not worry

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Hello dear friend, the problem should be solved. We are suffering from it. Yes, we have a little patience. Yes, be patient. Thank you, my friend, for your good question. Good luck.

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The problem could be with your browser
Try wiping the cache, wiping data from the browser, and logging back into the forum.

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Frankly, I had the same problem and I did not understand the reason. I tried to search for one of my friends by name and did not find him, but in my opinion there is a better solution. Follow the person whose profile you like to visit and you will find him among the people you follow on your profile. I hope you have benefited from my participation.

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Well, in fact, sir, on my day since I started my participation in the forum, this problem did not happen to me..I think that your problem lies in updating the content of the forum or that there is a general problem with the network that you use on the Internet .. and there may also be a problem with the phone processor All of them lead to bad display in your browser .. I wish you and everyone good luck

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I don't even remember that I hope you all are doing great work on this platform first good things that camera for the search bar has never disappear so I think we all are used we can easily find or things in search bar

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friend i not see this type of problem yet but i think search bar is very important for us to find any members or the useful topic i not face this kind of problem yet that you discuss in your post it help me to get solution of this type of problem i think may be it not appear due to network issue or some technical problem of forum.

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